(A)   For the purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:
   COVERED ENTITY. All Louisville Metro Government departments, agencies, and offices.
   LIMITED OR NO-ENGLISH PROFICIENCY (LEP). Any person with the inability to adequately understand or express oneself in the spoken or written English Language.
   VITAL DOCUMENTS. Those applications, notices, complaint forms, legal contracts, and outreach materials published by any covered entity in a tangible format and which inform individuals about their rights or eligibility requirements for benefits and participation.
   (B)   All covered entities shall take reasonable steps to ensure meaningful access to their programs and activities for LEP individuals in accordance with applicable federal guidelines. This shall include providing written translations of vital documents and verbal translation services where each covered entity determines that these services are necessary to provide meaningful access to its programs and services.
   (C)   All covered entities shall create a Language Access Plan to meet the needs described in subsection (B). The Language Access Plan shall set forth, at a minimum, the following:
      (1)   The types of oral language services to be provided and how the determination was reached;
      (2)   The titles of translated documents that the entity will provide and how the determination was reached;
      (3)   The number of direct public contact positions in the covered entity and the number of bilingual employees in direct public contact positions;
      (4)   Any training needs in order to implement the Language Access Plan and the steps necessary to achieve those needs;
      (5)   How the covered entity intends to notify the public of the types of language services it provides and the availability of these services; and
      (6)   A description of the funding and budgetary sources upon which the department, service, or program intends to rely to implement its Language Access Plan.
   (D)   Within one year of the time this section becomes law, each covered entity shall create a Language Access Plan and commence implementation of its Language Access Plan. Thereafter, each covered entity shall review its Language Access Plan annually and provide a report describing the review process as well as any changes in the plan.
   (E)   Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, if a covered entity determines that meeting the foregoing requirements, in whole or in part, is not possible due to fiscal limitations or costs, the covered entity shall identify a phased approach to meet such requirements. The entity shall coordinate with the Office of Management and Budget in developing a budget plan for the phased approach. The phased approach shall be provided to the agency, department, or office within Metro Government designated by the Mayor under subsection (F), and that agency, department, or office shall work with the covered entity to implement its Language Access Plan in accordance with that phased approach.
   (F)   The Mayor shall designate an agency, department or office within Metro Government to:
      (1)   Maintain copies of all Language Access Plans and reports required under this section;
      (2)   To review each Language Access Plan for compliance with this section and Title VI of the Civil Rights Restoration Act; and
      (3)   To the extent possible, coordinate Language Access Plans throughout Metro Government in order to identify and reduce waste or duplicative services.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 74-2022, approved 6-22-2022)