§ 32.191 MEMBERSHIP.
   (A)   The Commission shall consist of 13 members. Members shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Louisville Metro Council. The 13 appointed members shall include the following: two members from Louisville Metro Council; four members from organizations or individuals representing people with disabilities; one member representing the business community; one member representing a regional college or university; one member representing rehabilitation professionals; two members from employment and/or education advocacy organizations; and two members from the community at large. An ADA coordinator for Louisville Metro Government or designee, the Director of Metro Parks or designee, the Director of Public Works or designee and the Director of Develop Louisville or designee shall serve as ex-officio members.
   (B)   The appointment term of each Commission member shall be four years, except for initial appointment terms. Initial appointment terms shall be staggered as follows: two members appointed to one year terms; two members appointed to two year terms; and one member appointed to a three year term.
   (C)   Members shall serve without compensation.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 93-2019, approved 8-2-2019)