(A)   There is hereby established the Cabinet for Public Works and Services.
   (B)   (1)   The existing functions, personnel, funds, including capital funds and agencies receipts, equipment, facilities and records of the following departments, agencies, and divisions of the former City of Louisville and Jefferson County governments, unless otherwise specified herein, are to be continued under the Cabinet for Public Works and Services:
   City of Louisville Solid Waste Management and Services
   City of Louisville Public Works Department
   Jefferson County Department of Works and Facilities except Riverside, Farnsley Memorial Landing, Locust Grove, and Historic Preservation and Archives
   Jefferson County Department of Code Enforcement Division
   City of Louisville Inspections, Permits and Licensing
   Jefferson County Public Protection Division
   Jefferson County Animal Control and Protection
   Memorial Auditorium
   Jefferson County Environmental Management Services
      (2)   In addition to the above, the following boards, agencies and commissions shall be included for administrative purposes within the Cabinet for Public Works and Services:
   Jefferson County Waste Management District Board
   Administrative Hearing and Control Boards currently in place including the City
   Administrative Hearing Board, Joint Appeals Board for Kentucky Building Code, City Plumbing Control Board, Electrical Control Board and HVAC Control Boards
   City's Taxicab Advisory Committee
   Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD)
   Hazardous Materials Appeals and Overseer Board
   County Hazardous Waste Siting Local Assessment Committee
   Jefferson County Sewer Construction Commission
   Louisville Water Company.
   Louisville Gardens Committee
   Memorial Auditorium Commission
   Medical Center Commission
   (C)   The duties, responsibilities and authorities granted to the above designated departments and enumerated in applicable provisions of the Kentucky Revised Statutes, ordinances and resolutions in place pursuant to KRS 67C.115(1), regulations, policies and procedures adopted by any of the above shall be deemed continued under the respective entities within the Cabinet for Public Works and Services unless otherwise provided herein.
   (D)   Except as otherwise provided by law, the Secretary of the Public Works and Services is authorized to set a schedule of fees relating to the issuance of permits and licenses granting temporary use of the public rights-of-way. The fees shall reasonably relate to the recovery of administrative expenses incurred in the granting of the permit authorizing the use of the public rights-of-way. Bonds may be required to be posted in amounts sufficient to restore the right-of-way in cases of default.
   (E)   The Secretary shall have control, unless otherwise provided by law, of all matters pertaining to the operation and maintenance of Metro Government streets and through lanes, including, but not limited to, the following responsibilities:
      (1)   To mark with proper signs and signals such major and through streets as have been or may hereafter be so designate.
      (2)   To erect and maintain suitable signs for the designation of one-way streets.
      (3)   To impose such traffic regulations as may be deemed necessary for temporary periods.
      (4)   To clean vacant lots which have been declared a nuisance.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 11-2003, approved 2-13-2003)