Ord. No.
Ord. No.
Jeff. 11-1978
Authorizing the issuance of one million dollars principal amount of industrial building revenue bonds to finance the costs of acquisition of a project to be leased to Rohm and Haas Kentucky Incorporated, a Kentucky corporation, said series of bonds to be designated “County of Jefferson Industrial Building Revenue Bonds, Series 1978 (Rohm and Haas Project).”
Jeff. 12-1978
Authorizing the execution of a memorandum of agreement by and between the county and Altamil Corporation relating to the acquisition and construction of industrial building facilities in the county for lease to the aforesaid corporation; undertaking the issuance of Industrial Building Revenue Bonds, in a principal amount not to exceed $1,000,000, upon finalization and approval by Fiscal Court of a lease agreement, to pay the costs of acquiring and constructing said facilities.
Jeff. 1-1979
Authorizing the execution on behalf of the County of an amendment agreement, amended indenture of trust, and an amended loan agreement in order to effect changes sought by American Synthetic Rubber Corporation in connection with the original indenture of trust and original loan agreement executed by the County in connection with the authorization, sale and issuance of $2,500,000 of County of Jefferson (Kentucky) Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, (American Synthetic Rubber Corporation Project) 1977 series.
Jeff. 7-1979
Authorizing the issuance and sale of school building revenue bonds for the purpose of constructing and reconstructing a school building and appurtenances on a site in the Jefferson County School District being conveyed to the county; providing for a public sale of said bonds and for other related actions (Iroquois High School addition).
Jeff. 12-1979
Authorizing the issuance of school building revenue bonds for the purpose of renovation and/or reconstruction of certain school buildings in Jefferson County; ($1,440,000 of County of Jefferson School Building Revenue Bonds, Series of June 1, 1979, dated June 1, 1979).
Jeff. 16-1979
Authorizing the issuance of $500,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, series 1979 (Altamil Project).
Jeff. 22-1979
Authorizing the issuance of $60,000,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson, Kentucky, pollution control revenue bonds, 1979 series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company Project).
Jeff. 27-1979
Authorizing and approving documents relative to $220,000 County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bond (Jaggers Equipment Company, Inc. Project) dated October 1, 1979.
Jeff. 28-1979
Bond Ordinance authorizing and approving documents relating to $1,000,000 County of Jefferson industrial revenue bonds (Ennis Business Forms Project) dated November 1, 1979.
Jeff. 14-1980
The issuance of Jefferson County, Kentucky, Capital Projects Corporation first mortgage bonds, 1980 series A in the principal amount of $17,645,000.
Jeff. 15-1980
Authorizing and approving documents relating to $250,000 County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds (Industrial Belting and Supply of Kentucky, Inc.) dated June 1, 1980.
Jeff. 24-1980
Authorizing the issuance of $600,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, series 1980 (K & R Corporation project).”
Jeff. 26-1980
Relating to and providing for the issuance of $2,470,000 of special obligation bonds (school building revenue bonds) in accordance with KRS 162.120 through 162.300, to provide funds for school building purposes.
Jeff. 30-1980
Authorizing the issuance of $600,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, series 1980 (Fastener Realty Land Company project).
Jeff. 31-1980
Authorizing the issuance of $1,950,000 pollution control revenue bonds of the County of Jefferson in order to assist the B.F. Goodrich Company in the financing of costs of “pollution control facilities.”
Jeff. 29-1998
Authorizing and acknowledging the execution and delivery of (1) a first amendment to loan agreement between the County of Jefferson, and Meyers & Corbett Realty Company; (2) a first supplement to indenture between the County of Jefferson and First National Bank of Louisville, N/K/A National City Bank of Kentucky; and (3) any and all related documents necessary to the foregoing.
Jeff. 33-1980
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of the County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bond (A. Arnold & Son Transfer & Storage Company Project), dated the date of delivery, in the principal amount of $600,000, for that purpose which bond will be payable solely and only from revenues and proceeds of the project.
Jeff. 34-1980
Providing for the issuance of its 1980 industrial building revenue bond (Philip Morris Incorporated) in the principal amount of $1,000,000.
Jeff. 1-1981
Authorizing the issuance of $250,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds, series 1980 (Cincinnati Electric Equipment Co., Inc. Project).”
Jeff. 2-1981
Authorizing the issuance of $1,300,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds, series 1980 (ACME Paper Stock Company project).”
Jeff. 3-1981
Authorizing the issuance of $500,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, series 1981 (D-J, Inc., project).”
Jeff. 4-1981
Authorizing the issuance of $9,000,000 aggregate principal amount of County of Jefferson, Kentucky, hospital improvement revenue bonds of 1981 (Jewish Hospital).
Jeff. 11-1981
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of the County of Jefferson health care facility revenue bonds (Eduplay, Inc. project), in the principal amount of $2,500,000.
Jeff. 12-1981
Authorizing the issuance of $3,000,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, Series 1981 (Drum Engineering, Inc., project).”
Jeff. 13-1981
Authorizing the issuance of its industrial building revenue bonds, series of 1981 (Gibbs-Inman Company, Inc. project), in the principal amount of $2,200,000.
Jeff. 15-1981
Authorizing the issuance of $800,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, series 1981) (Brodie Kentucky Associates project).”
Jeff. 23-1981
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of the County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bond (Jaggers Equipment Company, Inc., project), in the principal amount of $100,000.
Jeff. 24-1981
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of the County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bond (Stauble Machine & Tool Co., Inc. project), in the principal amount of $175,000.]
Jeff. 25-1981
Authorizing the issuance of its industrial development first mortgage revenue bonds, series 1981 (Southwest Jefferson Skateland, Inc. project), in the principal amount of $550,000.
Jeff. 26-1981
Authorizing the issuance of economic development revenue bonds, series of 1981 (Byck Bros. & Co. project), in the principal amount of $2,100,000.
Jeff. 27-1981
Authorizing the issuance of industrial building revenue bonds, series of 1981 (Crane Distributing Co., Inc. project), in the principal amount of $1,300,000.
Jeff. 29-1981
Authorizing the issuance of industrial building revenue bonds, series of 1981 (Vulcan Land Company project).
Jeff. 30-1981
Authorizing the issuance of industrial building revenue bonds, series 1981 (Thoroughbred Plastics Corporation project), in the principal amount of $1,400,000.
Jeff. 31-1981
Authorizing the issuance of $200,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, second series 1981 (D-J, Inc., project).
Jeff. 32-1981
Authorizing the issuance of $350,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, series 1981 (Kentucky Threaded Products, Inc. project).”
Jeff. 33-1981
Authorizing the issuance of industrial building revenue bonds, series 1981 (Michelin Tire Corporation project), in the aggregate principal amount of $6,500,000.
Jeff. 34-1981
Authorizing the issuance of $37,000,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson, Kentucky pollution control revenue bonds, 1981 series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company project), dated June 1, 1981.”
Jeff. 35-1981
Relating to the authorization, sale, and issuance of the County of Jefferson southwest economic development special obligation bond, for the purposes of providing funds to acquire real property and related activities to develop said real property for the purposes of promoting the economic development of the county and the developing of parks and nature preserves.
Jeff. 38-1981
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of the County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds (Bunton Company project), in the principal amount of $1,400,000.
Jeff. 41-1981
Relating to the authorization of the issuance of $800,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds, series 1981, (Pinehurst Properties project).”
Jeff. 43-1981
Authorizing the issuance of $700,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, series 1981 (Poly- Cycle, Inc., project).”
Jeff. 44-1981
Authorizing the issuance of the County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds (Vulcan Tool Corporation project), in the principal amount of $600,000.
Jeff. 45-1981
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of the County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bond (Actors Theatre of Louisville, Inc. project), dated the date of delivery, in the principal amount of $3,000,000.
Jeff. 1-1982
Relating to the authorization and issuance of “County of Jefferson Medical Center complex revenue bonds, series of 1982”, for the purpose of constructing an addition to the existing steam and chilled water plant and providing for the issuance and sale of notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds.
Jeff. 2-1982
Authorizing the issuance of $500,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, series 1982 (The Fishel Company project).”
Jeff. 3-1982
Authorizing the issuance of an industrial building revenue bond in the principal amount of one million dollars to finance the costs of acquisition and installation of certain industrial building facilities by means of a loan to Boone Box Company, Inc., an Indiana corporation, said bond to be designated “County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bond, series 1982 (Boone Box Company, Inc., project).”
Jeff. 6-1982
Authorizing the issuance of one million dollars principal amount of industrial building revenue bonds designated “Jefferson County, Kentucky industrial building revenue bonds, 1980 series B (Stauffer Chemical Company project).”
Jeff. 8-1982
Authorizing the issuance of “County of Jefferson, Kentucky, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, 1982 series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company project).”
Jeff. 15-1982
Authorizing the issuance of the County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bond (Air Systems, Inc. project), in the amount of $1,000,000.
Jeff. 16-1982
Authorizing the issuance of the County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bond (reg industries project) in the amount of $300,000.
Jeff. 17-1982
Authorizing the issuance of $1,500,000 principal amount of pollution control industrial development revenue bonds to be designated “Jefferson County, Kentucky pollution control industrial development revenue bonds, 1980 series A (Stauffer Chemical Company project).”
Jeff. 18-1982
Authorizing the issuance of the County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bond (Meisner Roller Company product), in the amount of $165,000.
Jeff. 22-1982
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of the County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bond (Gregory, Pollitt and Associates No. 2 project), dated in the principal amount of $989,000.
Jeff. 23-1982
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of the County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bond (84 Lumber Company project), in the principal amount of $550,000.
Jeff. 24-1982
Authorizing the issuance of $850,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, series 1982 (Middleton & Reutlinger, P.S.C. project).”
Jeff. 25-1982
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of the County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bond (Westland Partnership project), in the principal amount of $1,000,000.
Jeff. 26-1982
Authorizing the issuance of $9,500,000 floating rate monthly demand pollution control revenue bonds (E. I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company project) 1982 series A.
Jeff. 27-1982
Authorizing and providing for the issuance and sale of industrial development control revenue bonds (Purolator, Inc. Project) series A in the aggregate principal amount of $2,100,000.
Jeff. 28-1982
Authorizing the issuance of $1,000,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, series 1982 (635 W. Main St. project).”
Jeff. 31-1982
Authorizing the issuance of the County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bond (Frankfort Properties project).
Jeff. 33-1982
Relating to the issuance of its 1982 pollution control revenue bond (Philip Morris Incorporated project) in the principal amount of $1,300,000.
Jeff. 34-1982
Authorizing the issuance of an industrial building revenue bond in the principal amount of $3,000,000 to be designated “County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bond, series 1982 (Dawn/Besco, Inc. project).”
Jeff. 35-1982
Authorizing the issuance of the County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, (Beverly Enterprises project) 1982 series A in the amount of $4,200,000.
Jeff. 36-1982
Authorizing the issuance of the County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, (Beverly Enterprises project) 1982 series B in the amount of $3,350,000.
Jeff. 37-1982
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of the County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds (Gateway Press Inc. project) in the principal amount of $2,500,000.
Jeff. 38-1982
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of the Jefferson County, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bond (motor convoy project) in the principal amount of $750,000.
Jeff. 39-1982
Authorizing the issuance of its industrial building revenue bonds, series of 1982 (Thompson Bros. — OR-TC-WF project), in the principal amount of $500,000.
Jeff. 40-1982
Authorizing the County of Jefferson to issue $1,402,000 mortgage revenue notes, series 1982, (Berrytown Apartments Project) and approving and authorizing other actions in respect thereto.
Jeff. 41-1982
Authorizing the issuance of $260,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, series 1982 (Frame House Gallery, Inc. project).”
Jeff. 42-1982
Authorizing the issuance of the County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bond (Stauble Machine & Tool Co., Inc. project), series 1982.
Jeff. 43-1982
Authorizing the issuance of $750,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, series 1982 (Alva R. Sullivan project).”
Jeff. 44-1982
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of County of Jefferson first mortgage residential care facilities revenue bonds (Treyton Oak Towers Economic Development project), series 1982, in the principal amount of $22,370,000.
Jeff. 45-1982
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of the Jefferson County, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bond (Louisville E.O.P., Inc. project) dated in the principal amount of $1,720,000.
Jeff. 48-1982
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bond (A.C. Krebs Company project) in the amount of $400,000.
Jeff. 54-1982
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bond (Bender, Inc. project) in the amount of $500,000.
Jeff. 55-1982
Relating to the issuance of County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bond (Al Campisano Distribution Company, Inc. project), in the principal amount of $850,000.
Jeff. 56-1982
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bond (Courier Journal Job Printing Company project) in the amount of $1,225,000.
Jeff. 57-1982
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson economic development revenue bond (the Wilson Partnership project), in the amount of $2,000,000.
Jeff. 58-1982
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bond (Ohio Ceramic Supply-Kentucky Division, Inc. project), in the amount of $180,000.
Jeff. 59-1982
Relating to the issuance of $750,000 County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, series, 1982, dated November 1, 1982 (Pine Tree Villa, Inc.).
Jeff. 60-1982
Authorizing the issuance of the County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, series of 1982, (American Synthetic Rubber Corporation project), in the principal amount of $1,000,000.
Jeff. 61-1982
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bond (Gregory-Pollitt and Associates No. 3, project), in the amount of $2,700,000.
Jeff. 2-1983
Relating to the authorization by the Fiscal Court of Jefferson County, Kentucky, of the issuance and sale of school building revenue bonds.
Jeff. 4-1983
Authorizing the County of Jefferson, Kentucky to issue its $2,500,000 multi-family housing revenue bonds, series 1983 (Arcadia Square Apartments project).
Jeff. 5-1983
Authorizing and providing for the sale and issuance of up to $42,960,000 principal amount of the county's home mortgage revenue bonds, series 1983, to finance the 1983 home mortgage program.
Jeff. 6-1983
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, first mortgage retirement facilities revenue bonds (Housing Now- Brookside, Inc. project), series 1983; in the aggregate principal amount of $22,650,000.
Jeff. 7-1983
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (Beverly Enterprises project), 1983 series A, in the amount of $5,100,000.
Jeff. 8-1983
Authorizing the issuance of economic development revenue bonds, series of 1983 (Bellarmine College project), in the aggregate principal amount of $4,500,000.
Jeff. 9-1983
Relating to the issuance of $700,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, series 1983 (One Professional Corner project.”
Jeff. 11-1983
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bond (Redwood Enterprises project), in the amount of $400,000.
Jeff. 12-1983
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bond (Technical Products, Inc. project) in the amount of $300,000.
Jeff. 13-1983
Authorizing the issuance of its industrial building revenue bonds, series of 1983 (M. Fine & Sons Manufacturing Co., Inc. project), in the aggregate principal amount of $700,000.
Jeff. 14-1983
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, economic development revenue bond (The Wilson Partnership project), in the amount of $1,800,000.
Jeff. 15-1983
Authorizing the issuance and sale of construction loan revenue bonds (Woodbridge Apartments of Louisville project—FHA insured advances) series 1983 in the face amount of $7,080,000 to finance the costs of construction of a multi-family housing facility.
Jeff. 16-1983
Authorizing the issuance of economic development revenue bonds, series of 1983 (Ben Snyder, Incorporated project), in the aggregate principal amount of $1,750,000.
Jeff. 17-1983
Authorizing the issuance and sale of $3,625,000 of County of Jefferson, Kentucky six-month demand adjustable rate industrial development revenue bonds (Thoroughbred Containers, Inc. project) for the purpose of making a loan to assist Thoroughbred Containers, Inc. in the financing of costs of an “industrial building” within the meaning of KRS 103.200 to 103.285, inclusive.
Jeff. 18-1983
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (Carrier Vibrating Equipment, Inc. project), series A and series B, in the aggregate principal amount of $3,000,000.
Jeff. 19-1983
Relating to the issuance of County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bond (Mover Packaging, Inc. project) in the principal amount of $900,000.
Jeff. 20-1983
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (R.A. Burke/Roth Distributing Co., Inc. project), series 1983, in the aggregate principal amount of $1,250,000.
Jeff. 25-1983
Relating to the issuance of $400,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson, Kentucky industrial building revenue bonds, series 1983 (Koch project).”
Jeff. 26-1983
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bond (James B. O'Neil, Sr. project), in the amount of $500,000.
Jeff. 28-1983
Relating to the issuance of County of Jefferson economic development revenue bonds (Breeland Development Corporation project) in the principal amount of $1,500,000.
Jeff. 29-1983
Authorizing the issuance of its industrial building revenue bonds, series of 1983 (Four Courts, Inc. project), in the aggregate principal amount of $1,500,000.
Jeff. 30-1983
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (Louisville E.O.P., Inc. project), in the amount of $1,500,000.
Jeff. 32-1983
Relating to the authorization and issuance of “County of Jefferson Medical Center complex revenue bonds, series of 1984,” for the purpose of retiring at maturity certain notes issued to interim finance the cost of construction of an addition to the existing steam and chilled water plant of the county in anticipation of the issuance of said bonds.
Jeff. 33-1983
Relating to the authorization of the issuance and sale of $2,750,000 of County of Jefferson, Kentucky, six-month demand adjustable rate industrial development revenue bonds (Cardinal Aluminum Co. project).
Jeff. 34-1983
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bond (Griffin project), in the amount of $1,000,000.
Jeff. 35-1983
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bond (Boland-Maloney Realty Co. project), in the amount of $1,000,000.
Jeff. 37-1983
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bond (Ransdell project), series 1983, in the amount of $650,000.
Jeff. 38-1983
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bond (First Venture Corporation project), in the principal amount of $220,000.
Jeff. 39-1983
Relating to the issuance of $1,000,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds, series 1983 (Louisville Bedding Company project).”
Jeff. 40-1983
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bond (Siegel project), in the amount of $400,000.
Jeff. 41-1983
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (William Edwin Lewis project), in the amount of $225,000.
Jeff. 42-1983
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (EPI Corporation project), series A and series B in the aggregate principal amount of $2,435,000.
Jeff. 43-1983
Authorizing the issuance of the County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, series of 1983 (Locust Partners, Ltd. project) in the principal amount of $825,000.
Jeff. 44-1983
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bond (Electron Drive Partnership project), in the amount of $450,000.
Jeff. 45-1983
Authorizing the issuance of the County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, series of 1983 (Chapel House, Inc. project), in the aggregate principal amount of $4,800,000.
Jeff. 46-1983
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (630 East Main Street project) in the amount of $375,000.
Jeff. 2-1984
Authorizing the issuance of “County of Jefferson, Kentucky, pollution control revenue bonds, 1984 series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company project).”
Jeff. 3-1984
Authorizing the issuance of its industrial building revenue bonds, series of 1984 (Snyder's, Inc. project), in the aggregate principal amount of $400,000.
Jeff. 6-1984
Amending Ordinance No. 35, series 1981 relating to the authorization, sale, and issuance of the County of Jefferson southwest economic development special obligation bond.
Jeff. 7-1984
Authorizing the issuance of $1,400,000 industrial building revenue bonds (The King's Daughters & Sons Home, Inc. project), of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky.
Jeff. 8-1984
Authorizing the issuance of industrial building revenue bonds, series of 1984 (JH Properties, Inc. project), in the aggregate principal amount of $6,500,000.
Jeff. 9-1984
Relating to the issuance of $1,500,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds, series 1984 (Gohmann Asphalt and Construction of Ky., Inc. project).”
Jeff. 10-1984
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bond (Redwood Enterprises project), series 1984, in the amount of $300,000.
Jeff. 11-1984
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of the County of Jefferson (Kentucky) economic development revenue bond (Grandview Education project) in the principal amount of $2,100,000.
Jeff. 12-1984
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bond (Jaggers Equipment Company project), series 1984, in the principal amount of $650,000.
Jeff. 13-1984
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (AGJ/Freshpack, Inc. project) in the principal amount of $800,000.
Jeff. 14-1984
Relating to the authorization by the Fiscal Court of Jefferson County, Kentucky, of the issuance and sale of school building revenue bonds for the purpose of financing the acquisition and renovation of real property and buildings to be conveyed to the county.
Jeff. 15-1984
Authorizing the issuance of an industrial building refunding revenue bond in the principal amount of $1,300,000 to provide funds to redeem a prior industrial building revenue bond, (ACME Paper Stock Company project).
Jeff. 16-1984
Authorizing the issuance of industrial building revenue bonds (Thoroughbred Plastics Corporation project), series 1984, in the principal amount of $1,775,000.
Jeff. 17-1984
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bond (J.J. Carter & Son project), in the amount of $700,000.
Jeff. 18-1984
Authorizing the issuance of $4,650,000 aggregate principal amount of “County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds (New Edgcomb Corp. project), series 1984.”
Jeff. 19-1984
Directing Jefferson County, Kentucky, Capital Projects Corporation, acting as the agency, instrumentality and constituted authority of the county, to undertake the advance refunding of certain outstanding series 1978 and 1980 series A bonds of the corporation through the issuance of the corporation's first mortgage bonds, series 1984.
Jeff. 21-1984
Relating to the issuance of $470,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, series 1984 (D-J, Inc. project).”
Jeff. 23-1984
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bond (Gary Russell project), in the amount of $250,000.
Jeff. 24-1984
Adopting a consolidated public project; directing the Jefferson County, Kentucky, capital projects corporation, acting as the agency and instrumentality of the county, to finance the acquisition and construction of said public project by the issuance of its first mortgage bonds.
Jeff. 26-1984
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bond (Metalcenter, Inc. project), in the amount of $950,000.
Jeff. 27-1984
Authorizing the issuance of its insured hospital revenue bonds, series A (NKC Hospitals, Inc. project), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $60,000,000.
Jeff. 29-1984
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bond (Louisville E.O.P., Inc. project) series 1984, in the amount of $1,500,000.
Jeff. 30-1984
Approving and authorizing an interlocal cooperation agreement among the counties of Jefferson, Oldham and Bullitt, Kentucky, providing for the joint issuance by said counties of home mortgage revenue bonds, series 1984, to facilitate the construction and purchase of new and existing housing within their respective boundaries; designating the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, as the duly authorized “issuer agent” to act on behalf of said counties in the issuance of said bonds and in the implementation of said program.
Jeff. 31-1984
The County of Jefferson, Kentucky, acting as the duly authorized agent and representative of the Counties of Jefferson, Oldham and Bullitt, Kentucky, pursuant to an interlocal cooperation agreement among said counties, relating to, authorizing and establishing said counties' 1984 home mortgage program in order to facilitate the construction and purchase of new and existing single family housing in said counties; authorizing and providing for the sale and issuance of $20,000,000 principal amount of said counties's home mortgage revenue bonds, series 1984, to finance the program.
Jeff. 32-1984
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (Wildwood Development Partnership project), series A and series B, in the aggregate principal amount of $1,250,000.
Jeff. 34-1984
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bond (Precision Tool project), in the amount of $550,000.
Jeff. 35-1984
Relating to the issuance of $2,100,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds, series 1984 (Steelvest, Inc. project).”
Jeff. 36-1984
Authorizing the issuance of $4,000,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson, industrial building revenue bonds, series 1984 (Servimedic Corp. project).”
Jeff. 37-1984
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (Belknap, Inc. project), in the amount of $7,500,000.
Jeff. 39-1984
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of the County of Jefferson (Kentucky) industrial building revenue bonds (Alliance Investments project), in the principal amount of $680,000.
Jeff. 40-1984
Authorizing the issuance of the County of Jefferson pollution control revenue bonds, series of 1984 (General Electric Company project), in the aggregate principal amount of $12,000,000.
Jeff. 41-1984
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bond (505 Realty Corporation project), in the amount of $250,000.
Jeff. 42-1984
Authorizing the issuance of the County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, series of 1984 (Sunset Properties project), in the aggregate principal amount of $1,750,000.
Jeff. 43-1984
Authorizing the issuance of $1,022,000 industrial building revenue bonds (Fincastle Associates project).
Jeff. 44-1984
Relating to the issuance of $950,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson, industrial building revenue bonds, series 1984 (Woodward Properties project).”
Jeff. 2-1985
Relating to the authorization of the issuance of the County of Jefferson (Kentucky) industrial building revenue bonds (Independent Container project) in the principal amount of $750,000.
Jeff. 3-1985
Relating to the authorization of the issuance of the County of Jefferson (Kentucky) industrial building revenue bonds (A. Arnold & Son project), dated the date of delivery, in the principal amount of $500,000.
Jeff. 4-1985
Authorizing the issuance of the County of Jefferson Nursing Home Revenue bonds, series of 1985 (Filson Care Home project), in the aggregate principal amount of $3,145,000.
Jeff. 5-1985
Authorizing the issuance of industrial building revenue bonds, series of 1985 (FKBC Investors project), in the aggregate principal amount of $900,000.
Jeff. 9-1985
Relating to the issuance of County of Jefferson, Kentucky, multi- family housing revenue bonds (Arbor Place project) in the principal amount of $1,100,000.
Jeff. 10-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (Boland-Maloney Lumber Company, Inc. project), in the amount of $650,000.
Jeff. 13-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky economic development revenue bonds (Breeland Development Corporation project) second increment in the principal amount of $500,000.
Jeff. 14-1985
Authorizing the issuance of $2,500,000 industrial building revenue bonds (Schottenstein Stores Corporation project), of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky.
Jeff. 15-1985
Relating to the authorization of the issuance of the County of Jefferson (Kentucky) industrial building revenue bonds (Bellhow project), dated the date of delivery, in the principal amount of $425,000.
Jeff. 17-1985
Authorizing the issuance of “County of Jefferson, Kentucky, pollution control revenue bonds, 1985 series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company project),” dated July 1, 1985.
Jeff. 18-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bond (The Carter-Lawrence Company project), series 1985, in the amount of $200,000.
Jeff. 19-1985
Authorizing the issuance of the County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds (Thoroughbred Plastics Corporation project) series 1985, in the principal amount of $3,000,000.
Jeff. 20-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (Courier Carton, Inc. project), series 1985A, in the amount of $600,000.
Jeff. 21-1985
Authorizing the issuance of Economic Development revenue Bonds (Circuit City Stores, Inc. project), in the aggregate principal amount of $2,500,000.
Jeff. 22-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (Gateway Press, Inc. project), in the principal amount of $1,500,000.
Jeff. 23-1985
Relating to the issuance of $1,000,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds, series 1985 (M & S Holdings Company, Incorporated, project).”
Jeff. 24-1985
An ordinance relating to the issuance of $800,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds, series 1985 (713 West Main Street Partnership project).”
Jeff. 26-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (Algood Food Company project), in the amount of $1,000,000.
Jeff. 27-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (Golden Brands, Inc. project), series A and B, 1985, in the aggregate principal amount of $800,000.
Jeff. 28-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (Louisville E.O.P., Inc. project), series A and B, 1985, in the aggregate principal amount of $2,000,000.
Jeff. 29-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (Zoeller Company project), in the amount of $300,000.
Jeff. 30-1985
Relating to the amendment of certain provisions of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bond (Belknap, Inc. project), in the principal amount of $7,500,000 and the execution of various documents in connection therewith.
Jeff. 31-1985
Accepting the successful bids for the purchase of certain bonds entitled Kentucky multi-county residential mortgage revenue bonds, series 1985, and determining that such bonds shall be accepted for a price of $51,376,000.
Jeff. 33-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (Louisville Tank Wash, Inc. project), in the amount of $500,000.
Jeff. 35-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (Quality Containers, Inc. project), in the amount of $425,000.
Jeff. 36-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (Joe D. Cross and Jane C. Cross project), in the amount of $950,000.
Jeff. 37-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (Metts Company, Inc. project), series 1985, in the amount of $600,000.
Jeff. 38-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (Meyers & Corbett Realty Company), in the amount of $3,600,000.
Jeff. 39-1985
Relating to the issuance of $775,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, series 1985 (Frank L. Jones, Jr. project).”
Jeff. 40-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (Little People's Workshop, Ltd. project), series 1985, in the principal amount of $300,000.
Jeff. 41-1985
Relating to the issuance of $700,000 County of Jefferson, industrial building revenue bonds, series 1985 dated November 1, 1985 (Pinehurst Properties project).
Jeff. 42-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (Hunter Glass Corp. project), series 1985, in the principal amount of $1,800,000.
Jeff. 43-1985
Authorizing the issuance of industrial building revenue bonds (H.J. Scheirich Co. project) series 1985, in the principal amount of $8,500,000.
Jeff. 44-1985
Relating to the issuance and sale by the Fiscal Court of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky of its variable rate multi-family rental housing revenue bonds (Deerfield Apartments project), series 1985, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $18,000,000.
Jeff. 45-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (Interpolymer Corporation project), series 1985, in the principal amount of $2,000,000.
Jeff. 46-1985
Authorizing the issuance of industrial building revenue bonds (Louisville hand surgery project), series 1985, in the principal amount of $2,000,000.
Jeff. 47-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, health revenue refunding bonds (Beverly Enterprises project), series 1985, in the amount of $5,100,000.
Jeff. 48-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, health facilities revenue refunding bonds (Beverly Enterprises project), series 1985-A, in the amount of $3,895,000.
Jeff. 49-1985
Relating to the issuance of $750,000 County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, series 1985 dated December 1, 1985 (Riverport Commerce Center Partnership project).
Jeff. 52-1985
Directing Jefferson County, Kentucky, Capital projects Corporation, acting as the agency, instrumentality and constituted authority of the county, to undertake the advance refunding of certain outstanding 1977 series A and series 1984 bonds of the corporation and the financing of certain current public projects through the issuance of the corporation's first mortgage bonds, series 1985.
Jeff. 53-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, health facilities revenue bonds (Beverly Enterprises project), series 1985-B, in the amount of $3,100,000.
Jeff. 54-1985
Relating to the issuance and sale by the Fiscal Court of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky of its multi-family rental housing revenue bonds (Woodview Associates project) series 1985, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $1,635,000.
Jeff. 55-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, multi-family housing revenue bonds (Louisville Whipps Mill Associates, Ltd. project) in the amount of $9,000,000.
Jeff. 56-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (J. Richard Nalley, Sr. project), in the amount of $350,000.
Jeff. 57-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (O'Neal Steel, Inc. project), in the amount of $2,965,000.
Jeff. 58-1985
Relating to the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (First Trust restoration partners project), series 1985, in the principal amount of $8,360,000.
Jeff. 59-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (Derby Packaging, Inc. project), series 1985, in the principal amount of $575,000.
Jeff. 60-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (Classic Security Door Systems, Ins. project), series 1985, in the principal amount of $625,000.
Jeff. 61-1985
Supplementing Ordinance No. 17, series 1983, and authorizing the execution and delivery of documents changing the interest rate provisions of the county's $3,625,000 (original principal amount) six-month demand adjustable rate industrial development revenue bonds (Thoroughbred Containers, Inc. project).
Jeff. 62-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, multi-family housing revenue bonds (Louisville Taylorsville Road Associates, Ltd. phase I project), in the amount of $8,320,000.
Jeff. 63-1985
Relating to the issuance of $550,000 County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, series 1985 dated December 1, 1985 (Flynn Brothers Paving, Inc. project).
Jeff. 64-1985
Relating to the issuance of up to $7,000,000 aggregate principal amount of multi-family mortgage revenue bonds, series 1985 (FHA insured mortgage loan — Brownsboro Gardens project).
Jeff. 65-1985
Relating to the issuance of an $8,976,000 multi-family mortgage revenue note to Woodbridge Apartments of Louisville II, to finance the acquisition and construction of a multi-family residential rental apartment project within the county.
Jeff. 66-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, multi-family housing revenue bonds (Breckinridge Orchard Partnership project), in the amount of $3,400,000.
Jeff. 67-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, Multi-Family Housing Revenue Bonds (Somerset place I project), in the amount of $9,350,000.
Jeff. 68-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, multi-family housing revenue bonds (Somerset place II project), in the amount of $9,500,000.
Jeff. 69-1985
Relating to the issuance of $800,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building refunding revenue bonds, series 1985 (713 West Main Street partnership project).”
Jeff. 70-1985
Relating to the amendment and supplementation for certain provisions of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bond (Metal-Center, Inc. project), in the principal amount of $950,000.
Jeff. 71-1985
Relating to the issuance of $12,000,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson, Kentucky, multi-family housing revenue bonds, series 1985 (Ray Site project).”
Jeff. 72-1985
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (Huber's Inc. project), in the principal amount of $1,000,000.
Jeff. 74-1985
Authorizing the issuance of $3,000,000 aggregate principal amount of Insured industrial building revenue bonds (in De Bonds — TM) (Kentuckiana Outpatient Institute project), for the purpose of financing part of the cost of acquisition and renovation of an industrial building for Kentuckiana Outpatient Institute.
Jeff. 75-1985
Authorizing the issuance of Economic Development Revenue Bonds, series of 1985 (Nichol & Florman Office Partnership project), in the aggregate principal amount of $350,000.
Jeff. 76-1985
Authorizing the issuance of Economic Development Revenue Bonds, series 1985 (C & S Venture project), in the aggregate principal amount of $400,000.
Jeff. 77-1985
Authorizing the issuance of economic development revenue bonds, series of 1985 (WLFF&M Venture project) in the aggregate amount of $600,000.
Jeff. 78-1985
Authorizing the issuance of industrial building revenue bonds, series of 1985 (Hampton Inn Louisville project), in the aggregate principal amount of $3,600,000.
Jeff. 2-1986
Relating to the amendment and supplementation of certain provisions of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bond (Gregory-Pollitt and Associates No. 3 project), in the principal amount of $2,700,000.
Jeff. 13-1986
Authorizing the issuance of nursing home revenue bonds, series of 1986 (Meadowbrook Manor project), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $3,500,000.
Jeff. 14-1986
Authorizing the issuance of industrial building revenue bonds, series of 1986 (Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Inc. project), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $4,600,000.
Jeff. 15-1986
Relating to the issuance of up to $6,600,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds, series 1986 (Main Street Historic Partners, Ltd. project).”
Jeff. 16-1986
Authorizing the issuance of $2,500,000 aggregate principal amount of industrial building revenue bonds (Haskins-Herrington project) for the purpose of financing part of the cost of an industrial building for Haskins-Herrington Corporation providing for the pledge and assignment of revenue for the payment of the bonds.
Jeff. 17-1986
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bond (Electron Drive partnership project), in the amount of $500,000.
Jeff. 19-1986
Relating to the issuance of $1,000,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds, series 1986 (Albert P. Weisbach project).”
Jeff. 20-1986
Authorizing a first supplement to indenture; and a first amendment to loan agreement in connection with its prior authorization of the issuance of $3,000,000 aggregate principal amount of insured industrial development bonds (InDeBonds-TM) (Kentuckiana
Outpatient Institute project), for the purpose of financing part of the cost of acquisition and renovation of an industrial building for Kentuckiana Outpatient Institute.
Jeff. 25-1986
Authorizing and directing the Louisville and Jefferson County riverport authority to issue its mortgage revenue bonds, series of 1986, in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $15,000,000.
Jeff. 26-1986
Authorizing the execution and delivery on behalf of the county of a supplemental indenture amending the trust indenture pursuant to which were issued the county's nursing home revenue bonds, series of 1985 (Filson Care Home project).
Jeff. 27-1986
Relating to the authorization of the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (Chas. Heitzman Bakeries project) series A and B, dated the date of delivery, in the aggregate principal amount of $790,000, for the purpose of financing an industrial building project for use and occupancy by Chas. Heitzman Bakeries, Inc., and Osting Realty Company.
Jeff. 28-1986
Relating to the issuance of up to $6,910,000 aggregate principal amount of multi-family housing revenue bonds (FHA insured mortgage loan — Brownsboro Gardens project), to be issued in two series, of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, for the purpose of financing part of the cost of the acquisition, construction, equipping and installation of a “project” for Bunker Hill Associates, II, a Kentucky limited partnership.
Jeff. 29-1986
Authorizing the issuance of “County of Jefferson, Kentucky, pollution control revenue bonds, 1986, series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company project),” dated December 1, 1986 in the amount of $22,500,000.
Jeff. 34-1986
Authorizing the issuance of the county's industrial building refunding revenue bonds (Hampton Inn Louisville project) series 1986, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $3,750,000.
Jeff. 35-1986
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (Chemical Resources, Inc. project), in the amount of $450,000.
Jeff. 36-1986
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, economic development revenue bonds (Signature XIV Ltd. project), in an amount not to exceed $3,100,000.
Jeff. 1-1987
Authorizing the issuance of industrial building revenue refunding bonds (Thoroughbred Plastics Corporation project), 1987 series, in the principal amount of $3,175,000.
Jeff. 2-1987
Authorizing and directing the Jefferson County, Kentucky, capital projects corporation to issue its revenue bonds, in one or more series and from time to time, in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $55,000,000, for the purpose of financing certain projects including the refinancing of all or a portion of the outstanding obligations of the corporation, the acquisition and construction of a public parking garage, the acquisition and construction of road and park facility improvements and similar capital projects.
Jeff. 7-1987
Authorizing the issuance of its health facilities revenue bonds, series A through E (JH Systems, Inc.), in an amount not to exceed $31,000,000.
Jeff. 8-1987
Relating to the authorization and issuance of County of Jefferson, Kentucky medical center complex refunding revenue bonds, series 1987 dated April 1, 1987, in the amount of $5,305,000 (plus or minus up to 10).
Jeff. 14-1987
Authorizing the issuance of its insured hospital revenue refunding bonds, series A (NKC Hospitals, Inc. project), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $100,000,000.
Jeff. 21-1987
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of the multi-family housing revenue refunding bonds (Somerset Place I project) in the principal amount of $8,000,000.
Jeff. 22-1987
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of the multi-family housing revenue refunding bonds (Somerset Place II project), in the principal amount of $7,680,000.
Jeff. 26-1987
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue refunding bonds (Meyers & Corbett Realty Company project) in the amount up to $3,600,000.
Jeff. 31-1987
Relating to the issuance of the industrial building revenue bonds (O'Neal Steel, Inc. project), dated December, 1985, in the principal amount of up to $2,965,000.
Jeff. 32-1987
Relating to the issuance of up to $12,000,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson, Kentucky, multi-family housing revenue refunding bonds, series 1987 (Ray Site).”
Jeff. 1-1988
Authorizing the issuance and sale of $1,975,000 of County of Jefferson, Kentucky industrial development variable rate demand refunding revenue bonds (Schottenstein Stores Corporation project).
Jeff. 2-1988
Approving and ordering the authorization and issuance by the Jefferson County Community Economic Development Corporation of $4,500,000 principal amount of bond anticipation notes, series 1987.
Jeff. 5-1988
Authorizing the issuance of the county's solid waste disposal facility revenue bonds (Medical Energy Generation Associates of Kentucky, Inc. project) 1988 series A, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $2,300,000.
Jeff. 17-1988
Relating to the authorization and direction of the Jefferson County, Kentucky, Capital Projects Corporation to issue its revenue bonds, in one or more series and from time to time, in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $25,000,000.
Jeff. 19-1988
Relating to the issuance of $500,000 County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, series 1988 dated September 1, 1988 (Pinehurst Properties project).
Jeff. 20-1988
Relating to the issuance of County of Jefferson (Kentucky) first mortgage residential care facilities revenue bonds (Treyton Oak Towers economic development project) series 1988.
Jeff. 21-1988
Authorizing the issuance of its industrial building revenue bonds, series of 1988 (Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Inc. project), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $2,200,000.
Jeff. 28-1988
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, variable rate industrial building revenue bonds (Universal Woods, Incorporated), 1988 series, in the amount of $2,300,000.
Jeff. 2-1989
Authorizing and directing the Louisville and Jefferson County riverport authority to issue its mortgage revenue bonds in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $5,000,000.
Jeff. 3-1989
Authorizing the issuance by the City of Louisville, Kentucky (the “city”) of revenue bonds, in one or more series from time to time, in an original aggregate principal amount not to exceed $50,000,000.
Jeff. 4-1989
Authorizing the issuance of “County of Jefferson, Kentucky, pollution control revenue bonds, 1989 series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company project).”
Jeff. 6-1989
Approving the bond-authorizing resolution adopted by the Board of Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District authorizing the issuance by said district of sewer revenue bonds, series 1989, and providing for the immediate advertised, public, competitive sale of not to exceed $50,000,000 principal amount of said bonds.
Jeff. 7-1989
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky variable rate demand industrial building revenue bonds, series 1989 (Gateway Press, Incorporated project), in the principal amount of $4,500,000.
Jeff. 8-1989
Relating to the issuance of County of Jefferson, Kentucky variable rate demand industrial building revenue bonds, series 1989 (Hamilton Printing Inc. project) in the principal amount of $1,600,000.
Jeff. 9-1989
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (Trident Manufacturing, Inc. project), in the amount of $1,700,000.
Jeff. 10-1989
Expressing the intent to adopt amendments to bond documents in connection with the remarketing of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky $5,000,000 health facilities revenue refunding bonds (Beverly Enterprises-Kentucky, Inc. project) series 1985.
Jeff. 12-1989
Authorizing and directing the Jefferson County, Kentucky, Capital Projects Corporation to issue its revenue bonds, in one or more series and from time to time, including the 1989A bonds and the 1989B bonds.
Jeff. 14-1989
Relating to the issuance of $900,000 County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, series 1989 dated June 1, 1989 (Pinehurst Properties project).
Jeff. 16-1989
Relating to the adoption of amendments to bond documents in connection with the remarketing of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky $3,000,000 health facilities revenue refunding bonds (Beverly Enterprises project) series 1985B and the establishment of a fixed interest rate pursuant to the terms of such bonds.
Jeff. 17-1989
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of Jefferson, Kentucky industrial building revenue bonds (J.T. Nelson Project) series 1989, dated August 1, 1989, in the principal amount of $1,900,000.
Jeff. 22-1989
Authorizing the issuance of the county's first mortgage revenue bonds, series 1989 (AHF/Kentucky-Iowa, Inc. Project); and taking other related action in connection therewith.
Jeff. 23-1989
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky industrial building revenue bonds (Freshpack project) series 1989A, dated November 1, 1989, in the principal amount of $1,970,000, and the County of Jefferson, Kentucky industrial building revenue bonds (Freshpack project) series 1989B, dated November 1, 1989, in the principal amount of $430,000.
Jeff. 24-1989
Approving the bond-authorizing resolution adopted by the Board of Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer district authorizing the issuance by said district of drainage revenue bonds, series 1989, and providing for the immediate advertised, public, competitive sale of not to exceed $25,000,000 principal amount of said bonds.
Jeff. 27-1989
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, multi-family housing revenue bonds (Breckenridge Orchard development project) in the principal amount of $2,550,000.
Jeff. 2-1990
Relating to the adoption of amendments to bond documents in connection with the remarketing of the $3,800,000 Health Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds (Beverly Enterprises Project), series 1985 A, and the establishment of a fixed interest rate; approving remarketing memorandum.
Jeff. 3-1990
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (American Red Cross, Louisville Chapter project), series 1990, in the principal amount of $3,000,000.
Jeff. 7-1990
Authorizing the sale and issuance of not to exceed $25,000,000 principal amount of County of Jefferson, Kentucky pollution control revenue bonds, 1990 series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company project).
Jeff. 8-1990
Authorizing the issuance of $5,000,000 principal amount of County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds, series 1990 (Ivy Hill Corporation project).
Jeff. 9-1990
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds (O'Neal Steel, Inc. project) series 1990, dated as of June 1, 1990, in the principal amount of $2,000,000.
Jeff. 11-1990
Requesting that First Kentucky Trust Company make bridge loans of up to $30,000,000 to the city of Louisville Public Properties Corporation and undertaking; issue bondsof the county.
Jeff. 12-1990
Authorizing the issuance of its multi-family housing revenue bonds, series 1990 (Housing Concepts I, Ltd. project).
Jeff. 14-1990
Relating to the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, health facilities revenue refunding bonds (Beverly Enterprises project), series 1985A in the amount of $3,895,000.
Jeff. 16-1991
Authorizing the issuance of its first mortgage health facility revenue bonds, series 1991 (Advanced Clinical Technologies, Inc. project), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $5,635,000.
Jeff. 19-1991
Relating to the issuance of up to $9,450,000 principal amount of “Jefferson County, Kentucky multi-family housing revenue refunding bonds (Canter Chase project), series 1991.”
Jeff. 20-1991
Relating to the issuance of $750,000 County of Jefferson industrial building revenue bonds, series 1991 dated November 1, 1991 (Pinehurst Properties project).
Jeff. 21-1991
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, adjustable rate industrial building revenue bonds, series 1991 (Findley Adhesives, Inc.) in an amount of up to $4,200,000.
Jeff. 22-1991
Authorizing the issuance of its variable rate demand industrial building revenue bonds, series 1991 (spacecards Corporation Project), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $1,550,000.
Jeff. 23-1991
Authorizing the issuance of its industrial building revenue refunding bonds (Thoroughbred Plastics Corporation project), 1991 series, in the principal amount of $6,175,000.
Jeff. 25-1991
Authorizing the issuance of approximately $2,200,000 principal amount of County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds, series 1991 (Commercial Lithographing Company project).
Jeff. 26-1991
Relating to the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, pollution control revenue refunding bonds (Philip Morris Companies, Inc. project), series 1992, in the amount of $1,300,000.
Jeff. 6-1992
Authorizing the issuance of health facilities revenue bonds, series 1992 (Jewish Hospital Healthcare Services, Inc. project), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $75,000,000.
Jeff. 7-1992
Authorizing the issuance of its insured hospital revenue bonds, 1992 (Alliant Health system, Inc. project), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $131,000,000.
Jeff. 10-1992
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky economic development refunding revenue bonds (Breeland Development Corporation project) dated July 1, 1992, in the principal amount of $450,000.
Jeff. 11-1992
Authorizing the issuance of $31,000,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson, Kentucky, pollution control revenue bonds, 1992 series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company project).”
Jeff. 13-1992
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky economic development taxable revenue bonds (Eastside Corporation project) series 1992, in the principal amount of $2,400,000.
Jeff. 16-1992
Authorizing the issuance of its health facilities revenue bonds, series 1992 (Sisters of St. Francis Health Services, Inc. project), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $4,500,000.
Jeff. 19-1992
Authorizing and directing the Jefferson County, Kentucky, Capital Projects Corporation to issue its revenue bonds, in one or more series and from time to time, including the 1992A bonds herein identified in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $80,000,000.
Jeff. 1-1993
Authorizing the issuance of the district's sewer and drainage system revenue bonds, series 1992, and provides for the immediate advertising, public, competitive sale of bonds in an amount not to exceed $250,000,000.
Jeff. 5-1993
Authorizing and directing the Jefferson County, Kentucky Capital Projects corporation to approve amendments to the fourth supplemental mortgage and trust indenture relating to the $41,764,083.80, Jefferson County, Kentucky, Capital projects corporation lease revenue refunding bonds, series 1992 A and taking other related actions.
Jeff. 12-1993
Authorizing the county of Jefferson, Kentucky, to issue its fixed rate multi-family housing refunding revenue bonds, 1993 series A, for the purpose of refunding the outstanding balance, and to issue its county of Jefferson, Kentucky, taxable multi-family housing revenue bonds, 1993, series B.
Jeff. 13-1993
Authorizing the county of Jefferson, Kentucky, to issue its fixed rate multi-family housing refunding revenue bonds, 1993 series A, for the purpose of refunding the outstanding balance of its multi- family housing revenue bonds, and to issue its county of Jefferson, Kentucky, taxable multi-family housing revenue bonds, 1993, series B.
Jeff. 16-1993
Authorizing of the execution and delivery of a consent and waiver by the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, to a reorganization of Dawn Food Products.
Jeff. 21-1993
Authorizing the issuance of $35,200,000 principal amount of pollution control bonds, 1993, series A. Authorizing the loan of the proceeds of the bonds to Louisville Gas and Electric company. Authorizing the execution and delivery of an indenture of trust securing the bonds.
Jeff. 22-1993
Authorizing the issuance of $102,000,000 principal amount of pollution control bonds, 1993 series B. Authorizing the loan of the proceeds of the bonds to Louisville Gas and Electric Company, for the redemption, payment, and discharge of certain outstanding bonds of the county issued between 6-1-1978 and 10-1-1979.
Jeff. 24-1993
Authorizing the execution and delivery on behalf of the county of a supplemental indenture amending the terms of the outstanding county of Jefferson, Kentucky, multi-family rental housing revenue bonds, series 1985.
Jeff. 33-1993
Authorizing the issuance of $26,000,000 principal amount of pollution control revenue bonds, 1993 series C. Authorizing the loan of the proceeds of the bonds to Louisville Gas and Electric Company, for the redemption, payment, and discharge of certain outstanding bonds of the county heretofore issued under date of February 15, 1984. Authorizing the execution and delivery of an indenture of trust securing the bonds; confirming and approving the sale of the bonds to the purchasers thereof; authorizing the execution of a bond purchase agreement and an inducement letter.
Jeff. 34-1993
Authorizing the issuance of $40,000,000 principal amount of pollution control revenue bonds, 1995 series A; authorizing the loan of the proceeds of the bonds to Louisville Gas and Electric Company, for the redemption, payment, and discharge of certain outstanding bonds of the county heretofore issued under date of July 1, 1985.
Jeff. 39-1993
Authorizing the issuance of not more than $18,000,000 principal amount, multifamily housing revenue refunding bonds (Waterford Place Apartments Project).
Jeff. 40-1993
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of the county, First Mortgage Health Care Revenue Bonds (Wesley Manor Project), series 1993.
Jeff. 2-1994
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of county Building Revenue Bonds series A, in the principal amount of $17,500,000., series B, in the amount of $500,000.
Jeff. 5-1994
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, series A, in the principal amount of $17,500,000, and series B, in the principal amount of up to $500,000.
Jeff. 7-1994
Authorizing the issuance and sale of $13,635,000 principal amount (Waterford Place Apartments Project).
Jeff. 9-1994
Authorizing the issuance of up to $3,060,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson, Kentucky Industrial Revenue Bonds, Series 1994 (Precision Tool, Die and Machine Company Project).”
Jeff. 11-1994
Authorizing the execution and delivery on behalf of the County of a supplemental indenture amending the terms of the outstanding County of Jefferson, Industrial Revenue Bonds, Series 1985 (Frank L. Jones, Jr. Project).
Jeff. 12-1994
Relating to the issuance of $1,500,000 County of Jefferson Industrial Building Revenue Bonds, Series 1994, Dated May 1, 1994 (Pinehurst Properties Project).
Jeff. 16-1994
Authorizing the issuance of up to $5,000,000 principal amount of County of Jefferson, Kentucky Variable Rate Demand Industrial Building Revenue Bonds, Series 1994 (Strawberry Lane Venture Project).
Jeff. 29-1994
Approving the bond authorizing resolution adopted by the Board of the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District which authorizes the issuance of the district's sewer and drainage system revenue bonds, series 1994, and provides for the immediate advertising, public, competitive sale of said bonds in an amount not to exceed $74,000,000.
Jeff. 3-1995
Authorizing the issuance of up to $2,250,000 principal amount of Jefferson County adjustable rate industrial building revenue bonds, Series 1995 (Derby Industries, Inc. Project).
Jeff. 5-1995
Authorizing Jefferson County to issue its fixed rate multi-family housing revenue bonds (Big Stone Gap Project), 1995 Series A in an amount of up to $1,400,000.
Jeff. 9-1995
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of Jefferson County industrial building revenue bonds (Thomas Development Project) Series 1995, in the principal amount of $3,000,000.
Jeff. 10-1995
Authorizing the issuance of Jefferson County medical center services revenue bonds, Series 1995.
Jeff. 11-1995
Authorizing and approving the public sale and issuance of up to $5,400,000 Jefferson County capital projects corporation revenue bonds, Series 1995.
Jeff. 19-1995
Authorizing the issuance and sale of not to exceed $9,900,000 principal amount of bonds, consisting of different types of housing bonds Series 1995A - C.
Jeff. 30-1995
Authorizing the issuance of its Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 1995 (Jewish Hospital Healthcare Services, Inc. Project) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $45,000,000.
Jeff. 34-1995
Approving the fourth supplemental bond authorizing resolution adopted by the Board of the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District which authorizes the issuance of the district's sewer and drainage system revenue bonds, in one or more series and provides for the immediate advertising, public, competitive sale of said bonds in an amount not to exceed $50,000,000.
Jeff. 2-1996
Approving the fifth supplemental sewer and drainage system revenue bond resolution adopted by the Board of the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District which authorizes the issuance of the district's sewer and drainage system revenue bonds, Series 1996, and provides for the immediate advertising, public, competitive sale of said bonds in an amount not to exceed $75,000,000.
Jeff. 9-1996
Authorizing the issuance of County of Jefferson (Kentucky) first mortgage residential care facilities revenue bonds (Treyton Oak Towers Economic Development Project) Series 1995A and Series 1995B.
Jeff. 10-1996
Authorizing and directing the Jefferson County, Kentucky, Capital Projects Corporation to issue its Series 1996A lease revenue bonds, for the purpose of providing financing for the acquisition, construction, reconstruction and installation of correctional facilities, including acquisition and construction of a new correctional facility, construction of a major addition to the Jefferson County Youth Center and renovation of the Jefferson County Hall of Justice, in each case, constituting capital projects; authorizing the execution and delivery of a contract, lease and option between the corporation as lessor, and the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, as lessee, as security and source of payment for the Series 1996A bonds; authorizing the conveyance of properties to the corporation, if required, as further security for the bonds; authorizing interim financing and advances to expedite the Series 1996A project to the extent required; and taking other related actions.
Jeff. 11-1996
Authorizing and directing the Jefferson County, Kentucky, Capital Projects Corporation to issue its Series 1996A lease revenue bonds, for the purpose of providing financing for the acquisition, construction, reconstruction and installation of correctional facilities, including acquisition and construction of a new correctional facility, construction of a major addition to the Jefferson County Youth Center and renovation of the Jefferson County Hall of Justice, in each case, constituting capital projects; authorizing and providing for the public sale of the Series 1996A bonds; and taking other related actions.
Jeff. 12-1996
Authorizing the issuance of up to $3,000,000 principal amount of County of Jefferson, Kentucky adjustable rate industrial building revenue bonds, Series 1996 (Wynn Starr Foods of Kentucky, Inc. Project) (the “Bonds”), issued at the request of Wynn Starr Foods of Kentucky, Inc., a Kentucky corporation (the “Company”, for the purpose of financing the acquisition, construction, equipping and installation of an industrial building project located in the County of Jefferson, Kentucky; and approving, authorizing and acknowledging the execution and delivery of (1) a loan agreement between County of Jefferson, Kentucky and the company; (2) a trust indenture between Bank One, Kentucky, NA, a national banking association and County of Jefferson, Kentucky; and (3) any and all other related documents necessary thereto.
Jeff. 15-1996
Authorizing the issuance of up to $3,500,000 principal amount of County of Jefferson, Kentucky variable rate industrial building revenue bonds, Series 1996 (Advanced Chemtech, Inc. Project) (the “Bonds”), issued at the request of Advanced Chemtech, Inc., Saneii Development Co., LLC, Biomolecular Research Institute, Inc., a joint venture (the “company”), for the purpose of financing the acquisition, construction, equipping and installation of an industrial building project located in the County of Jefferson, Kentucky; and approving, authorizing and acknowledging the execution and delivery of (1) a loan agreement between County of Jefferson, Kentucky and the company; (2) a trust indenture between PNC Bank, Kentucky, Inc., a Kentucky banking corporation and County of Jefferson, Kentucky; (3) a placement agreement among the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, the company and PNC Brokerage Corp., (the “Placement Agent”); and (4) any and all other related documents necessary thereto.
Jeff. 17-1996
Authorizing the issuance of $1,600,000 principal amount of County of Jefferson, Kentucky, industrial building revenue bonds, Series 1996 (USA Image Technologies, Inc. Project); approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of a loan agreement between the County and USA Image Technologies, Inc., a trust indenture securing the bonds, and related documents; authorizing the negotiated sale of the bonds; and taking other related actions.
Jeff. 18-1996
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky industrial building revenue bonds (Thomas Development Project) Series 1996, dated the date of delivery, in the principal amount of $1,250,000, for the purpose of financing an industrial building project.
Jeff. 20-1996
Authorizing the issuance of adjustable rate industrial building revenue bonds, Series 1996 (Seven Counties Services, Inc. Project) in an aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $3,500,000.
Jeff. 28-1996
Authorizing the issuance of $22,500,000 principal amount of pollution control revenue bonds, 1996 Series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company project), and related matters.
Jeff. 29-1996
Authorizing the issuance of $35,000,000 principal amount of pollution control revenue bonds, 1997 Series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company project), and related matters.
Jeff. 30-1996
Authorizing the issuance of $6,655,000 aggregate principal amount of multi-family housing revenue refunding bonds, Series 1996 (FHA insured mortgage loan-Brownsboro Gardens Project), and related matters.
Jeff. 31-1996
Authorizing the issuance of up to $4,500,000 principal amount variable rate demand industrial building revenue bonds, Series 1996 (Hamilton Printing, Inc., project) for the purpose of financing project expansion to an existing manufacturing and processing facility, and related matters.
Jeff. 34-1996
Authorizing the issuance of health facilities revenue bonds, Series 1996 (Jewish Hospital Healthcare Services, Inc., project) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $60,000,000.
Jeff. 42-1996
Authorizing the issuance of health facilities revenue bonds, Series 1996 (University Medical Center, Inc., project) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $90,000,000.
Jeff. 43-1996
Authorizing the issuance of up to $9,100,000 principal amount variable rate demand multi-family housing revenue refunding bonds, (GNMA collateralized, Canter Chase apartment project) Series 1996, for the purpose of refinancing approved costs of a multi-family housing project, and related matters.
Jeff. 45-1996
Authorizing the financing of a sports stadium and related facilities for governmental ownership, use, and occupancy by the University of Louisville, and related matters.
Jeff. 4-1997
Approving the sixth supplemental bond authorizing resolution adopted by the Board of the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District, authorizing the issuance of sewer and drainage system revenue bonds.
Jeff. 5-1997
Authorizing the issuance and sale of not to exceed $18,500,000 principal amount of County of Jefferson, Kentucky governmental project lease revenue bonds, Series 1997, for the purpose of financing a sports stadium and related facilities.
Jeff. 6-1997
Authorizing the issuance of up to $1,250,000 principal amount of adjustable rate industrial building revenue bonds, Series 1997, issued at the request of Advanced Filtration Concepts, Inc., for the purpose of financing the acquisition, construction, equipping and installation of an industrial building project located in Jefferson County.
Jeff. 7-1997
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of industrial building refunding revenue bonds, Series 1997, in the principal amount of $1,970,000, for the purpose of refinancing and currently refunding the outstanding County of Jefferson, Kentucky industrial building revenue bonds, Series 1989A.
Jeff. 9-1997
Authorizing the issuance of additional subordinate bonds in an amount sufficient to provide for $7,290,000 net bond proceeds, such bonds to be payable from the proceeds of the special 2 transient room tax authorized by KRS 91A.392.
Jeff. 11-1997
Authorizing the issuance of up to $4,750,000 principal amount of Jefferson County, variable rate industrial building revenue bonds, Series 1997, for the purpose of financing equipment for an existing manufacturing and processing industrial facility project located in Jefferson County.
Jeff. 12-1997
Authorizing the issuance of up to $10,000,000 principal amount of Jefferson County adjustable rate sports stadium revenue bonds, Series 1997, for the purpose of providing funds to reimburse the University of Louisville Athletic Association, Inc. for moneys expended to finance a portion of the construction and installation of the University of Louisville Cardinal Stadium project.
Jeff. 13-1997
Authorizing the issuance of its industrial building revenue bonds, Series 1997 in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $1,700,000.
Jeff. 14-1997
Authorizing the issuance of up to $6,835,000 principal amount of County of Jefferson, adjustable rate industrial development revenue bonds, Series 1997, for the redemption, payment and discharge of certain outstanding bonds of the county heretofore issued under date of December 19, 1985.
Jeff. 15-1997
Authorizing the issuance of up to $2,500,000 principal amount of County of Jefferson adjustable rate industrial building revenue bonds, Series 1997, for the purpose of financing the acquisition, rehabilitation and equipping of the industrial building project located in the County of Jefferson.
Jeff. 18-1997
Authorizing the issuance of Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 1997 in an aggregate principal amount to exceed $90,000,000.
Jeff. 19-1997
Authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $70,000,000, for the purpose of financing new courts facilities and improvement or renovation of the existing Hall of Justice.
Jeff. 22-1997
Authorizing the issuance of Health System Revenue Bonds, Series 1997 in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $220,000,000.
Jeff. 25-1997
Authorizing and acknowledging the execution and delivery of a first supplemental indenture between the County and First National Bank of Louisville, and a first amendment to the loan agreement among the County, Thoroughbred Plastics Corp. and Captive Plastics, Inc.
Jeff. 29-1997
Authorizing the issuance of Adjustable Rate Industrial Building Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1997 (Kosmos Cement Co. partnership project) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $7,500,000. Authorizing the execution and delivery of a trust indenture between Bankers Trust Co. and the County; a loan agreement between Kosmos Cement Co. and the County; a bond purchase agreement among the County, Kosmos Cement Co. and First Commercial Capital; a tax regulatory agreement among the County, Kosmos Cement Co. and Bankers Trust Co.; an offering memorandum relating to the issuance and sale of bonds and a deed from the County to the Kosmos Cement Co.
Jeff. 4-1998
Authorizing the issuance of up to $5,005,000 principle amount of County of Jefferson, Kentucky variable rate industrial building revenue bonds, series 1998, issued at the request of Fetter Printing Company; and approving, authorizing and acknowledging the execution and delivery of (1) a loan agreement between County of Jefferson, Kentucky and the company; (2) a trust indenture between PNC Bank, National Association, a National Banking Association and County of Jefferson, Kentucky; (3) a placement agreement among the county of Jefferson, Kentucky, the company and PNC Brokerage Corp.; and (4) any and all other related documents necessary thereto.
Jeff. 5-1998
Approving the seventh supplemental bond authorizing resolution adopted by the Board of the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District, which authorizes the issuance of the district's sewer and drainage system revenue bonds, in one or more series, and provides for the immediate advertising, public, competitive sale of said bonds in an amount not to exceed $260,000,000.
Jeff. 9-1998
Adopting and executing bond documents and related certificates and agreements in connection with the issuance of $3,000,000 County of Jefferson, Kentucky Health Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds (Beverly Enterprises, Inc. project) Series 1998.
Jeff. 10-1998
Authorizing the issuance of up to $5,000,000 principal amount of County of Jefferson, Kentucky variable rate industrial building revenue bonds, series 1998 (Beneke Wire Company and Saranac Realty LLC project) issued at the request of Beneke Wire Company and Saranac Realty LLC, joint and severally, for the purpose of financing the relocation of an industrial manufacturing facility located in the County of Jefferson, Kentucky; and approving, authorizing and acknowledging the execution and delivery of (1) a loan agreement between County of Jefferson, Kentucky and the company; (2) a trust indenture between PNC Bank, N.A., a national banking association and County of Jefferson, Kentucky; (3) a placement agreement among the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, the company and PNC Capital Markets, Inc.; and (4) any and all other related documents necessary thereto.
Jeff. 11-1998
Authorizing the issuance of up to $5,000,000 principal amount of County of Jefferson, Kentucky adjustable rate industrial building revenue bonds, series 1998 (Dant Clayton Corporation project), issued at the request of Dant Clayton Corporation, a Kentucky corporation, for the purpose of financing the construction and equipping of an industrial building project located in the County of Jefferson, Kentucky; and approving, authorizing and acknowledging the execution and delivery of (1) a loan agreement between County of Jefferson, Kentucky and the company; (2) a trust indenture between Bank of Louisville, a Kentucky banking corporation and County of Jefferson, Kentucky; (3) a placement agreement among the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, the company and J.J.B. Hilliard, W.L. Lyons, Inc.; and (4) any and all other related documents necessary thereto.
Jeff. 12-1998
Authorizing the issuance of up to $6,500,000 principal amount of County of Jefferson, Kentucky variable rate demand industrial building revenue bonds, series 1998 (R.C. Tway Company, d/b/a Kentucky Manufacturing Company project) issued at the request of R.C. Tway Company d/b/a Kentucky Manufacturing Company, a Kentucky corporation, for the purpose of financing the acquisition, construction, and equipping of an industrial building project expansion to an existing manufacturing facility located in the County of Jefferson, Kentucky; and approving, authorizing and acknowledging the execution and delivery of (1) a loan agreement between County of Jefferson, Kentucky and the company; (2) a trust indenture between Fifth Third Bank, an Ohio banking corporation and County of Jefferson, Kentucky; (3) a placement agreement among the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, the company and the Fifth Third Bank; and (4) any and all other related documents necessary thereto.
Jeff. 13-1998
Amending and supplementing Ord. 31-1995 and Ord. 9-1997 to authorize the issuance of additional subordinate bonds, series BBB, in an amount sufficient to provide for $6,000,000 net bond construction proceeds.
Jeff. 15-1998
Authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of its multifamily housing revenue bonds (GNMA Collateralized - Kentucky Towers Project) series 1998 in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $13,000 to finance the acquisition and rehabilitation of a multifamily rental housing project for persons and families of low or moderate income and ancillary commercial space, and approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of related documents and agreements and the taking of related actions.
Jeff. 19-1998
Authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of its multifamily mortgage revenue refunding bonds (Woodbridge Apartments of Louisville II Project) series 1998 in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $8,976,000 to provide funds to redeem the county's multifamily mortgage revenue note (Woodbridge Apartments of Louisville II Project) series 1985 (the “1985 Note”), which 1985 note was issued to finance the acquisition, construction and equipping of a multifamily residential housing project for persons and families of low or moderate income, and approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of related documents and agreements and the taking of related actions.
Jeff. 22-1998
Authorizing the issuance of its health system revenue bonds, series 1998 (Alliant Health System, Inc.) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $225,000,000 and the issuance of its health system variable rate demand revenue bonds, series 1998B (Alliant Health System, Inc.) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $100,000,000; provided that the combined aggregate principal amount of its health system revenue bonds, series 1998 (Alliant Health System, Inc.) and its health system variable rate demand revenue bonds, series 1998B (Alliant Health System, Inc.) shall not exceed $225,000,000.
Jeff. 24-1998
Authorizing and ratifying actions in the structuring, staffing, planning and preparation of all documentation for the issuance of certain general obligation bonds of the county; authorizing the issuance of such bonds to refinance certain obligations originally incurred in 1989 for the Louisville Airport Improvement Project; setting forth the terms and conditions on which the bonds are to be issued and providing for a competitive, advertised sale thereof; authorizing and ratifying the preparation and distribution of a notice of bond sale and a preliminary official statement for the bonds; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the bonds and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action.
Jeff. 26-1998
Authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of its multifamily housing revenue bonds, series 1998 (Trinity Towers Project) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $10,000,000 to finance the acquisition and rehabilitation of a multifamily rental housing project, and approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of related documents and agreements and the taking of related actions.
Jeff. 27-1998
Authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of its multifamily housing revenue bonds, series 1998 (Coventry Commons Project) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $8,000,000 to finance the acquisition and rehabilitation of a multifamily rental housing project, and approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of related documents and agreements and the taking of related actions.
Jeff. 28-1998
Authorizing the issuance of up to $5,000,000 principal amount of County of Jefferson, Kentucky adjustable rate industrial building revenue bonds, series 1998 (Atlas Machine & Supply, Inc. Project) (The “Bonds”), issued at the request of Atlas Machine & Supply, Inc., a Kentucky corporation (The “Company”), for the purpose of the acquisition, construction and equipping of an industrial building facility located at 7000 Global Drive in Jefferson County, Kentucky; and approving authorizing and acknowledging the execution and delivery of (1) a loan agreement between the County of Jefferson, Kentucky and the Company; (2) a trust indenture between Bank One, Kentucky, NA, a national banking association and County of Jefferson; (3) a bond placement agreement among the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, the Company and Banc One Capital Marketers, Inc., (the “Placement Agent”); and (4) any and all other related documents necessary thereto.
Jeff. 2-1999
Authorizing the issuance of its adjustable rate industrial building revenue bonds (Seven Counties Services, Inc. Project) in an aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $2,800,000.
Jeff. 8-1999
Authorizing adopting and executing bond documents and related certificates and agreements in connection with the issuance of $4,100,000 County of Jefferson, Kentucky Health Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds (Beverly Enterprises, Inc. Project) Series 1999, approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of certain other documents required in connection with the foregoing; and approving a composite preliminary official statement and authorizing a composite final official statement and providing certain other details in connection therewith.
Jeff. 16-1999
Authorizing the issuance of its college revenue bonds (Bellarmine College Project), Series 1999, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $16,000,000, and the loan of the proceeds thereof to Bellarmine College for the purpose of (1) Refunding all of the outstanding City of West Buechel, Kentucky Economic Development Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series of 1998 (Bellarmine College Project), and (2) Refinancing various renovations, additions, and improvements to the campus of the college; authorizing the execution and delivery on behalf of the county of (1) a trust indenture pursuant to which the bonds will be issued, (2) a loan agreement between the County, as lender, and Bellarmine College, as borrower, providing for loan repayments sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds as the same become due, (3) a bond purchase agreement providing for the sale of the bonds on a negotiated basis, and (4) an official statement relating to the bonds; and taking other related action.
Jeff. 19-1999
Authorizing adoption and execution of bond documents and related certificates and agreements in connection with the issuance of $2,300,000 County of Jefferson, Kentucky Health Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds (Beverly Enterprises, Inc. Project) Series 1999B, approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of certain other documents required in connection with the foregoing; and approving a composite preliminary official statement and authorizing a composite final official statement and providing certain other details in connection therewith.
Jeff. 29-1999
Authorizing (A) the issuance of (I) County of Jefferson, Kentucky Student Housing Industrial Building Revenue Bonds (Collegiate Housing Foundation -- University of Louisville Project), series 1999A in an amount not to exceed $25,000,000 and (II) County of Jefferson Kentucky Taxable Student Housing Industrial Building Revenue Bonds (Collegiate Housing Foundation -- University of Louisville Project), series 1999B in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000; (B) the execution and delivery of (I) a trust indenture between Bank One, Kentucky, NA, as trustee and the County securing the bonds, (II) a loan agreement between the County and Collegiate Housing Foundation, (III) a bond purchase agreement among the county, the company and Legg Mason Wood Walker, Incorporated, (IV) a tax compliance agreement.
Jeff. 30-1999
Authorizing the issuance of up to $20,000,000 principal amount of County of Jefferson, Kentucky adjustable rate demand retirement home revenue bonds (Nazareth Literary and Benevolent Institution Project) Series 1999, issued at the request of Nazareth Literary and Benevolent Institution, for the purpose of financing the expansion and renovation of a retirement home project; and approving, authorizing and acknowledging the execution and delivery of (1) a bond placement agreement among County of Jefferson, Kentucky, Nazareth Literary and Benevolent Institution, and Fifth Third Securities, Inc., as placement agent; (2) a trust indenture between County of Jefferson, Kentucky, and Fifth Third Bank, as trustee; (3) a loan agreement between Nazareth Literary and Benevolent Institution and County of Jefferson, Kentucky; and (4) any and all other related documents necessary thereto.
Jeff. 35-1999
Approving the eighth supplemental bond authorizing resolution adopted by the Board of the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District which authorizes the issuance of the district’s sewer and drainage system revenue bonds, in one or more series, and providing for the immediate advertising, public, competitive sale of said bonds in an amount not to exceed $300,000,000.
Jeff. 37-1999
Authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky of its multifamily housing revenue bonds, series 1999 (Preston Oaks Apartment Project) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $10,000,000 to finance the acquisition and rehabilitation of a multifamily rental housing project, and approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of related documents and agreements and the taking of related actions.
Jeff. 38-1999
Authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of its multifamily housing revenue bonds, series 1999 (Trinity Towers Project) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $10,000,000 to finance the acquisition and rehabilitation of a multifamily rental housing project, and approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of related documents and agreements and the taking of related actions.
Jeff. 39-1999
Authorizing and ratifying actions in the structuring, staffing, planning and preparation of all documentation for the issuance of certain general obligation bonds of the County; authorizing the issuance of such bonds to finance costs of the County’s Berrytown project, to finance costs of equipment and to refinance certain obligations originally incurred for the Louisville and Jefferson County Riverport; setting forth the terms and conditions on which the bonds are to be issued and providing for a competitive, advertised sale thereof; authorizing and ratifying the preparation and distribution of a notice of bond sale and preliminary official statement for the bonds; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the bonds and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action.
Jeff. 40-1999
Authorizing and ratifying actions in the structuring, staffing, planning and preparation of all documentation for the issuance of certain general obligation bonds of the County; authorizing the issuance of such bonds to finance costs of completing the County’s Governmental Corrections Facilities, setting forth the terms and conditions on which the bonds are to be issued and providing for a competitive, advertised sale thereof; authorizing and ratifying the preparation and distribution of a notice of bond sale and preliminary official statement for the bonds; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the bonds and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action.
Jeff. 42-1999
Authorizing the issuance of up to $2,550,000 principal amount of County of Jefferson, Kentucky adjustable rate economic development revenue bonds (Jameson Inns, Inc. Project), series 1999, issued at the request of Jameson Inns, Inc. for the purpose of refunding the outstanding $2,550,000 County of Jefferson, Kentucky Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, series 1986; and approving, authorizing and acknowledging the execution and delivery of (1) a bond purchase agreement among County of Jefferson, Kentucky, Jameson Inns, Inc., and Banc One Capital Markets, Inc. as underwriter; (2) a trust indenture between County of Jefferson, Kentucky, and Firstar Bank N.A.; (3) a loan agreement between Jameson Inns, Inc. and County of Jefferson, Kentucky; and (4) any and all other related documents necessary thereto.
Jeff. 2-2000
Authorizing and ratifying actions in the structuring, staffing, planning and preparation of all documentation for the issuance of certain general obligation bonds of the County; authorizing the issuance of such bonds to refinance certain obligations originally incurred for the County’s Capital Projects Corporation and the Louisville and Jefferson County Riverport, setting forth the terms and conditions on which the bonds are to be issued and providing for a competitive, advertised sale thereof; authorizing and ratifying the preparation and distribution of a notice of bond sale and a preliminary official statement for the bonds; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the bonds and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action.
Jeff. 10-2000
Authorizing the issuance of $25,000,000 principal amount of County of Jefferson, Kentucky, pollution control revenue bonds, 2000 series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company Project); authorizing the loan of the proceeds of said bonds to Lousiville Gas and Electric Company, a Kentucky Corporation, for the redemption, payment and discharge of certain outstanding bonds of the County heretofore issued under date of June 15, 1990; authorizing the execution and delivery of a loan agreement between the County and Louisville Gas and Electric Company; authorizing the execution and delivery of an indenture of trust securing said bonds; confirming and approving the sale of said bonds to the purchasers thereof; authorizing the execution of a bond purchase agreement and an inducement letter; approving an escrow agreement, a preliminary official statement and an official statement in respect to said bonds, and taking other related actions.
Jeff. 25-2000
Authorizing the issuance of County of Jefferson, Kentucky weekly adjustable rate industrial building revenue bonds, series 2000 (Franciscan Eldercare and Community Services) (The “Bonds”) in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $9,5000,000, approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of (1) a trust indenture (The “Indenture”) between the issuer and Amalgamated Bank of Chicago, as trustee (the “Trustee”) securing the bonds; (2) a loan agreement between the issuer and Franciscan Eldercare Services/Illinois, Inc. (the “Company”); (3) a bond purchase agreement among the issuer , the company and B.C. Ziegler and Company; (4) a tax exemption agreement among the issuer, the company and the trustee; (5) a preliminary official statement and an official statement relating to the issuance and sale of the bonds; and (6) any and all other related documents; and the taking of other related action.
Jeff. 26-2000
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky multi-family housing revenue bonds (Imperial House Apartments) senior tax-exempt series 2000A and the County of Jefferson, Kentucky multi-family housing revenues bonds (Imperial House Apartments) subordinate taxable series 2000B.
Jeff. 29-2000
Authorizing the County of Jefferson, Kentucky adjustable rate demand health care facilities revenue bonds, series 2000 (Baptist Homes, Inc. Project) (the “Bonds”) in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $12,565,000, approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of (1) a trust indenture (the “Indenture”) between the issuer and Firstar Bank, N.A. as Trustee (the “Trustee”) securing the bonds; (2) a loan agreement between the issuer and Baptist Homes, Inc. (the “Company”), (3) a bond purchase agreement among the issuer, the company, Republic Bank & Trust Company (the “Bank”), and Lancaster Pollard & Co., and Ohio Corporation (the “Underwriter”); (4) a tax regulatory agreement among the issuer, the company and the trustee, (5) a preliminary official statement and an official statement relating to the issuance and sale of the bonds; (6) a land use restriction agreement by and among the issuer, the company and the trustee; and (7) any and all other related documents; and the taking of other related action.
Jeff. 1-2001
Authorizing and ratifying actions in the structuring, staffing, planning and preparation of all documentation for the issuance of certain general obligation bonds of the county; authorizing the issuance of such bonds to refinance certain obligations originally incurred for the Jefferson County, Kentucky, Capital Projects Corporation and to finance the implementation of an energy reduction program; setting forth the terms and conditions on which the bonds are to be issued and providing for a competitive, advertised sale thereof; authorizing and ratifying the preparation and distribution of a notice of bond sale and a preliminary official statement for the bonds; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the bonds and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action.
Jeff. 9-2001
Authorizing the issuance of industrial building revenue bonds (University Physicians Group, Inc. Project), of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky in an amount not to exceed $1,400,000, the proceeds of which shall be loaned to University Physicians Group, Inc. to finance the acquisition and installation of equipment for industrial buildings suitable for use as healthcare and related facilities.
Jeff. 10-2001
Authorizing and providing for the issuance of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky industrial building revenue bonds (Orr Safety Corporation Project) 2001 Series A, dated May, 2001, in the principal amount of $4,250,000 for the purpose of financing an industrial building project.
Jeff. 16-2001
Authorizing the issuance of variable rate demand student housing industrial building revenue bonds (ULH, Inc. - University of Louisville project), series 2001A in an amount not to exceed $26,505,000 and variable rate demand taxable student housing industrial building revenue bonds (ULH, Inc. - University of Louisville project), series 2001B in an amount not to exceed $200,000. The execution and delivery of a trust indenture between Bank One, Kentucky, NA as trustee and the county securing the bonds. A loan agreement between the county and ULH, Inc. A bond purchase agreement among the county, the company and Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc.
Jeff. 17-2001
Authorizing the issuance of the District’s Sewer and Drainage System revenue bonds, in one or more series and providing for the immediate advertising, public, competitive sale of said bonds in an amount not to exceed $300,000,000.
Jeff. 18-2001
Authorizing the issuance of $10,104,000 principal amount of “County of Jefferson, Kentucky, solid waste disposal facilities revenue bonds, 2001 Series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company Project)”.
Jeff. 22-2001
Authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of its variable rate demand industrial revenue refunding bonds (Zeochem LLC project), series 2001 in the principal amount of $3,900,000 and the loan of the proceeds thereof to Zeochem LLC.
Jeff. 31-2001
Authorizing the issuance of $35,000,000 principal amount of County of Jefferson, Kentucky, pollution control revenue bonds, 2001 series B (Louisville Gas and Electric Company Project); authorizing the loan of the proceeds of said bonds to Lousiville Gas and Electric Company, a Kentucky Corporation, for the redemption, payment and discharge of certain outstanding bonds of the County heretofore issued under date of November 13, 1997; authorizing the execution and delivery of a loan agreement between the County and Louisville Gas and Electric Company; authorizing the execution and delivery of an indenture of trust securing said bonds; confirming and approving the sale of said bonds to the purchasers thereof; authorizing the execution of a bond purchase agreement and an inducement letter; approving an escrow agreement, a preliminary official statement and an official statement in respect to said bonds, and taking other related actions.
Jeff. 32-2001
Authorizing the issuance of $22,500,000 principal amount of County of Jefferson, Kentucky, pollution control revenue bonds, 2001 series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company Project); authorizing the loan of the proceeds of said bonds to Lousiville Gas and Electric Company, a Kentucky Corporation, for the redemption, payment and discharge of certain outstanding bonds of the County heretofore issued under date of October 2, 1996; authorizing the execution and delivery of a loan agreement between the County and Louisville Gas and Electric Company; authorizing the execution and delivery of an indenture of trust securing said bonds; confirming and approving the sale of said bonds to the purchasers thereof; authorizing the execution of a bond purchase agreement and an inducement letter; approving an escrow agreement, a preliminary official statement and an official statement in respect to said bonds, and taking other related actions.
Jeff. 33-2001
Authorizing the issuance of industrial building revenue bonds (University Physicians Group, Inc. Project) series 2001, of the County in an amount not to exceed $2,600,000, the proceeds of which shall be loaned to University Physicians Group, Inc. to finance the acquisition and installation of equipment and renovations for industrial buildings suitable for use as healthcare and related facilities; providing for the pledge of revenues for the payment of such bonds; authorizing a loan agreement, security agreement and assignments appropriate for the protection and disposition of such revenues and to further secure such bonds; authorizing a tax regulatory agreement and a bond purchase agreement; and authorizing other actions in connection with the issuance of such bonds.
Jeff. 11-2002
Authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of the County of Jefferson, Louisville Medical Center refunding and revenue bonds, series 2002 in the principal amount not to exceed $19,000,000 and the loan of the proceeds thereof to Louisville Medical Center to finance the project and redeem prior bonds; authorizing the execution and delivery on behalf of the county of (1) a bond purchase agreement providing for the sale of the bonds on a negotiated basis, (2) a trust indenture securing the bonds, and (3) a loan agreement and a user contract providing for repayments sufficient to pay the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the bonds, and taking other related action.
Jeff. 14-2002
Authorizing the issuance of up to $2,800,000 principal amount of County of Jefferson, Kentucky variable rate demand industrial building revenue bonds, series 2002, issued at the request of Lastique International Corp., a Kentucky corporation, and the Harvard Group, LLC, a Kentucky limited liability company, jointly and severally, for the purpose of financing the acquisition, construction, and equipping of an industrial building facility located in the County of Jefferson, Kentucky; and approving, authorizing and acknowledging the execution and delivery of (1) a loan agreement between County of Jefferson, Kentucky and the company; (2) a trust indenture between National City Bank of Kentucky, a national banking corporation and County of Jefferson, Kentucky; (3) a bond purchase agreement among the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, the company and Natcity Investments, Inc.; and (4) any and all other related documents necessary thereto.
Jeff. 15-2002
Authorizing and establishing the 2002 residential mortgage program in order to facilitate the construction and purchase of new and existing single family housing in the county; authorizing the sale and issuance of up to $12,000,000 principal amount of residential mortgage revenue bonds to finance the program; approving the negotiated sale of the bonds; approving, in substance, a trust indenture, an origination and servicing agreement with certain lending institutions, an offering document and other documents related to the issuance of the bonds and the program; and authorizing officials of the county to take necessary actions in connection with the issuance of the bonds and the establishment of the program.
Jeff. 16-2002
Authorizing the issuance of its industrial building refunding and improvement revenue bonds, series 2002, in the principal amount of $10,000,000; authorizing the execution and delivery on behalf of the County of the bonds and the documents relating thereto; and taking other related action.
Jeff. 18-2002
Authorizing the issuance of up to $2,800,000 principal amount of County of Jefferson, Kentucky multifamily housing refunding revenue bonds, series 2002 A, in the amount of $2,135,000 and County of Jefferson, Kentucky multifamily housing refunding revenue bonds, taxable series 2002 B, in the amount of $665,000, issued at the request of Station House Square Associates, L.P., a Missouri Limited Partnership, for the purpose of refinancing and financing approved costs of a multifamily housing project located in the County of Jefferson, Kentucky; and approving, authorizing and acknowlegding the execution and delivery of (1) a financing agreement among County of Jefferson, Kentucky, the company, Arbor Commercial Mortgage, LLC, and J.P. Morgan Trust Company, National Association, a trustee, (2) a trust indenture between J.P. Morgan Trust Company, National Association and County of Jefferson, Kentucky; (3) a bond purchase agreement among the County, the company and Newman and Associated, Inc.; and (4) any and all other related documents necessary thereto.
Jeff. 20-2002
Authorizing the issuance of up to $9,100,000 principal amount of County of Jefferson, Kentucky variable rate demand multi-family housing revenue refunding bonds series 2002, issued at the request of Canter Chase Associates, an Indiana Limited Partnership, for the purpose of refinancing approved costs of a multi-family housing project located in the County of Jefferson, Kentucky; and approving, authorizing and acknowledging the execution and delivery of (1) a financing agreement among County of Jefferson, Kentucky, the company; and National City Bank of Indiana, as trustee, (2) a trust indenture between National City Bank of Indiana, and County of Jefferson, Kentucky; (3) a bond purchase agreement among the County, the company and Stern Brothers and Co.; and (4) any and all other related documents necessary thereto.
Jeff. 22-2002
Authorizing and ratifying actions in the structuring, staffing, planning and preparation of all documentation for the issuance of certain general obligation bonds of the County; authorizing the issuance of such bonds to refinance certain obligations originally incurred for the Jefferson County, Kentucky, capital projects corporation and to refinance certain general obligations of the County; setting forth the terms and conditions on which the bonds are to be issued and providing for a competitive, advertised sale thereof; authorizing the ratifying the preparation and distribution of a notice of bond sale and a preliminary official statement for the bonds; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the bonds and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action.
Jeff. 23-2002
Authorizing (A) the issuance of (i) County of Jefferson, Kentucky variable rate demand student housing industrial building revenue bonds, series 2002A in an amount not to exceed $15,925,000 and (ii) County of Jefferson, Kentucky variable rate demand taxable student housing industrial building revenue bonds, series 2002B in an amount not to exceed $455,000; (B) the execution and delivery of (i) a trust indenture between Regions Bank, as trustee and the County securing the bonds, (ii) a loan agreement between the County and ULH, Inc., (iii) a bond purchase agreement among the County, the company and Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc., (iv) a tax compliance agreement between the County and the company, (v) an official statement relating to the issuance and sale of the bonds, and (vi) any and all other related documents; and the taking of other related action.
Jeff. 24-2002
Authorizing the issuance of its health facilities revenue bonds, series 2002 in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $250,000,000.
Jeff. 25-2002
Authorizing the issuance of up to $4,000,000 principal amount of county variable rate demand industrial building revenue bonds, series 2002 (Dant Growth LLC Project).
Jeff. 40-2002
Authorizing the issuance of up to $8,900,000 principal amount of county variable rate demand multi-family housing revenue refunding bonds, series 2002 (Camden Brookside Apartments Project).
Jeff. 41-2002
Authorizing the issuance of up to $8,200,000 principal amount of county variable rate demand multi-family housing revenue refunding bond, series 2002 (Camden Meadows Apartments Project).
Metro 161-2003
Authorizing the issuance of up to $550,000,000 principal amount of industrial building revenue bonds, series 2003 (Ford Motor Company Project).
Metro 174-2003
Authorizing and directing the Louisville and Jefferson County Visitors and Convention Commission to issue the Commission’s dedicated tax revenue bonds in one or more series, for the purpose of refunding outstanding bonds of the Commission.
Metro 189-2003
Authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of the Louisville Medical Center Central Laundry Facility revenue bonds, series 2003 in the principal amount not to exceed $4,500,000 to finance the project.
Metro 190-2003
Authorizing the issuance of $128,000,000 principal amount of pollution control revenue bonds, series 2003 (Louisville Gas and Electric Company Project).
Metro Res. 60-2003
Authorizing and approving the refunding of certain outstanding debt obligations of the prior City of Louisville and County of Jefferson, including obligations of agencies and instrumentalities of such units of government in order to achieve debt service savings and restructuring of debt obligations of such prior city and county assumed by the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government.
Metro Res. 63-2003
Giving preliminary approval of industrial building revenue bond financing for Ford Motor Company.
Metro Res. 68-2003
Authorizing the execution of a memorandum of agreement by and between Metro Government and the Medical Center Commission for the issuance of revenue bonds.
Metro Res. 76-2003
Authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $8,500,000, the proceeds of which will be loaned to AHF/Kentucky-Iowa, Inc., a Kentucky non-profit corporation to provide for the refunding and retirement of certain outstanding revenue bonds.
Metro 217-2003
Authorizing the issuance and sale of $12,975,000 principal amount of “Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky, variable rate demand multi-family housing revenue refunding bonds (Waterford Place Apartments Project) Series 2003.”
Metro Res. 61-2004
Authorizing the execution of a memorandum of agreement by and between the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government and Jewish Hospital Healthcare Services, Inc. relating to an industrial building project undertaking the issuance of health facilities revenue bonds at the appropriate time to finance the project; and taking other preliminary action.
Metro 77-2004
Authorizing the issuance of health facilities revenue bonds, series 2004 (Jewish Hospital Healthcare Services, Inc. project) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $65,000,000, the proceeds of which shall be loaned to Jewish Hospital Healthcare Services, Inc. to finance the acquisition, construction, renovation, installation and equipping of improvements to Frazier Rehab Center, Jewish Hospital (including expansion of pre-operative and post-operative recovery areas and expansion of parking garages) and the new Jewish Hospital Medical Center Bullitt County and to finance certain costs of issuance; authorizing a bond indenture, form of bond, loan agreement, bond purchase agreement, tax exemption agreement, official statement and other related documents; and authorizing other actions in connection with the issuance of such bonds.
Metro 128-2004
Authorizing and ratifying actions in the structuring, staffing, planning and preparation of all documentation for the issuance of certain general obligation bonds of the Metro Government in one or more series; authorizing the issuance of such bonds to finance the costs of the public projects described therein; setting forth the terms and conditions on which the bonds are to be issued and providing for a competitive, advertised sale thereof; authorizing and ratifying the preparation and distribution of a notice of bond sale and a preliminary official statement for the bonds; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the bonds and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action (as amended).
Metro 186-2004
Authorizing the issuance of taxable industrial building revenue bonds, series 2004 (Citicorp project) of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $22,000,000, the proceeds of which shall be loaned to Citicorp Credit Services for the purpose of authorizing the financing of approved costs for the equipping of an industrial building project located within the geographical boundaries of Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government; providing for the pledge of revenues for the payment of such bonds; authorizing a lease agreement and bond agreement appropriate for the protection and disposition of such revenues and to further secure such bonds; and authorizing other actions in connection with the issuance of such bonds.
Metro 8-2005
Authorizing the amendment of a trust indenture, dated as of February 1, 1994, by and between the County of Jefferson, Kentucky and PNC Bank, Kentucky, Inc., which indenture provided for the issuance of $14,285,000 County of Jefferson, Kentucky First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, series 1994 (the Christian Church Homes of Kentucky Project) the proceeds of which were used to finance and refinance the expansion and improvement of certain facilities of various affiliates of the Christian Church Homes of Kentucky, Inc.; and authorizing other actions in connection with the amendment of the indenture.
Metro 36-2005
Authorizing the issuance of $40,000,000 principal amount of Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, 2005 series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company project); authorizing the loan of the proceeds of said bonds to Louisville Gas and Electric Company, a Kentucky Corporation, for the redemption, payment and discharge of certain outstanding bonds of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky heretofore issued under date of April 15, 1995; authorizing the execution and delivery of a loan agreement between the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky, and Louisville Gas and Electric Company; authorizing the execution and delivery of an indenture of trust securing said bonds; confirming and approving the sale of said bonds to the purchasers thereof; authorizing the execution of a bond purchase agreement and an inducement letter; approving an official statement in respect of said bonds and taking other related actions.
Metro 41-2005
Approving the eleventh supplemental Sewer and Drainage Revenue Bond authorizing resolution to be adopted by the Board of the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District (hereinafter “the District”) which authorizes the issuance of the District’s Sewer and Drainage System Revenue Bonds, in one or more series, (hereinafter the “2005 bonds”) and providing for the immediate advertising, public, competitive sale of said bonds in an amount not to exceed $165,000,000 (as amended).
Metro 81-2005
Authorizing the issuance of up to $2,000,000 principal amount of its Adjustable Rate Industrial Development Refunding Revenue Bonds, series 2005 A (First Trust Restoration Partners Project) and up to $2,835,000 principal amount of its Taxable Adjustable Rate Industrial Development Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bonds, series 2005 B (First Trust Restoration Partners Project), approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of a loan agreement between the Metro Government and First Trust Restoration Partners, a trust indenture securing the bonds, and certain related documents; authorizing the negotiated sale of the bonds; and taking other related activities.
Metro Res. 156-2005
Authorizing the execution of a memorandum of agreement between ULH, Inc., a Kentucky nonprofit corporation and the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government relating to the construction, equipping, furnishing and installation of a student housing facility (the “project”); agreeing to undertake the issuance of Industrial Building Revenue Bonds at the appropriate time to finance the costs of the project; and taking other preliminary action.
Metro 111-2005
Authorizing the issuance of Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government Student Housing Industrial Building Revenue Bonds (ULH, Inc. - University of Louisville, Phase III Project), series 2005A in an amount not to exceed $16,795,000 and Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government Taxable Student Housing Industrial Building Revenue Bonds (ULH, Inc. - University of Louisville, Phase III Project), series 2005B in an amount not to exceed $3,635,000 (Collectively, the “Bonds”); the execution and delivery of a trust indenture between JP Morgan Trust Company, National Association, as trustee (or such other institution which may serve as trustee) (the “trustee”) and the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government (the “issuer”) securing the bonds, a loan agreement between the issuer and ULH, Inc. (the “company”), a bond purchase agreement among the issuer, the company and Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc. (the “underwriter”), a tax compliance agreement between the issuer and the company, an official statement (the “official statement”) relating to the issuance and sale of the bonds, and any and all other related documents; and the taking of other related action.
Metro Res. 170-2005
Requesting that the Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority adopt a resolution providing for the issuance of revenue bonds in an amount of up to $18,000,000, the proceeds of which will be loaned to Christian Care Communities, Inc. and/or its controlled affiliates, including Friendship House of Louisville, Inc., which owns and operates long-term care facilities, including housing for the aged, located within the jurisdiction of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, to provide financing and refinancing for the acquisition, construction and equipping of certain facilities consisting of long-term care facilities, including housing for the aged.
Metro 220-2005
Authorizing the issuance of its Adjustable Rate Demand Industrial Building Revenue Bonds (Seven Counties Services, Inc. Project), Series 2005 in the principal amount of $3,500,000 and the loan of the proceeds thereof to Seven Counties Services, Inc. to finance a portion of the costs of purchasing, constructing and expanding its community mental health and treatment facilities; authorizing the execution and delivery on behalf of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government of (1) an indenture of trust pursuant to which the bonds will be issued, (2) a loan agreement between the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, as lender, and Seven Counties Services, Inc., as borrower, providing for loan repayments sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds as the same become due, and (3) a bond purchase agreement providing for the sale of the bonds on a negotiated basis; and taking other related action.
Metro 38-2006
Authorizing the issuance of Industrial Building Revenue Bonds, Series 2006 (Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, Regional Community of Cincinnati Obligated Group) of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $20,000,000, the proceeds of which shall be loaned to Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, Regional Community of Cincinnati to finance the acquisition, construction, renovation, installation and equipment of improvements suitable for use in furtherance of the secondary educational purposes of Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, Regional Community of Cincinnati; providing for the pledge of revenues for the payment of such bonds; authorizing a loan agreement and trust indenture appropriate for the protection and disposition of such revenues and to further secure such bonds; authorizing a contract of purchase, tax regulatory agreement and official statement; and authorizing other actions in connection with the issuance of such bonds.
Metro 82-2006
Approving the twelfth supplemental Sewer and Drainage Revenue Bond authorizing resolution adopted by the Board of the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District (hereinafter “the District”) which authorizes the issuance of the District’s Sewer and Drainage System Revenue Bonds, in one or more series, (hereinafter the “2006 Bonds”) and providing for the immediate advertising, public, competitive sale of said bonds in an amount not to exceed $50,000,000.
Metro 96-2006
Authorizing the issuance of its College Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Series 2006 (Bellarmine University Project), in one or more series, in a principal amount not to exceed $25,000,000 and the loan of the proceeds thereof to Bellarmine University to refinance certain outstanding bonds and finance a portion of the costs of constructing and equipping a new residence hall; authorizing the execution and delivery on behalf of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government of (1) a trust indenture pursuant to which the bonds will be issued, (2) a loan agreement between the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, as lender, and Bellarmine University as borrower, providing for loan repayments sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds as the same become due, and (3) a bond purchase agreement providing for the sale of the bonds on a negotiated basis; and taking other related action.
Metro 153-2006
Authorizing the issuance of its Health System Revenue Bonds, Series 2006, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $350,000,000, the proceeds of which shall be loaned to Norton Healthcare, Inc. to acquire, construct and equip a health care facility at the old Brownsboro Crossing location and refund and retire certain outstanding indebtedness and taking other related action.
Metro 167-2006
Authorizing the execution and delivery by the Mayor of that certain consent of issuer with respect to an assignment and assumption agreement, and a third amendment and assignment of tax regulatory agreement among Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, as successor in interest to the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, G & I V Meadows LLC as successor in interest to Camden Operating, L.P. and J.P. Morgan Trust Company, National Association as successor in interest to Bank One Trust Company, National Association, all relating to the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, Multi-Family Housing Revenue Refunding Bonds (Camden Meadows Apartments Project) Series 2002 in the amount of $8,200,000.
Metro 168-2006
Authorizing the execution and delivery by the Mayor of that certain consent of issuer with respect to an assignment and assumption agreement, and a third amendment and assignment of tax regulatory agreement among Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, as successor in interest to the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, G & I V Brookside LLC as successor in interest to Camden Operating, L.P. and J.P. Morgan Trust Company, National Association as successor in interest to Bank One Trust Company, National Association, all relating to the County of Jefferson, Kentucky, Multi-Family Housing Revenue Refunding Bonds (Camden Brookside Apartments Project) Series 2002 in the amount of $8,900,000.
Metro 177-2006
Authorizing and ratifying actions in the structuring, staffing, planning and preparation of all documentation for the issuance of certain general obligation bonds of the Metro Government in one or more series; authorizing the issuance of such bonds to finance the costs of the public projects described therein; setting forth the terms and conditions on which the bonds are to be issued and providing for a competitive, advertised sale thereof; authorizing and ratifying the preparation and distribution of a notice of bond sale and a preliminary official statement for the bonds; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the bonds and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action (as amended).
Metro 194-2006
Authorizing the issuance of up to $6,000,000 principal amount of its Refunding and Improvement Housing Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A (Farmdale Adult Citizens Towers Project) and up to $1,000,000 principal amount of its Taxable Housing Revenue Bonds, Series 2006B (Farmdale Adult Citizens Towers Project), approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of a loan agreement between the Metro Government and Farmdale Adult Citizens Towers, Inc., a trust indenture securing the bonds, and certain related documents; authorizing the negotiated sale of the bonds; and taking other related action.
Metro 18-2007
Authorizing and directing the Jefferson County, Kentucky Capital Projects Corporation, acting as the agency and instrumentality of the Metro Government, to issue its Lease Revenue Refunding Bonds, 2007 Series A in principal amount of $61,000,000 (subject to plus or minus a 10 adjustment as to principal amount upon sale thereof) for the refunding of some or all of the outstanding Jefferson County, Kentucky, Capital Projects Corporation Lease Revenue Bonds, Series 1997 to achieve interest cost savings and restructure debt service requirements; authorizing the execution and delivery of any necessary modifications to (i) an existing sublease agreement between Jefferson County, Kentucky and the Administrative Office of the Courts of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, (ii) a lease agreement between the Metro Government and the Corporation and (iii) a mortgage and trust indenture between the Corporation and the trustee securing the 2007 Series A Bonds; confirming and approving the sale of the 2007 Series A Bonds to the purchasers thereof; authorizing the execution of a continuing disclosure agreement; approving an official statement and other matters in respect of the 2007 Series A Bonds and taking other related actions (as amended).
Metro 49-2007
Authorizing the issuance of $31,000,000 principal amount of “Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky, Environmental Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, 2007 Series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company Project)”; authorizing the loan of the proceeds of said bonds to Louisville Gas and Electric Company, a Kentucky corporation, for the redemption, payment and discharge of certain outstanding bonds of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky heretofore issued under date of September 17, 1992; authorizing the execution and delivery of a loan agreement between the Louisville/ Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky, and Louisville Gas and Electric Company; authorizing the execution and delivery of an indenture of trust securing said bonds; confirming and approving the sale of said bonds to the purchasers thereof; authorizing the execution of a bond purchase agreement and an inducement letter; approving an official statement in respect of said bonds and taking other related actions.
Metro 50-2007
Authorizing the issuance of $35,200,000 principal amount of “Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky, Environmental Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, 2007 Series B (Louisville Gas and Electric Company Project)”; authorizing the loan of the proceeds of said bonds to Louisville Gas and Electric Company, a Kentucky corporation, for the redemption, payment and discharge of certain outstanding bonds of the County of Jefferson, Kentucky heretofore issued under date of August 31, 1993; authorizing the execution and delivery of a loan agreement between the Louisville/ Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky, and Louisville Gas and Electric Company; authorizing the execution and delivery of an indenture of trust securing said bonds; confirming and approving the sale of said bonds to the purchasers thereof; authorizing the execution of a bond purchase agreement and an inducement letter; approving an official statement in respect of said bonds and taking other related actions.
Metro Res. 116-2007
Authorizing the execution of a memorandum of agreement by and between the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government and Westport Axel Corporation relating to an industrial building project undertaking the issuance of industrial building revenue bonds at the appropriate time to finance the project; and taking other preliminary action.
Metro Res. 123-2007
Intention to issue revenue bonds for the purpose of financing the acquisition and rehabilitation of certain property for the benefit of VG Reed and Sons, Inc. and authorizing the execution of a memorandum of agreement with the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government.
Metro 171-2007
Authorizing the issuance of up to $4,8000,000 principal amount of its variable rate demand Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 2007 (Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary Project), approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of a loan agreement between the Metro Government and Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Inc., a trust indenture securing the bonds, and certain related documents; authorizing the negotiated sale of the bonds; and taking other related actions.
Metro 187-2007
Authorizing an amended and restated trust indenture and amended and restated loan agreement in connection with the $14,285,000 County of Jefferson, Kentucky First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 1994 (The Christian Church Homes of Kentucky Project); and authorizing other necessary documents, releases and terminations in connection therewith.
Metro 226-2007
Authorizing the issuance of $2,725,000 Industrial Building Taxable Convertible Revenue Bond, Series 2007 (V.G. Reed & Sons Project) of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, the proceeds of which shall be loaned to V.G. Reed & Sons, Inc. to finance the acquisition, installation and equipping of an industrial building to be located within the City of Louisville, Kentucky for use in an activity, business or industry for the manufacturing, processing or assembling of a commercial product; providing for the pledge of revenues for the payment of such bond; authorizing a loan agreement appropriate for the protection and disposition of such revenues and to further secure such bond; authorizing a bond purchase agreement, tax regulatory agreement and assignments; and authorizing other actions in connection with the issuance of such bonds.
Metro 228-2007
Approving the Thirteenth Supplemental Sewer and Drainage Revenue Bond authorizing the resolution adopted by the Board of the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District which authorizes the issuance of the district’s Sewer and Drainage System Revenue Bonds, in one or more series, (hereinafter the “2007 Bonds”) and providing for the immediate advertising, public, competitive sale of said bonds in an amount not to exceed $750,000,000.
Metro 294-2007
Authorizing and ratifying actions in the structuring, staffing, planning and preparation of all documentation for the issuance of certain General Obligation Bonds of the Metro Government in one or more series; authorizing the issuance of such bonds to finance the costs of the public projects described therein; setting forth the terms and conditions on which the bonds are to be issued and providing for a competitive, advertised sale thereof; authorizing and ratifying the preparation and distribution of a notice of bond sale and a preliminary official statement for the bonds; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the bonds and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action.
Metro 45-2008
Authorizing and ratifying actions in the structuring, staffing, planning and preparation of all documentation for the issuance of certain General Obligation Bonds or General Obligation Notes of the Metro Government in one or more series; authorizing the issuance of such bonds to finance the costs of the Systems Development Charges Project in an approximate amount of 17 million dollars and the New Money Projects in an approximate amount of 24.5 million dollars as further set forth herein; setting forth the terms and conditions on which the bonds are to be issued and sold; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the bonds and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action.
Metro 46-2008
Authorizing and providing for the issuance and sale of Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government Adjustable Rate Industrial Building Revenue Bonds, Series 2008 (St. Mary Academy Project) and taking other related action.
Metro Res. 57-2008
Authorizing the execution of a memorandum of agreement by and between the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government and University of Louisville Foundation, Inc. relating to an industrial building project undertaking the issuance of industrial building revenue bonds at the appropriate time to finance the project; and taking other preliminary action.
Metro Res. 58-2008
Approving the application of Phenix Louisville, LP for industrial building revenue bond financing of an industrial building project; undertaking the issuance of industrial building revenue bonds to finance the project and taking other preliminary action (as amended).
Metro Res. 64-2008
Authorizing the execution of a memorandum of agreement by and between the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government and Bellarmine University Incorporated relating to an industrial building project undertaking the issuance of taxable and/or tax- exempt college refunding and improvement revenue bonds to be issued in one or more series at the appropriate time to finance the project; and taking other preliminary action.
Metro Res. 67-2008
Approving the application of University Residences-Louisville, LLC for industrial building revenue bond financing of an industrial building project; undertaking the issuance of industrial building revenue bonds to finance the project; and taking other preliminary action.
Metro 81-2008
Authorizing the issuance of its College Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2008A and Series 2008B (Bellarmine University Project) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $43,000,000, the proceeds of which shall be loaned to Bellarmine University Incorporated to finance and refinance the costs of the completion of the construction, installation and equipping of an approximately 33,350 square foot facility consisting of classrooms and faculty offices, the construction, installation and equipping of an approximate 38,900 square foot residence hall located at 2001 Newburg Road, the refunding of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government College Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2006 (Bellarmine University Project), and to finance certain costs of issuance; authorizing the bond indentures, loan agreements, bond purchase agreements and other related documents; and authorizing other actions in connection with the issuance of such bonds.
Metro 90-2008
Authorizing the issuance of its Variable Rate Demand Industrial Building Revenue Bonds (Spalding University, Inc. Project), Series 2008 in the principal amount of not to exceed $13,500,000 and the loan of the proceeds thereof to Spalding University, Inc. to finance a portion of the costs of purchasing, constructing and improving the Breckinridge Building on the campus of Spalding University and refinance outstanding debt; authorizing the execution and delivery on behalf of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government of (1) an indenture of trust pursuant to which the bonds will be issued, (2) a loan agreement between the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, as lender, and Spalding University, Inc. as borrower, providing for loan repayments sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds as the same become due, and (3) a bond purchase agreement providing for the sale of the bonds on a negotiated basis; and taking other related action.
Metro 94-2008
Authorizing the issuance of its Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 2008 (Jewish Hospital & St. Mary’s Healthcare, Inc. Project) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $380,000,000, the proceeds of which shall be loaned to Jewish Hospital & St. Mary’s Healthcare, Inc. (The “Corporation”) to (1) finance the construction and equipping of a new power plant facility at Sts. Mary & Elizabeth Hospital, renovations and equipping of the Frazier Rehab Institute, Sts. Mary & Elizabeth Hospital, Our Lady of Peace, Jewish Hospital Medical Center Northeast and Jewish Hospital Shelbyville, and reimbursement for past capital expenditures at any or all of the above facilities, (2) refund all of the outstanding Series 2002 Bonds and Series 2004 Bonds that were issued for the benefit of the corporation, (3) pay certain amounts in connection with the termination or modification of one or more interest rate exchange agreements, and (4) Pay certain costs of issuance and fund a debt service reserve fund (if required); authorizing a bond indenture, form of bond, loan agreement, bond purchase agreement, tax exemption agreement, preliminary official statement, official statement, form of escrow agreement and other related documents; and authorizing other actions in connection with the issuance of such bonds (as amended).
Metro Res. 99-2008
Request that the Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority adopt a resolution providing for the issuance of revenue bonds in an amount of up to $50,000,000, the proceeds of which will be loaned to Masonic Homes of Kentucky, Inc., which owns and operates healthcare and health related facilities located within the boundaries of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, to provide for the financing or refinancing of the acquisition, construction and equipping of certain facilities consisting of healthcare and health related facilities.
Metro 117-2008
Authorizing the issuance and sale of Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government Mortgage Revenue Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Series 2008A (University of Louisville Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium Project) in a principal amount not to exceed $45,500,000 and Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 2008B (University of Louisville Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium Project) in a principal amount not to exceed $48,500,000, the proceeds of which shall be loaned to University of Louisville Athletic Association, Inc. to finance and refinance the acquisition, construction, installation, expansion and equipment of a sports stadium and related facilities; providing for the pledge of revenues for the payment of such bonds; authorizing a loan agreement and trust indenture appropriate for the protection and disposition of such revenues and to further secure such bonds; authorizing a preliminary and final official statement; and authorizing other actions in connection with the issuance of such bonds.
Metro 156-2008
Authorizing and providing for the issuance and sale of Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government Industrial Building Revenue Bonds, Series 2008 (Phenix Louisville Project).
Metro Res. 146-2008
Authorizing the appointment of (i) Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated as successor remarketing agent for the $22,500,000 principal amount of County of Jefferson, Kentucky, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, 2001 Series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company project), dated March 6, 2002 and (ii) Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated as successor remarketing agent for the $35,000,000 principal amount of County of Jefferson, Kentucky, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, 2001 Series B (Louisville Gas and Electric Company project), dated March 22, 2002.
Metro 172-2008
Authorizing the issuance of its industrial building Revenue Bonds, Series A and B (University Residences - Louisville, LLC Project) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $60,000,000 to defray the cost of acquiring a tract of 42.69 acres at 620 Shipp Avenue, Louisville, Kentucky 40208 and the construction, furnishing and equipping thereon of a residential rental apartment community, and to finance certain costs of issuance; authorizing the lease and financing agreements, bond purchase agreements and other related documents; and authorizing other actions in connection with the issuance of such bonds.
Metro 179-2008
Approving the fourteenth supplemental sewer and drainage revenue bond, authorizing resolution adopted by the Board of the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District which authorizes the issuance of the District’s Sewer and Drainage System Revenue Bonds, in one or more series, (hereinafter the 2008 Bonds) and providing for the advertising, public, competitive sale of said bonds in an amount not to exceed net bonds proceeds of $191,000,000.
Metro 191-2008
Authorizing and approving the termination by Louisville Gas and Electric Company (the “company”) of certain bond insurance policies securing the outstanding (i) $25,000,000 County of Jefferson, Kentucky, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, 2000 Series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company), dated May 19, 2000, (ii) $10,104,000 County of Jefferson, Kentucky, Environmental Facilities Revenue Bonds, 2001 Series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company, dated September 11, 2001, (iii) $128,000,000 Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, 2003 Series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company project), dated November 20, 2003, (iv) $40,000,000 Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, 2005 Series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company project), dated April 13, 2005, (v) $31,000,000 Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky, Environmental Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, 2007 Series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company project), dated April 26, 2007 and (vi) $35,200,000 Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky, Environmental Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, 2007 Series B (Louisville Gas and Electric Company project), dated April 26, 2007, and authorizing the securing of alternate credit facilities or collateral as deemed necessary by the company.
Metro 21-2009
Authorizing and directing the Parking Authority of River City Inc. (“PARC”) to issue its First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, or bond anticipation notes, Series 2009A to finance the acquisition of the Louisville Arena Parking Garage and additional capital expenditures for public parking and garage facilities located in Louisville Metro and to issue its First Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2009B to currently refund the outstanding principal amount of the city of Louisville Parking Authority of River City, Inc., First Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1997 (collectively, the Series 2009A Bonds and Series 2009B Bonds, the “2009” bonds), and related expenditures; authorizing the execution and delivery of a supplemental indenture, a supplemental lease and a supplemental security agreement necessary to effect the issuance of such bonds; and taking other related action.
Metro 34-2009
Authorizing and ratifying actions in the structuring, staffing, planning and preparation of all documentation, including an escrow agreement, if applicable, for the issuance of certain general obligation [refunding] bonds or general obligation [refunding] notes of the Metro Government in one or more series; authorizing the issuance of such bonds to (i) finance the costs of new money projects and (ii) refinance all or a portion of the issuer's outstanding general obligation bond anticipation notes, Series 2008A as further set forth herein; setting forth the terms and conditions on which the bonds are to be issued and sold; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the bonds and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action [as amended].
Metro 53-2009
Relating to the use of bond surplus proceeds and/or investment earnings held in the project fund(s) provided under Ordinance No. 97-2002 [as amended].
Metro 58-2009
Authorizing and ratifying actions in the structuring, staffing, planning and preparation of all documentation, including one or more escrow agreements, for the issuance of certain general obligation refunding bonds of the Metro Government in one or more series; authorizing the issuance of such bonds to refinance all or a portion of certain obligations originally incurred by the City of Louisville, the County of Jefferson and the City of Louisville Public Properties Corporation as further set forth herein; setting forth the terms and conditions on which the bonds are to be issued and providing for the competitive, advertised sale thereof; authorizing and ratifying the preparation and distribution of one or more notices of sale and preliminary official statements for the bonds; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the bonds and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action.
Metro 130-2009
Authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery, in the principal amount of $6,550,000, of Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government Louisville Medical Center Revenue Bonds and the loan of the proceeds thereof to Louisville Medical Center to finance the project; authorizing the execution and delivery on behalf of Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky of [1] a bond purchase agreement providing for the sale of the bonds on a negotiated basis, [2] a loan agreement providing for repayments sufficient to pay the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the bonds, and [3] a supplemental trust indenture securing the bonds; and providing for the acquisition of the property; and taking other related action.
Metro 139-2009
Consent and agreement to extension of construction fund expenditure date from August 16, 2008 to August 16, 2010 under Section 5.05 of Trust Indenture by and between Louisville/ Jefferson County Metro Government and the Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. (as successor to J.P. Morgan Trust Company, National Association), as trustee, and authorization of execution and delivery of Supplement No. 1 to Trust Indenture, related to the $13,910,000 Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government Student Housing Industrial Building Revenue Bonds (ULH, Inc. - University of Louisville, Phase III Project), Series 2005A.
Metro 163-2009
Approving the fifteenth supplemental sewer and drainage revenue bond authorizing resolution adopted by the Board of the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District which authorizes the issuance of the District’s Sewer and Drainage System Revenue Bonds, in one or more series, and providing for the advertising, public, competitive sale of such bonds in an amount not to exceed $180,000,000.
Metro 167-2009
Authorizing the issuance of certain qualified energy conservation bonds of the Metro Government to finance the costs of projects for qualified conservation purposes; setting forth the terms and conditions on which the bonds are to be issued and sold; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the bonds and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action [as amended].
Metro 175-2009
Authorizing and providing for the issuance and sale of Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government Industrial Building Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2009 (St. Mary Academy project) and taking other related action.
Metro 176-2009
Authorizing the issuance of College Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2009 (Bellarmine University project) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $18,500,000, the proceeds of which shall be loaned to Bellarmine University incorporated to finance the costs of the construction of phase three of a four phase resident hall consisting of 38,086 square feet to include the addition of a parking lot consisting of 118 parking spaces, the renovation of existing space and construction of new office and classroom space consisting of approximately 33,526 square feet to include installation of a geothermal system and the addition of other energy efficient systems to Kosters, the renovation of Café Ogle, and the addition and construction of field parking phase two consisting of an additional 158 parking spaces, and to finance certain costs of issuance; authorizing a trust indenture, a loan agreement, a bond purchase agreement, and other related documents; and authorizing other actions in connection with the issuance of such bonds.
Metro 196-2009
Authorizing and directing the Parking Authority of River City Inc. (PARC) to issue its first Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A, and First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 2010B (Federally Taxable - Build America Bonds - Direct Payment), to finance the acquisition and construction of a parking garage located at 615 South Fourth Street containing approximately 330 parking spaces and a parking garage located at 838 West Market Street containing approximately 427 parking spaces, located in Louisville Metro, and related expenditures; authorizing the execution and delivery of a supplemental indenture, a supplemental lease and a supplemental security agreement necessary to effect the issuance of such bonds; and taking other related action.
Metro 214-2009
Authorizing (A) the issuance of (i) Louisville/ Jefferson County Metro Government Student Housing Industrial Building Refunding Revenue Bonds (ULH, Inc. - Kurz Hall project), Series 2009A in an amount not to exceed $15,250,000 and (ii) Louisville/ Jefferson County Metro Government Student Housing Industrial Building Refunding Revenue Bonds (ULH, Inc. - Bettie Johnson Hall project), Series 2010A in an amount not to exceed $24,250,000; (B) the execution and delivery of (i) a trust indenture between the Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as trustee (or such other institution which may serve as trustee) and the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government securing the Series 2009A bonds, (ii) a trust indenture between the trustee and the issuer securing the series 2010A bonds, (iii) a loan agreement between the issuer and ULH, Inc. regarding the Series 2009A bonds, (iv) a loan agreement between the issuer and the company regarding the series 2010A bonds, (v) a bond purchase agreement among the issuer, the company and Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc. (the underwriter) in connection with the series 2009A bonds, (vi) a bond purchase agreement among the issuer, the company and the underwriter in connection with the series 2010A bonds, (vii) an official statement relating to the issuance and sale of the series 2009A bonds, (viii) an official statement relating to the issuance and sale of the series 2010A bonds, and (ix) any and all other related documents; and the taking of other related action [as amended].
Metro Res. 33-2010
Requesting that the Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority issue industrial building revenue bonds to finance industrial building projects within Metro Louisville for Goodwill Industries of Kentucky, Inc.
Metro 98-2010
Authorizing and ratifying actions in the structuring, staffing, planning and preparation of all documentation for the issuance of certain general obligation bonds of the Metro Government; authorizing the issuance of such bonds to finance the obligations of Metro Government in connection with settlement of litigation related to the Louisville Fire Department employees claims for overtime wages in a maximum amount of $35,000,000 as further set forth; setting forth the terms and conditions on which the bonds are to be issued and sold; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the bonds and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action [as amended].
Metro 104-2010
Authorizing a first supplement to the indenture of trust relating to Metro Government’s Variable Rate Demand Industrial Building Revenue Bonds, Series 2008 (Spalding University, Inc. Project), the proceeds of which were loaned to Spalding University, Inc., and taking other related action.
Metro 116-2010
Authorizing and providing for the issuance and sale of Louisville/ Jefferson County Metro Government Recovery Zone Facility Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A (Signature Healthcare Headquarters Project) and Taxable Industrial Building Revenue Bonds, Series 2010B (Signature Healthcare Headquarters Project) and taking other related action.
Metro 143-2010
Approving the sixteenth supplemental sewer and drainage revenue bond authorizing resolution adopted by the Board of the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District which authorizes the issuance of the District's Sewer and Drainage System Revenue Bonds, in one or more series, and providing for the advertised public competitive sale of said bonds in an amount not to exceed $330,000,000.
Metro 157-2010
Amending and restating Ordinance No. 167, Series 2009 authorizing and ratifying actions in the structuring, staffing, planning and preparation of all documentation for the issuance of certain (i) general obligation bonds or general obligation notes and/or (ii) taxable general obligation bonds (qualified energy conservation bonds – direct payment to issuer) of the Metro Government in one or more series; authorizing the issuance of such bonds/notes to (i) finance the costs of projects for qualified conservation purposes as further set forth herein; setting forth the terms and conditions on which the bonds/notes are to be issued and sold; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the bonds/notes and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action.
Metro Res. 209-2010
Approving the application of 3rd Street Development, LLC for industrial building revenue bond financing of an industrial building project; undertaking the issuance of industrial building revenue bonds to finance the project; and taking other preliminary action (as amended).
Metro 182-2010
Authorizing and approving the addition of mortgage collateralization and securitization for certain outstanding issues of bonds of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky and the former County of Jefferson, Kentucky, and in that regard authorizing the execution and delivery by the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky of Eight separate Amendment No. 1 to Loan Agreement and eight separate Supplemental Indenture No. 1 to Indenture of Trust in connection with the issuance by Louisville Gas and Electric Company of certain mortgage bonds to the various trustees which are parties to the Supplemental Indenture No. 1 to indenture of trust in order to secure and collateralize the outstanding (i) $25,000,000 Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, 2000 Series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company Project), dated May 19, 2000, as amended on November 25, 2008, (ii) $10,104,000 County of Jefferson, Kentucky, Environmental Facilities Revenue Bonds, 2001 Series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company Project), dated September 11, 2001, (iii) $22,500,000 County of Jefferson, Kentucky, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, 2001 Series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company Project), dated March 6, 2002, (iv) $35,000,000 County of Jefferson, Kentucky, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, 2001 Series B (Louisville Gas and Electric Company Project), dated March 22, 2002, (v) $128,000,000 Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, 2003 Series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company Project), dated November 20, 2003, (vi) $40,000,000 Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, 2005 Series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company Project), dated April 13, 2005, as amended on November 25, 2008, (vii) $31,000,000 Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky, Environmental Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, 2007 Series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company Project), dated April 26, 2007, as amended on November 25, 2008, and (viii) $35,200,000 Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky, Environmental Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, 2007 Series B (Louisville Gas and Electric Company Project), dated April 26, 2007 (as amended).
Metro 188-2010
Authorizing the issuance of Industrial Building Revenue Bonds, Series 2010 (The Healing Place, Inc. Project) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $5,200,000, the proceeds of which shall be loaned to the Healing Place, Inc. to finance and/or refinance certain existing debt the proceeds of which were used to construct a new 240 bed, 72,000 square foot transitional facility for abused and/or chemically dependent women and children located at 1607 West Broadway, Louisville, Kentucky, and to finance certain costs of issuance; authorizing a bond purchase agreement, a loan agreement, an assignment agreement, and other related documents; and authorizing other actions in connection with the issuance of such bonds.
Metro 204-2010
Authorizing and ratifying actions in the structuring, staffing, planning and preparation of all documentation, including one or more escrow agreements, for the issuance of certain general obligation refunding bonds of the Metro Government in one or more series; authorizing the issuance of such bonds to refinance all or a portion of certain obligations originally incurred by the City of Louisville as further set forth herein; setting forth the terms and conditions on which the bonds are to be issued and providing for the competitive, advertised sale thereof; authorizing and ratifying the preparation and distribution of one or more notices of sale and preliminary official statements for the bonds; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the bonds and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action.
Metro 208-2010
Authorizing the issuance of its College Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2010 (Bellarmine University Project) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $14,000,000, the proceeds of which shall be loaned to Bellarmine University Incorporated to finance the costs of the construction, installation and renovation of student housing facilities (Siena Terzo and Arboreta), a café, landscaping and miscellaneous capital improvements, and to finance certain costs of issuance; authorizing a trust indenture, a loan agreement, a bond purchase agreement, and other related documents; and authorizing other actions in connection with the issuance of such bonds.
Metro Res. 280-2010
Authorizing the execution of a memorandum of agreement between Millennium Forge, Inc., a Wisconsin corporation and the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government relating to the acquisition, construction, equipping, and installation of a facility at 990 Ormsby Avenue, Louisville, Kentucky for the manufacture of iron/steel forgings; agreeing to undertake the issuance of industrial building revenue bonds at the appropriate time to finance the costs of the project; and taking other preliminary action.
Metro Res. 281-2010
Approving the application of ECL Properties, LLC for industrial building revenue bond financing of an industrial building project; undertaking the issuance of industrial building revenue bonds to finance the project; and taking other preliminary action.
Metro 233-2010
Authorizing and providing for the issuance and sale of Recovery Zone Facility Revenue Bonds, Series 2010 (ECL Properties, LLC Project) and taking other related action.
Metro 234-2010
Authorizing and providing for the issuance and sale of Recovery Zone Facility Revenue Bonds, Series 2010 (Clay Commons, LLC Project) and taking other related action.
Metro 235-2010
Authorizing the issuance of up to $10,000,000 principal amount of Industrial Building Revenue Bonds, Series 2010 (Millennium Forge, Inc. Project), for the purpose of financing an industrial building project; approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of a loan agreement between the Metro Government and Millennium Forge, Inc. and assignees, a trust indenture securing the bonds, a bond purchase agreement and related documents; authorizing the negotiated sale of the bonds; and taking other related action [as amended].
Metro 238-2010
Authorizing and providing for the issuance and sale of Recovery Zone Facility Revenue Bonds, Series 2010 (Marian Development Group, LLC Project) and taking other related action.
Metro 239-2010
Amending Ordinance No. 188-2010 for purposes of changing the purchaser of the Industrial Building Revenue Bonds, Series 2010 (The Healing Place, Inc. Project) from Branch Banking & Trust Company to U.S. Bank National Association and authorizing the execution and delivery of a bond purchase contract, loan agreement, and trust indenture.
Metro 262-2010
Authorizing and providing for the issuance and sale of Variable Rate Demand Recovery Zone Facility Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A (3rd Street Development, LLC Project) and taking other related action.
Metro Res. 96-2011
Relating to a request that the Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority adopt a resolution providing for the issuance of revenue bonds, the proceeds of which will provide for the financing of the acquisition, construction, installation and equipping of certain facilities consisting of healthcare and health related facilities located within the boundaries of Metro Louisville to be operated by Masonic Homes of Kentucky, Inc. [as amended].
Metro 124-2011
Authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery, in the principal amount of up to $11,000,000 of its Taxable Revenue Bonds, Series 2011 (Louisville Medical Center Project) and the loan of the proceeds thereof to Louisville Medical Center, Inc. to finance the acquisition, construction, equipping and installation of a chiller and air pollution control equipment at the Center's steam and chilled water plant; authorizing the execution and delivery of a bond purchase agreement providing for the sale of the bonds on a negotiated basis, a loan agreement providing for repayments sufficient to pay the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the bonds, and a Supplemental Trust Indenture securing the bonds; and taking other related action.
Metro 125-2011
Authorizing the execution of a Supplemental Trust Indenture reducing and amending the interest rate applicable to its Louisville Medical Center Tax Exempt Revenue Bonds, Series 2009, and authorizing the issuance of replacement bonds reflecting the amendment provided for by such Supplemental Trust Indenture; and taking other related action.
Metro Res. 151-2011
Authorizing the execution of a memorandum of agreement by and between the Metro Government and Westport Axle Corporation relating to an industrial building project undertaking the issuance of Industrial Building Revenue Bonds at the appropriate time to finance the project; and taking other preliminary action.
Metro 145-2011
Authorizing the issuance of Health System Variable Rate Revenue Bonds Series 2011A, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $35,000,000, the proceeds of which shall be loaned to Norton Healthcare, Inc. and Norton Hospitals, Inc. to pay or reimburse the obligated group for the costs of acquiring, constructing, renovating and equipping certain health care facilities of the corporation and certain affiliates; authorizing the issuance of Health System Variable Rate Revenue Bonds Series 2011B, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $40,000,000, the proceeds of which shall be loaned to Norton Healthcare, Inc. and Norton Hospitals, Inc. to pay or reimburse the obligated group for the costs of acquiring, constructing, renovating and equipping certain health care facilities of the corporation and certain affiliates; and taking other related action.
Metro 146-2011
Authorizing the issuance of Health System Variable Rate Revenue Refunding Bonds Series 2011C, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $26,000,000, the proceeds of which shall be loaned to Norton Healthcare, Inc. and Norton Hospitals, Inc. to refund and retire certain outstanding indebtedness; authorizing the issuance of Taxable Health System Variable Rate Revenue Refunding Bonds Series 2011D, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $54,000,000, the proceeds of which shall be loaned to Norton Healthcare, Inc. and Norton Hospitals, Inc. to refund and retire certain outstanding indebtedness; and taking other related action.
Metro 159-2011
Approving the Seventeenth Supplemental Sewer and Drainage Revenue Bond Authorizing Resolution adopted by the Board of the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District which authorizes the issuance of the District's Sewer and Drainage System Revenue Bonds, in one or more series, for the purpose of refunding all or a portion of the District's outstanding Series 2001A Bonds and Series 1998 Bonds and providing for the advertised public competitive sale of said current bonds in an amount not to exceed bond proceeds of $455,000,000.
Metro 195-2011
Authorizing and providing for the issuance and sale of Variable Rate Demand Industrial Building Revenue Bonds, Series 2011 (3rd Street Development, LLC Project) and taking other related action.
Metro 203-2011
Authorizing the issuance of Industrial Building Revenue Bonds, Series 2011 (Westport Axle Corporation Project) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $10,000,000, the proceeds of which shall be loaned to Westport Axle Corporation to finance the acquisition, construction and equipping of an approximate 208,000 square foot commercial building located at 4001 Collins Lane, Louisville, Kentucky to be used to provide manufacturing, assembly and sequencing services for the Ford Motor Co. Kentucky Truck Plant and other companies, and to finance certain costs of issuance; authorizing a bond purchase agreement, a loan agreement, an assignment agreement, and other related documents; and authorizing other actions in connection with the issuance of such bonds.
Metro 230-2011
Authorizing and approving the execution and delivery by the Metro Government of the (i) Second Amended and Restated Indenture of Trust between the Metro Government and the Bank of New York Mellon, as trustee, dated as of October 1, 2011, and (ii) Amendment No. 2 to Amended and Restated Loan Agreement between the Metro Government and Louisville Gas and Electric Company dated as of October 1, 2011, which documents will add a LIBOR Index Rate Interest Rate Mode to the existing interest rate modes applicable to the $25,000,000 Metro Government Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, 2000 Series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company Project), dated May 19, 2000, and permit the company to convert the interest rate applicable to the bonds to the LIBOR Index Rate.
Metro 243-2011
Authorizing the issuance of its Adjustable Rate Demand Industrial Building Revenue Bonds (Seven Counties Services, Inc. Project), Series 2011 in the principal amount of $2,600,000 and the loan of the proceeds thereof to Seven Counties Services, Inc. to finance a portion of the costs of acquiring and implementing accounting and electronic health records management system software packages for use by its community mental health and treatment facilities; authorizing the execution and delivery on behalf of the Metro Government of (1) an indenture of trust pursuant to which the bonds will be issued, (2) a loan agreement between the Metro Government, as lender, and Seven Counties Services, Inc., as borrower, providing for loan repayments sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds as the same become due, and (3) a bond purchase agreement providing for the sale of the bonds on a negotiated basis; and taking other related action.
Metro Res. 262-2011
Approving the granting of local inducements to Infinium Printing pursuant to KRS Chapter 154, Subchapter 32.
Metro 272-2011
Authorizing and providing for the issuance and sale of Variable Rate Demand Industrial Building Revenue Bonds, Series 2011E and Series 2011F (3rd Street Development, LLC Project) and taking other related action.
Metro 38-2012
Authorizing the issuance of Revenue Bonds (Catholic Health Initiatives) Series 2012A in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $392,570,000, the proceeds of which shall be loaned to Catholic Health Initiatives (the "Corporation") (1) to refinance all or a portion of the outstanding Series 2008 Bonds that were issued for the benefit of Jewish Hospital & St. Mary's Healthcare, Inc., an affiliate of the Corporation and (2) to pay certain costs related to the issuance of such bonds and the refunding of the Series 2008 Bonds; authorizing a bond indenture, form of bond, loan agreement, bond purchase agreement, tax exemption agreement, preliminary official statement, official statement, escrow agreement and other related documents; and authorizing other actions in connection with the issuance of such bonds.
Metro 87-2012
Authorizing the issuance of up to $8,000,000 principal amount of Industrial Building Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds (Recast Energy Louisville, LLC Project), Series 2012, for the purpose of financing certain costs relating to capital improvements and equipping of facilities located at 4200 Bells Lane, Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky; approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of a loan agreement between the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government and Recast Energy Louisville, LLC and assignees, a trust indenture securing the bonds, a bond placement agreement and related documents; authorizing the negotiated sale of the bonds; and taking other related action.
Metro Res. 124-2012
Relating to a request that the Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority adopt a resolution providing for the issuance of revenue and revenue refunding bonds, the proceeds of which will provide for the financing and refinancing of the acquisition, construction, installation and equipping of certain facilities consisting of healthcare and health related facilities located within the boundaries of Metro Louisville to be operated by Masonic Homes of Kentucky, Inc.
Metro 168-2012
Authorizing the issuance of its Health System Variable Rate Revenue Refunding Bonds Series 2012A, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $22,000,000, the proceeds of which shall be loaned to Norton Healthcare, Inc. and Norton Hospitals, Inc. to refund and retire certain outstanding indebtedness, and taking other related action.
Metro Res. 139-2012
Authorizing the Mayor to accept up to $5,000,000 in Kentucky tax increment financing benefits related to the Churchill Downs Development Area Grant Agreement authorized by Louisville Ord. No. 73-2002 (see LMCO § 163.02) to be administered by the Metropolitan Development Authority, Inc. as a successor to the Louisville Development Authority through the Department of Economic Growth and Innovation.
Metro 176-2012
Authorizing amendments to $10,000,000 Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government Industrial Building Revenue Bonds, Series 2010 (Millennium Forge, Inc. Project) issued on December 14, 2010, including the execution and delivery of the first amendment to indenture of trust by and between the Louisville/ Jefferson County Metro Government and the Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as trustee.
Metro Res. 155-2012
Authorizing the appointment of U.S. Bancorp Investments, Inc. and U.S. Bank Municipal Securities Group a Division of U.S. Bank National Association, as successor remarketing agent for the $31,000,000 principal amount of Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky, Environmental Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, 2007 Series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company Project).
Metro 178-2012
Authorizing the issuance of its Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2012 (Louisville Medical Center, Inc. Laundry Facility Project) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $3,400,000 for the purpose of advance refunding its Louisville Medical Center Laundry Revenue Bonds, Series 2003; authorizing the execution and delivery of a bond trust indenture, loan agreement, and tax regulatory agreement; authorizing the preparation, distribution and delivery of an official statement; authorizing the execution and delivery of a bond purchase agreement; authorizing and approving an amendment of the contract governing the operation and management of the Central Medical Laundry Facility refinanced, in part, by the bonds; authorizing and approving certain other matters, including the execution of related documents, in connection with the sale and issuance of the bonds.
Metro 179-2012
Authorizing the issuance of its Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A (Louisville Medical Center, Inc. Steam and Chilled Water Plant Project) and Taxable Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2012B (Louisville Medical Center, Inc. Steam and Chilled Water Plant Project) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $9,000,000 for the purpose of currently refunding its County of Jefferson, Kentucky, Louisville Medical Center Refunding and Revenue Bonds, Series 2002; authorizing the execution and delivery of a bond trust indenture, loan agreement, and tax regulatory agreement; authorizing the preparation, distribution and delivery of an official statement; authorizing the execution and delivery of a bond purchase agreement; authorizing and approving a second supplemental user contract governing the operation and management of the Steam and Chilled Water Plant refinanced in part by the bonds; authorizing and approving certain other matters, including the execution of related documents, in connection with the sale and issuance of the bonds.
Metro Res. 167-2012
Approving the application of Charah, Inc. for industrial building revenue bond financing of its gypsum pelletizing facilities; undertaking the issuance of industrial building revenue bonds to finance such facilities; authorizing the execution of a memorandum of agreement relating to such financing and the bonds; and taking other preliminary actions.
Metro 213-2012
Authorizing the issuance of up to $9,500,000 principal amount of an Industrial Building Revenue Bond (Charah, Inc. Project), Series 2012, for the purpose of financing certain costs relating to the acquisition, construction and equipping of gypsum pelletizing facilities located at 14660 Dixie Highway, Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky; approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of a loan agreement among the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Charah, Inc. and GE Government Finance, Inc., an escrow agreement among the issuer, the borrower, the lender and BMO Harris Bank N.A. and related documents; authorizing the negotiated sale of the bond; and taking other related action.
Metro Res. 193-2012
Authorizing the execution of a memorandum of agreement between the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government and Mainstreet Ventures LLC, relating to an industrial building project undertaking; agreeing to the issuance of industrial building revenue bonds at the appropriate time to finance the costs of the project; and taking other preliminary action.
Metro 20-2013
Authorizing and providing for the issuance and sale of Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government Industrial Building Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2013 (St. Mary Academy Project) and taking other related action.
Metro 46-2013
Approving the Eighteenth Supplemental Sewer and Drainage Revenue Bond Authorizing Resolution adopted by the Board of the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District which authorizes the issuance of the District's Sewer and Drainage System Revenue Bonds, in one or more series, for the purpose of refunding all or a portion of the District's outstanding Series 2001A Bonds, Series 2004A Bonds and Series 2005A Bonds and providing for the advertised public competitive sale of said current bonds in an amount not to exceed bond proceeds of $295,000,000.
Metro 65-2013
Authorizing and directing the Parking Authority of River City, Inc., to issue its (A) First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 2013A to finance the acquisition and improvement of surface lots and parking facilities and (B) First Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2013B to finance the refunding of (1) the outstanding City of Louisville Parking Authority of River City (Parc), Inc. First Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2001 and (2) the outstanding City of Louisville Parking Authority of River City (Parc), Inc. First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 2002 Bonds; authorizing the execution of a supplemental indenture and supplemental lease necessary to effect the issuance of such bonds; and taking other related action.
Metro 78-2013
Providing for and authorizing the issuance of certain general obligation bonds of the Metro Government in one or more series to finance the costs of the public projects as described therein and to refund certain outstanding obligations of the Metro Government as described therein; setting forth the terms and conditions on which the bonds are to be issued and providing for a competitive, advertised sale thereof; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the bonds and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action relating to the issuance and sale of the bonds (as amended).
Metro Res. 119-2013
Requesting that the Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority issue revenue bonds in an amount of up to $158,195,000, the proceeds of which will be loaned to Catholic Health Initiatives to provide financing for all or a part of the costs of the acquisition, construction, installation and equipping of capital projects for health care facilities and related improvements and expenditures.
Metro 144-2013
Authorizing the issuance of its Health System Revenue Bonds Series 2013A, Series 2013B and Series 2013C in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $300,000,000, (i) the proceeds of its Health System Revenue Bonds, Series 2013A shall be loaned to Norton Healthcare, Inc. and Norton Hospitals, Inc. to pay or reimburse the obligated group for the costs of acquiring, constructing, renovating and equipping certain health care facilities of the corporation and certain affiliates, (ii) the proceeds of its Health System Variable Rate Revenue Bonds Series 2013B shall be loaned to Norton Healthcare, Inc. and Norton Hospitals, Inc. to refund and retire certain outstanding indebtedness, (iii) the proceeds of its Health System Variable Rate Revenue Bonds Series 2013C shall be loaned to Norton Healthcare, Inc. and Norton Hospitals, Inc. to pay or reimburse the obligated group for the costs of acquiring, constructing, renovating and equipping certain health care facilities of the corporation and certain affiliates, and (iv) taking other related action.
Metro 201-2013
Approving the Nineteenth Supplemental Sewer and Drainage Revenue Bond authorizing resolution adopted by the Board of the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District which authorizes the issuance of the District's Sewer and Drainage System Revenue Bonds, Series 2013C for the purpose of paying all or a portion of the costs of construction of the 2013C project; and providing for the advertised public competitive sale of said current bonds in an amount not to exceed $110,000,000.
Metro Res. 161-2013
Authorizing the execution of a memorandum of agreement by and between Metro Government and Louisville Gas and Electric Company, a Kentucky corporation, relating to the acquisition, construction and equipping of certain solid waste disposal facilities within the geographic boundaries of Metro Government; agreeing to undertake the issuance of revenue bonds at the appropriate time to pay certain costs of acquiring, constructing and equipping said facilities; and taking other preliminary actions.
Metro 232-2013
Providing for and authorizing the structuring, planning and preparation of all documentation for the issuance of certain general obligation notes of Metro Government; authorizing the issuance of such notes of the Metro Government in one or more series to finance the costs of the public projects in an amount not to exceed seven million dollars ($7,000,000) as further set therein; setting forth the method for the sale of the notes; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the notes and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action.
Metro 51-2014
Authorizing the issuance of Taxable Revenue Bonds, Series 2014 (Louisville Medical Center Laundry Facility Project) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $1,000,000 for the purpose of financing the acquisition, construction and installation of new air conditioning equipment, washing equipment, linen carts and related equipment and property for the Medical Center laundry; authorizing the execution and delivery of a bond trust indenture, loan agreement and bond purchase agreement; authorizing and approving certain other matters, including the execution of related documents, in connection with the sale and issuance of the bonds.
Metro 52-2014
Authorizing the issuance of its Taxable Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2014 (Louisville Medical Center Steam and Chilled Water Plant Project) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $3,200,000 for the purpose of currently refunding a portion of its Medical Center Tax Exempt Revenue Bonds, Series 2009; authorizing the execution and delivery of a bond trust indenture, loan agreement and bond purchase agreement; authorizing and approving certain other matters, including the execution of related documents, in connection with the sale and issuance of the bonds.
Metro Res. 21-2014
Relating to a request that the Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority adopt a resolution providing for the issuance of revenue bonds, the proceeds of which will provide for the financing of the acquisition, construction, installation and equipping of certain facilities consisting of healthcare and health related facilities located within the boundaries of Metro Louisville to be owned by Masonic Home Independent Living II, Inc.
Metro 99-2014
Amending and restating Ordinance No. 87, Series 2012, authorizing the issuance of up to $7,000,000 principal amount of an Industrial Building Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Note (Recast Energy Louisville, LLC Project), Series 2014, for the purpose of financing certain costs relating to capital improvements and equipping of facilities located at 4200 Bells Lane, Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky; approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of a loan agreement among the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Recast Energy Louisville, LLC and Presidential Bank, FSB and related documents; authorizing the negotiated sale of the note; and taking other related action.
Metro Res. 74-2014
Resolution of official intent of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government to finance the acquisition, construction, renovation and improvement of certain capital projects of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government and its agencies and departments from the proceeds of a proposed issue of tax-exempt general obligation bonds and tax-exempt general obligation notes.
Metro 153-2014
Approving the issuance by the Louisville and Jefferson County Visitors and Convention Commission of its Senior Subordinated Bond Anticipation Note, Series 2014 to refund its outstanding Series 2004A Bonds; and taking other related action.
Metro 159-2014
Approving the Twentieth Supplemental Sewer and Drainage Revenue Bond authorizing resolution adopted by the Board of the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District which authorizes the issuance of the District's Sewer and Drainage System Revenue Bonds, Series 2014A for the purpose of paying all or a portion of the costs of construction of the 2014A project; and providing for the advertised public competitive sale of said current bonds in an amount not to exceed $88,000,000.00.
Metro 166-2014
Providing for and authorizing the issuance of certain general obligation bonds and notes of the Metro Government in one or more series to finance the costs of the public projects as described therein and to refund certain outstanding obligations of the Metro Government as described therein; setting forth the terms and conditions on which the bonds and notes are to be issued and providing for a competitive, advertised sale thereof; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the bonds and notes and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action relating to the issuance and sale of the bonds and notes.
Metro Res. 123-2014
Giving preliminary approval of an industrial revenue bond financing in one or more series for Brown-Forman Corporation, or any of its affiliates; authorizing initiation of the acquisition, construction and installation of an industrial project related thereto; agreeing to undertake the issuance of industrial revenue bonds in one or more series at the appropriate time; and taking other preliminary action.
Metro Res. 124-2014
Authorizing the appointment of Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated as a co-remarketing agent for the $35,000,000 principal amount of Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, 2001 Series B (Louisville Gas and Electric Company Project), and further authorizing certain related actions related to the above-identified bonds.
Metro Res. 136-2014
Amending Metro Res. No. 193-2012 relating to the authorization of the execution of a memorandum of agreement between the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government and Mainstreet Ventures, LLC, and amending the memorandum of agreement by and between the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government and Mainstreet Ventures, LLC, relating to an industrial building project undertaking the issuance of industrial building revenue bonds to reflect the transfer of ownership of the property to Heaven Hill Distilleries, Inc.
Metro 191-2014
Authorizing the execution and delivery on behalf of Metro Government of a first mortgage and a second mortgage relating to the outstanding Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government Industrial Building Revenue Bonds, Series 2008 (The Bellamy at Louisville Project).
Metro 192-2014
Authorizing the issuance of up to $10,000,000 principal amount of Industrial Building Revenue Bonds, Series 2014 (Heaven Hill Distilleries, Inc., Project), in one or more series for the purpose of financing an industrial building project; approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of: (I) a deed from Heaven Hill Distilleries, Inc. to Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government (II) a lease agreement between Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government and Heaven Hill Distilleries, Inc., (III) a mortgage, (IV) a bond purchase agreement, (V) a payment in lieu of taxes agreement, and (VI) any and all other related documents; and taking other related and incidental action.
Metro 3-2015
Providing for and authorizing the issuance of certain general obligation bonds and notes of the Metro Government in one or more series to finance the costs of the development of the Center City Project in the Louisville Downtown Revitalization District Development Area; setting forth the terms and conditions on which the bonds and notes are to be issued and providing for a competitive, advertised sale thereof; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the bonds and notes and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action relating to the issuance and sale of the bonds and notes.
Metro 4-2015
Authorizing and directing the Parking Authority of River City, Inc., to issue its taxable First Mortgage Revenue Bonds (Center City Garage Project) to finance the acquisition and development of parking facilities to be located in the Center City Project in the Central Downtown Revitalization District Development Area; authorizing the execution of a supplemental indenture and supplemental lease necessary to effect the issuance of such bonds; and taking other related action.
Metro Res. 43-2015
Amending and supplementing Resolution No. 123-2014, relating to the preliminary approval of the issuance of one or more series of industrial building revenue bonds for the benefit of Brown-Forman Corporation's Whiskey Row Project.
Metro Res. 65-2015
Official intent of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government to finance the acquisition, construction, renovation and improvement of certain capital projects of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government and its agencies and departments from the proceeds of one or more proposed issues of tax-exempt general obligation bonds and tax-exempt general obligation notes.
Metro Res. 73-2015
Authorizing the issuance of its College Improvement Revenue and Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2015 (Bellarmine University Project), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $39,000,000, the proceeds of which shall be loaned to Bellarmine University Incorporated, a Kentucky nonprofit corporation, to finance the costs of the construction of certain projects located on the campus of Bellarmine University, 2001 Newburg Road, Louisville, Kentucky 40205, to refinance certain outstanding bonds which are obligations of the corporation and to pay certain costs of issuance; authorizing a trust indenture, a loan agreement, a bond purchase agreement, and other related documents; and authorizing other actions in connection with the issuance of such bonds.
Metro Res. 86-2015
Requesting that the Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority adopt a resolution providing for the issuance of revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $50,000,000, the proceeds of which will be loaned to Christian Care Communities, Inc., a Kentucky nonprofit corporation, and/or one or more affiliates, with facilities located within the boundaries of Jefferson County, to finance and refinance the acquisition, construction and equipping of certain facilities consisting of health care and health related facilities.
Metro 156-2015
Approving the Twenty-first Supplemental Sewer and Drainage Revenue Bond authorizing resolution adopted by the Board of the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District which authorizes the issuance of the District's Sewer and Drainage System Revenue Bonds, Series 2015A for the purpose of paying all or a portion of the costs of construction of the 2015A project; and providing for the advertised public competitive sale of said current bonds in an amount not to exceed $185,000,000.
Metro 177-2015
Providing for and authorizing the issuance of certain general obligation bonds of the Metro Government in one or more series to finance the costs of the public projects as described therein; setting forth the terms and conditions on which the bonds are to be issued and providing for a competitive, advertised sale thereof; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the bonds and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action relating to the issuance and sale of the bonds.
Metro 183-2015
Authorizing a second supplement to the indenture of trust relating to Metro Government's Variable Rate Demand Industrial Building Revenue Bonds, Series 2008 (Spalding University, Inc. Project), the proceeds of which were loaned to Spalding University, Inc., and taking other related action.
Metro 2-2016
Authorizing an amendment to the interest rate of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government Recovery Zone Facility Revenue Bonds, Series 2010A (ECL Properties, LLC project); and approving, authorizing and acknowledging the execution and delivery of (1) a first amendment to bond purchase and loan agreement among Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, ECL Properties, LLC and Republic Bank & Trust Company, a Kentucky banking corporation; (2) amended and restated Series 2010A specimen bonds; and (3) all other related documents necessary thereto.
Metro 81-2016
Authorizing the issuance of Health System Revenue Bonds, Series 2016 (Norton Healthcare, Inc.) in one or more series in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $725,000,000, the proceeds of which shall be loaned to Norton Healthcare, Inc. and Norton Hospitals, Inc. to (A) pay or reimburse Norton Healthcare, Inc. and Norton Hospitals, Inc. for the costs of acquiring, constructing, renovating and equipping certain health care facilities of Norton Healthcare, Inc. and certain affiliates, and (B) refund and retire certain outstanding indebtedness, and taking other related action.
Metro 99-2016
Approving the issuance by the Louisville and Jefferson County Visitors and Convention Commission of the Commission's dedicated tax revenue bonds in one or more series for the purpose of financing the renovation and expansion of the Kentucky International Convention Center and refunding outstanding bonds of the Xommission, such bonds to be payable from the proceeds of dedicated taxes authorized by KRS Chapter 91A; approving the execution and delivery by the Commission of one or more supplemental trust indentures necessary to effect the issuance of such bonds; and taking other related action.
Metro Res. 60-2016
Official intent of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government to finance the acquisition, construction, renovation and improvement of certain capital projects of the Metro Government and its agencies and departments from the proceeds of one or more proposed issues of tax-exempt general obligation bonds and tax-exempt general obligation notes.
Metro 115-2016
Approving the Twenty-third Supplemental Sewer and Drainage Revenue Bond authorizing resolution adopted by the Board of the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District which authorizes the issuance of the District's Sewer and Drainage System Revenue Bonds, Series 2016A for the purpose of paying all or a portion of the costs of construction of the 2016A Project; and providing for the advertised public competitive sale of said current bonds in an amount not to exceed $160,000,000.
Metro 136-2016
Authorizing and directing the Parking Authority of River City, Inc., to issue its First Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2016B to finance the refunding of a portion of the outstanding Parking Authority of River City, Inc. First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 2009A; authorizing the execution of a supplemental indenture and supplemental lease necessary to effect the issuance of such bonds; and taking other related action.
Metro 137-2016
Providing for and authorizing the issuance of certain general obligation bonds of the Metro Government in one or more series to finance the costs of the public projects as described therein; setting forth the terms and conditions on which the bonds are to be issued and providing for a competitive advertised sale thereof; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the bonds and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action relating to the issuance and sale of the bonds.
Metro 149-2016
Authorizing the issuance of its Taxable Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2016 (Louisville Medical Center Steam and Chilled Water Plant Project) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $8,500,000 for the purposes of (A) refunding the Louisville Medical Center Taxable Revenue Bonds, Series 2011, and (B) paying costs of issuance of the Series 2016 bonds; authorizing the execution and delivery of a bond trust indenture, loan agreement, and bond purchase agreement; authorizing and approving certain other matters, including the execution of related documents, in connection with the sale and issuance of the Series 2016 bonds.
Metro Res. 13-2017
Authorizing the appointment of PNC Capital Markets LLC as a co-remarketing agent for the $128,000,000 outstanding principal amount of Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, 2003 Series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company Project); authorizing the execution of one or more letter agreements in connection with the remarketing of the (i) 2003 Series A Bonds, (ii) $31,000,000 outstanding principal amount of Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky, Environmental Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, 2007 Series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company Project), and (iii) $35,200,000 outstanding principal amount of Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky, Environmental Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, 2007 Series B (Louisville Gas and Electric Company Project); and taking other actions related to the remarketing of the above-identified bonds.
Metro 87-2017
Approving the Twenty-fifth Supplemental Sewer and Drainage Revenue Bond authorizing resolution adopted by the Board of the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District (the “District”) which authorizes the issuance of the District’s Sewer and Drainage System Revenue Bonds, Series 2017A, (the “current bonds”) for the purpose of paying all or a portion of the costs of construction of the 2017A Project; and providing for the advertised public competitive sale of said current bonds in an amount not to exceed $185,000,000.
Metro 148-2017
Authorizing the issuance of Health Care Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 2017 (PMOB, Inc. Project) in a maximum principal amount of $48,610,000 for the purpose of financing the costs of the acquisition, construction, installation and equipping of health care and health related facilities for PMOB, Inc.; authorizing the execution and delivery of a Bond Purchase and Loan Agreement and a Tax Regulatory Agreement; authorizing certain other matters, including the execution of related documents, in connection with the issuance, sale, and delivery of the Series 2017 bonds.
Metro 161-2017
Providing for and authorizing the issuance of certain General Obligation Bonds of the Metro Government in one or more series to finance the costs of the public projects as described therein; setting forth the terms and conditions on which the bonds are to be issued and providing for a competitive, advertised sale thereof; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the bonds and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action relating to the issuance and sale of the bonds.
Metro 203-2017
Providing for and authorizing the issuance of certain General Obligation Bonds and Notes of the Metro Government in one or more series to finance the costs of the acquisition and redevelopment of Brownfields and adjacent properties in the Butchertown Stadium District Development Area; setting forth the terms and conditions on which the bonds and notes are to be issued and providing for a competitive, advertised sale thereof; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the bonds and notes and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action relating to the issuance and sale of the bonds and notes.
Metro Res. 113-2017
Authorizing the issuance of its College Improvement Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2017 (Bellarmine University Project), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $45,000,000, in one or more series, on a tax-exempt or taxable basis (or combination thereof), the proceeds of which shall be loaned to Bellarmine University Incorporated, a Kentucky Nonprofit Corporation (the “borrower”), in order to refinance certain outstanding bonds which are obligations of the Corporation and to pay certain costs of issuance; authorizing a trust indenture, a Loan Agreement, a Bond Purchase Agreement, and other related documents; and authorizing other actions in connection with the issuance of such bonds.
Res. 107-2018
Official intent of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government to finance the acquisition, construction, renovation and improvement of certain capital projects of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government and its agencies and departments from the proceeds of one or more proposed issues of general obligation bonds and general obligation notes.
Metro 122-2018
Authorizing and providing for the issuance and sale of Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government Industrial Building Revenue Bonds, Series 2018 (the Marshall at Louisville Project) and taking other related action.
Metro 195-2018
Authorizing the issuance, sale, and delivery of (A) Industrial Revenue Bonds having an aggregate principal amount of up to $40,750,000 and designated the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky, Industrial Building Revenue Bonds, Series 2018A (Brown-Forman Whiskey Row Project) and (B) Industrial Revenue Bonds having an aggregate principal amount of up to $4,250,000 and designated the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky, Industrial Building Revenue Bonds, Series 2018A (Brown-Forman Whiskey Row Project) for the purpose of financing portions of an Industrial Building Project; approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of (1) Lease Agreements between Metro Government, as lessor, and Brown-Forman Corporation and Brown-Forman Distillery, Inc., respectively, as lessees, (2) Bond Purchase Agreements providing for the issuance, sale, and delivery of each series of the Series 2018 Bonds and providing for their negotiated sale, and (3) other documents related to the authorization, issuance, and delivery of the Series 2018 Bonds; and taking other related actions.
Metro Res. 18-2019
Authorizing the appointment of PNC Capital Markets LLC as a co-remarketing agent for the $128,000,000 outstanding principal amount of Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, 2003 Series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company Project); authorizing the execution and delivery of a Letter Agreement in connection with the remarketing of the $40,000,000 outstanding principal amount of Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky, Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, 2005 Series A (Louisville Gas and Electric Company Project); and taking other actions related to the remarketing of the above-identified bonds.
Providing for and authorizing the issuance of certain general obligation bonds and notes of the Metro Government in one or more series to finance the costs of the public projects as described in Metro Government’s fiscal year 2018-19 Capital Project Budget; setting forth the terms and conditions on which the bonds and notes are to be issued and providing for a competitive, advertised sale thereof; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the bonds and notes and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action relating to the issuance and sale of the bonds and notes.
Res. 73-2019
Financing the acquisition, construction, renovation and improvement of certain capital projects of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government and its agencies and departments from the proceeds of one or more proposed issues of general obligation bonds and general obligation notes.
Providing for and authorizing the issuance of certain general obligation bonds and notes of the Metro Government in one or more series to finance the costs of the public projects as described in Metro Government’s fiscal year 2019-20 capital project budget; setting forth the terms and conditions on which the bonds and notes are to be issued and providing for a competitive, advertised sale thereof; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the bonds and notes and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action relating to the issuance and sale of the bonds and notes.
Authorizing the issuance of its health system revenue bonds (Norton Healthcare, Inc.), Series 2020 in one or more series in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $600,000,000, the proceeds of which shall be loaned to Norton Healthcare, Inc. and North Hospitals, Inc. to (A) pay or reimburse Norton Healthcare, Inc. and Norton Hospitals, Inc. for the costs of acquiring, constructing, renovating and equipping certain health care facilities of Norton Healthcare, Inc. and certain affiliates, and (B) refund and retire certain outstanding indebtedness, and taking other related action.
Metro Res. 37-2020
An emergency resolution requesting that the Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority adopt a resolution providing for the issuance of revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $62,000,000, the proceeds of which will be loaned to Christian Care Communities, Inc., a Kentucky nonprofit corporation, and/or one or more affiliates, with facilities located within the boundaries of Jefferson County, to finance and refinance the acquisition, construction and equipping of certain facilities consisting of health care and health related facilities.
Providing for and authorizing the issuance of certain general obligation debt of the Metro Government in one or more series and types of obligations to finance the operation of and the provision of services for the citizens of the Metro Government; setting forth the terms and conditions on which the obligations are to be issued and providing for a sale thereof; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the obligations and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action relating to the issuance and sale of the obligations.
Authorizing the issuance of its taxable revenue bonds, Series 2020 (Louisville Medical Center Steam and Chilled Water Plant Project) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $21,000,000 for the purposes of (A) paying all or a portion of the costs of converting the steam and chiller water plant of the corporation to a wholly-natural gas powered steam generating facility, including without limitation the acquisition, construction, installation, and equipping of (i) three new, higher capacity boilers designed to combust natural gas and fuel oil in replacement of the existing boilers identified as Boilers B-1, B-2, and B-3, (ii) new boiler control systems, (iii) a new fuel oil storage and supply system for the steam generating facilities of the plant, and (iv) other real property improvements, machinery, and equipment necessary and related to any of the foregoing, and (b) paying costs of issuance of the Series 2020 bonds; authorizing the execution and delivery of a bond trust indenture, loan agreement, and bond purchase agreement; authorizing the execution and delivery of an amended and restated steam and chilled water plant user agreement; authorizing and approving certain other matters, including the execution of related documents, in connection with the sale and issuance of the Series 2020 bonds.
Approving the thirty-first supplemental Sewer and Drainage System Revenue Bond resolution adopted by the Board of the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District authorizing the issuance of the District's Sewer and Drainage System Revenue Bonds, Series 2020A.
Res. 72-2020
Financing the acquisition construction, renovation and improvement of certain capital projects of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government and its agencies and departments from the proceeds of one or more proposed issues of general obligation bonds and general obligation notes.
Approving the thirtieth supplemental Sewer and Drainage System Revenue Bond resolution adopted by the Board of the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District authorizing the issuance of the District’s Sewer and Drainage System Revenue Bonds, Series 2020B.
Approving the resolution adopted by the Board of the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District (hereinafter the “District”) extending the authorized final maturity date of the District’s Sewer and Drainage System Subordinated Program Notes in the maximum outstanding principal amount of $500,000,000 from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2023, the proceeds of such notes being used to pay all or a portion of the costs of the acquisition or construction of improvements, additions, or extensions to the District’s Sewer and Drainage System, including capital assets and facilities incident and related to their operation, maintenance, and administration.
Authorizing and directing the Parking Authority of River City, Inc. to issue its Mortgage Refunding Revenue Bonds, in one or more series, whether taxable or tax-exempt, to finance (I) the refunding of all or a portion of the outstanding parking authority of River City, Inc. First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 2010B, (II) the refunding of all or a portion of the Parking Authority of River City, Inc. First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 2013A, and (III) the refunding of all or a portion of the Parking Authority of River City, Inc. First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 2013B; authorizing the execution of a trust indenture and any supplemental thereto; the execution of a lease agreement and any supplemental lease necessary to effect the issuance of such bonds; and taking other related action.
Authorizing execution and delivery of (I) a third supplemental trust indenture and (II) a third supplemental loan agreement related to the outstanding Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky First Mortgage Residential Care Facilities Revenue Bonds (Treyton Oak Towers Economic Development Project) Series 1995B; and authorizing related actions.
Approving the thirty-second supplemental sewer and drainage system revenue bond resolution adopted by the Board of the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District authorizing the issuance of the district’s Sewer and Drainage System Revenue Bonds, Series 2022A.
Authorizing the issuance of its Hospital Revenue Bonds (UofL Health Project) in one or more series or subseries in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $415,000,000 for the purposes of (A) paying all or a portion of the costs of (1) a new seven-floor medical tower at University Hospital, (2) a new 60-bed hospital on the campus of UofL Health Medical Center South, and (3) necessary capital expenditures across UofL Health’s facilities, and (B) paying costs of issuance of the bonds; authorizing the execution and delivery of trust indentures, loan agreements, bond purchase agreements, and tax exemption certificate and agreements; authorizing and approving certain other matters, including the execution of related documents, in connection with the sale and issuance of the bonds.
Metro Res. 26-2022
Giving preliminary approval to the acquisition, construction and equipping of a new manufacturing facility to be located at 801 Logan Street, Louisville, Kentucky, 40204; such facility to be operated by Ferncliff, LLC (the “company”), and used for the distilling and production of whiskey and other spirits on site; giving preliminary approval to the issuance of taxable and/or tax-exempt industrial building revenue bonds in one or more series at the appropriate time to pay the cost of acquisition, construction and equipping of said project; authorizing the execution and delivery of a memorandum of agreement between the issuer and the company; and taking other preliminary actions.
Metro Res. 27-2022
Giving preliminary approval to the acquisition, construction and equipping of a new manufacturing facility to be located at 827 Logan Street, Louisville, Kentucky, 40204; such facility to be operated by Trellis Brewing Company, LLC (the “company”), and used for the brewing and production of beer on site; giving preliminary approval to the issuance of taxable and/or tax- exempt industrial building revenue bonds at the appropriate time to pay the cost of acquisition, construction and equipping of said project; authorizing the execution and delivery of a memorandum of agreement between the issuer and the company; and taking other preliminary actions.
Authorizing the issuance of certain general obligation bonds and notes of the Metro Government in one or more series to finance the costs of public projects as described in various Metro Government Capital Project Budgets; setting forth the terms and conditions on which the bonds and notes are to be issued and providing for a competitive, advertised sale thereof; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the bonds and notes and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action relating to the issuance and sale of the bonds and notes.
Metro 54-2022
Authorizing the issuance of its Industrial Building Revenue Bonds (Vesta Derby Oaks Project) in one or more series or subseries in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $46,000,000 for the purposes of (A) paying all or a portion of the costs of acquisition, construction, equipping, and installation of 418 multi- family affordable housing units and the sites on which they are located, and (B) paying costs of issuance of the bonds; authorizing the execution and delivery of a trust indenture, loan agreement, bond placement agreement, land use restriction agreement, tax compliance agreement, and other agreements; authorizing and approving certain other matters, including the execution of related documents, in connection with the sale and issuance of the bonds.
Metro 87-2022
Authorizing the issuance of bonds in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $119,000,000 and denominated Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government Industrial Building Revenue Bonds (Boyd Real Property, LLC Project), Series 2022 (the “Bonds”); approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of (i) a trust indenture (the “indenture”), between the issuer and U.S. Bank Trust Company, National Association, as trustee (the “trustee”) securing the bonds, (ii) a lease agreement, by and between the issuer and Boyd Real Property, LLC (the “lessee”), (iii) a bond purchase agreement, by and among the issuer, the lessee and Boyd Company (the “bond purchaser”), (iv) an in-lieu of tax payments agreement, by and between the issuer and the lessee, (v) a home office payments agreement, by and among the issuer, the trustee, the lessee and the bond purchaser, and (vi) any and all other related documents; and the taking of other related action.
Metro 141-2022
An ordinance of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government (the “issuer”) authorizing the issuance of revenue refunding bonds, series 2002A (Masonic Homes of Kentucky Obligated Group) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $25,000,000 for the purposes of (A) refunding existing credit facilities by and between Masonic Homes of Kentucky, Inc. (the “corporation” or the “borrower”) and certain affiliates of the borrower and Old National Bank F/K/A First Midwest Bank, the proceeds of which were collectively used to finance the costs of a day care, preschool facility, corporate resources center, senior adult assisted living facilities, and senior adult independent living facilities known as the villages, all located on the campus of corporation within the jurisdictional boundaries of the issuer and (B) paying costs of issuance of the bonds; authorizing the execution and delivery of a bond financing agreement and a tax compliance certificate and agreement; authorizing and approving certain other matters, including the execution of related documents, in connection with the sale and issuance of the bonds.
Metro 17-2023
Authorizing and providing for the execution and delivery on behalf of Metro Government of the first amendment to loan agreement by and among Metro Government, Roman Catholic Bishop of Louisville, d/b/a St. Mary Academy, and Fifth Third Bank, National Association providing for the changes as set forth therein and related to the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government Industrial Building Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2013 (St. Mary Academy Project); and taking other related action.
Metro 41-2023
Approving the 2023 Program Note Resolution adopted by the Board of the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District reauthorizing and renewing the District’s Commercial Paper and Direct Purchase Note Program for an additional term of up to five years, through the issuance of the District’s Sewer and Drainage System Subordinated Program Notes in a maximum outstanding principal amount of $500,000,000, for the purposes of (I) refunding all commercial paper notes and direct purchase notes issued and outstanding under the prior program and (II) financing all or a portion of the costs of the acquisition, construction, installation, and equipping of improvements, additions, or extensions to the district’s sewer and drainage system, including all capital assets and facilities incident and related to the operation, maintenance, and administration thereof; and providing for the issuance and sale of the program notes by the district under and in accordance with the 2023 Program Note Resolution.
Metro 62-2023
Authorizing the issuance of its Health System Revenue Bonds (Norton Healthcare, Inc.), Series 2023 in one or more series in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $625,000,000, the proceeds of which shall be loaned to Norton Healthcare, Inc., Norton Hospitals, Inc., Norton Healthcare - Indiana, Inc., and Norton - King’s Daughters’ Health, Inc. to (A) pay or reimburse Norton Healthcare, Inc., Norton Hospitals, Inc., North Healthcare - Indiana, Inc., and Norton - King’s Daughters’ Health, Inc. for the costs of acquiring, constructing, renovating and equipping certain health care facilities of Norton Healthcare, Inc. and certain affiliates, and (B) refinance certain outstanding indebtedness, and take other related action.
Metro 114-2023
Approving the thirty-third supplemental Sewer and Drainage System Revenue Bond resolution adopted by the Board of the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District authorizing the issuance of the District’s Sewer and Drainage System Revenue Bonds, Series 2023C.
Metro 172-2023
Providing for and authoring the issuance of certain general obligation bonds and notes of the Metro Government in one or more series to finance the costs of various public projects as described in Metro Government Capital Projects budgets; setting forth the terms and conditions on which the bonds and notes are to be issued and providing for a competitive, advertised sale thereof; defining and providing for the rights of the holders of the bonds and notes and providing for the application of the proceeds thereof; and taking other related action relating to the issuance and sale of the bonds and notes.