(A) Small freestanding on-premises signs. One small freestanding on-premises sign associated with a principal non-residential use shall be allowed pursuant to this section.
(1) Permitted locations. Small freestanding on-premises signs shall be permitted only on properties associated with a principal non-residential use.
(2) Dimensional requirements. Small freestanding on-premises signs shall not exceed 12 square feet of surface area per face and there shall be no more than two faces. The sign shall not extend more than four feet above the ground on which it is placed.
(3) Hours of display and placement. Display of small freestanding on-premises signs shall be limited to the hours of operation of the principal non-residential use on the site. No small freestanding on-premises sign shall be allowed within the public right-of-way, interstate right-of-way, expressway right-of-way, or a public easement, unless all required permits have been issued therefor and it shall be a condition of all such permits that the small freestanding on-premises sign shall be removed from the public right-of-way or easement when the principal non-residential use is closed to the public. No small freestanding on-premises sign shall be constructed and placed in a location that obstructs sight lines for streets, pedestrian right-of-way and driveways.
(4) Illumination. Small freestanding on-premises signs shall not be illuminated or contain any electrical component.
(B) Temporary banner signs. One temporary banner sign shall be allowed on the premises of a non-residential principal use pursuant to this section.
(1) Permitted location. Temporary banner signs shall be attached to permanent structures only. No temporary banner sign shall be installed in a manner that allows it to flap or otherwise move with the wind.
(2) Permit required. A permit shall be required to be issued for every temporary banner sign. Said permit shall be issued by the Building Official or his or her designee upon written request therefor, for a period not to exceed 30 consecutive days and/or for a cumulative period not to exceed 90 days in any calendar year. Immediately upon expiration of the permit, the temporary banner sign shall be removed. The permit expiration date shall be affixed to the sign at all times. The permit for the sign shall be kept on the premises and shall be available for inspection by the Building Official or his or her designee.
(3) Dimensional requirements. The area of a temporary banner sign shall be limited to the greater of 60 square feet or 50% of the permitted permanent attached sign area for the side of the permanent structure on which the temporary banner sign will be installed. The permitted area of the permanent attached sign shall be calculated using the applicable zoning regulations.
(C) Temporary freestanding on-premises signs. One temporary freestanding on-premises sign shall be allowed pursuant to this section.
(1) Permitted location. Temporary freestanding on-premises signs are permitted on any property.
(2) Permit required. A permit shall be required to be issued for every temporary freestanding on-premises sign. Said permit shall be issued by the Building Official or his or her designee upon written request therefor, for a period not to exceed 120 days in any calendar year. The expiration date of the permit shall be affixed to the sign at all times. A copy of the permit shall be located on the property and shall be made available for review upon request.
(3) Dimensional requirements. The temporary freestanding on-premises sign shall not exceed 32 square feet of surface area per face and there shall be no more than two faces. The sign shall not extend more than six feet above the ground on which it is placed.
(4) Illumination and motion. Temporary freestanding on-premises signs may not be illuminated, or contain any electrical component unless UL approved and unless connected to a ground fault interrupter. All illuminated temporary freestanding on-premises signs shall be non-flashing and any illumination shall be constant in intensity and color. All components of a temporary freestanding on-premises sign shall be non-moving and stationary.
(D) Window signs. Window signs are permitted pursuant to this section.
(1) Permitted location. Window signs are permitted for all principal non-residential uses.
(2) Dimensional requirements. A principal non-residential use may display window signs in windows on the ground floor of the building so long as the area of such signs does not exceed 25% of total of each window in which the signs are located. For purposes of computation of area, window panels separated by muntins or mullions shall be considered as one continuous windowpane. Window signs shall not be considered attached signs subject to regulation under the applicable zoning regulations unless the sign is permanently attached to the window in such a manner as to require the removal of the glass to accomplish the removal of the window sign.
(E) Rent/sale signs. Rent/sale signs shall be allowed pursuant to this section.
(1) Permitted location, number of signs and time for display. Rent/sale signs are permitted in any zoning district. One rent/sale sign shall be permitted for each street abutting the property on which the sign is placed. Where a non-residential property's street frontage exceeds 600 linear feet, two rent/sale signs may be located along that street frontage. Rent/sale signs must be removed no later than seven days following the closing of sale or consummation of lease for the property.
(2) Dimensional requirements. Rent/sale signs located on a non-residential property may not exceed 64 square feet in area. Rent/sale signs located on a residential property may not exceed 12 square feet in area. Where two rent/sale signs are permitted to be located on one property pursuant to this section, the combined area of the signs shall not exceed the total maximum area allowed for one rent/sale sign.
(F) Construction signs and subdivision construction signs. Construction signs and subdivision construction signs shall be allowed pursuant to this section.
(1) Permitted location and number of signs. Construction signs and subdivision construction signs are permitted in any zoning district. One construction sign per contractor engaged in construction activity on the property on which the sign shall be permitted. One subdivision construction sign shall be permitted at each dedicated street entrance within the building lines of the subdivision.
(2) Dimensional requirements. Construction signs associated with an individual contractor may not exceed 12 square feet in area and may not be more than 15 feet above ground in height. Alternatively, one sign associated with all contractors engaged in work on the property on which the sign is placed may not exceed 64 square feet in area and may not be more than 15 feet above ground in height. Subdivision construction signs may not exceed 64 square feet in area and may not be more than 15 feet above the ground in height.
(3) Time for display. All construction signs must be removed within seven days following issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the building that is the subject of the construction activity. Subdivision construction signs may be placed no more than 60 days prior to the commencement of construction, and may remain until such time as 80% of the lots in the subdivision have been sold.
(Metro Ord. No. 151-2010, approved 8-16-2010)