Agencies of the Metro Government shall create, periodically review, and update records retention schedules for those records created or retained by that agency.
(A) The Technology Department shall consult with or advise Metro Government agencies on the creation, revision or updating of records retention schedules.
(B) Agency heads shall designate a staff member as the agency's Records Coordinator, and this person shall be responsible for maintaining the agency's records retention schedule and for liaison with the Technology Department.
(C) Records retention schedules shall be created within one year of the establishment of any new Metro Government agency.
(D) Agencies of the Metro Government shall review existing records retention schedules annually to determine that their existing schedules are accurate and current.
(E) Agencies of the Metro Government shall update records retention schedules as needed to ensure the inclusion of new records and the proper management of Metro Government records.
(1994 Jeff. Code, § 22.04) (Jeff. Ord. 2-1995, adopted and effective 1-24-1995; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 121-2004, approved 8-30-2004)