The Department of Technology is the Metro Government agency charged with promoting and assisting agencies of Metro Government in the maintenance of their records management programs. The Department of Technology has the following duties and responsibilities:
   (A)   Providing systematic records management rules, regulations, procedures, policies and forms for the Metro Government agencies, consistent with the requirements of KRS 171.410 through 171.740 and policies, procedures and regulations of the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives.
   (B)   Serving as a consultant to agencies of the Metro Government in the creation, review and revision of their retention schedules.
   (C)   Serving as a liaison between agencies of the Metro Government and the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, to distribute and interpret state regulations, standards and policies.
   (D)   Providing agencies of the Metro Government with records storage space for records of continuing value not needed for current administrative purposes.
   (E)   Assisting agency Records Coordinators in completing records transmittal forms necessary for transfer of agency records.
   (F)   Providing standard records storage containers or approve non-standard containers for storage in the records center.
   (G)   Arranging for the transfer of materials to the storage center.
   (H)   Retrieving records for agencies of the Metro Government from its records storage center.
   (I)   Disposing of records stored in the records center which are eligible for destruction.
   (J)   Providing limited public reference service for records stored in the records storage facility.
   (K)   Promoting, through workshops and other educational forums a more efficient, Metro Government-wide records management program.
   (L)   Consulting with agencies of the Metro Government on procedures and standards for reproduction of public records.
   (M)   Consulting with agencies of the Metro Government on media standards for records of enduring value.
   (N)   Collecting and storing reports and publications of agencies of the Metro Government.
(1994 Jeff. Code, § 22.03) (Jeff. Ord. 2-1995, adopted and effective 1-24-1995; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 121-2004, approved 8-30-2004)