Each year all outdoor advertising signs, commonly referred to as billboards or off-premises signs, shall be registered with the Department. For purposes of registration and fee collection, this section shall apply only to freestanding sign structures or to the above described signs which are structurally attached or mounted to buildings or other objects. The following subsections should apply to this annual registration:
(A) The owner of the sign shall pay annual registration fee of $75 for each sign measuring greater than 330 square feet, $50 for each signs measuring greater than 72 square feet but less than 330 square and $25 for each sign measuring 72 square feet or less. Said fee shall be due and payable on July 1 of each year.
(B) The owner of the sign shall provide the Department a copy of the renewed lease agreement, number of faces and size of the sign, and location by address and block and lot number.
(C) Failure to register shall cause the Department to issue an order to remove said sign within 30 days or the Metro Government shall remove the sign at the owner's expense. All costs incurred in the removal of a sign will be processed and attached against the owner in accordance with § 155.04(D).
(1999 Lou. Code, § 156.14) (Lou. Ord. No. 208-1990, approved 8-30-1990; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 144-2007, approved 7-30-2007)