§ 10.01 TITLE OF CODE.
   The general ordinances of Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government, Kentucky as revised, amended, related, codified, and now copied in book form, as identified and indexed in the "Parallel References" hereof, shall constitute the "Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government Code of Ordinances" as provided by KRS 67C.115. Said Code shall consist of the following permanent titles, to-wit:
      Title I      General Provisions
      Title III   Administration
      Title V      Public Works
      Title VII   Traffic Code
      Title IX   General Regulations
      Title XI   Business Regulations
      Title XIII   General Offenses
      Title XV   Land Usage
(1994 Jeff. Code, § 10.01) (Jeff. Ord. 36-1994, adopted and effective 12-20-1994; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 104-2004, approved 8-2-2004)