Unless the Health Department approves alternative measures, set forth in writing, the following provisions shall govern storage of manure within Louisville Metro:
   (A)   It shall be the duty of every person owning, controlling, operating, or having charge of any public or private stable, barn, or place where livestock (as defined in § 91.001, but excluding hares and rabbits in numbers less than ten) are kept, to have and maintain at all times on the premises or adjacent to such stable, barn, or place, a receptacle of sufficient dimensions for the purpose of containing the droppings of manure from such stock. The receptacle shall have a top or lid so arranged as to be watertight and flyproof. The owner, tenant, or occupant shall each day cause to be deposited therein all droppings from such stock and shall keep the receptacle lid closed (except when necessary and briefly open for the purpose of depositing therein or removing therefrom) in such manner as to prevent the ingress or egress of flies thereto or therefrom.
   (B)   Every owner, tenant, or occupant within Louisville Metro shall cause the contents of the receptacle to be removed from the premises at least once a week and more often if required by the Health Department.
   (C)   Manure shall be removed from the stables, barns, and places within Louisville Metro at the expense of the owner, occupant, or agent and shall not be used as fertilizer within Louisville Metro without permission, in writing, from the Health Department.
(1999 Lou. Code, § 97.10) (Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 50-2006, approved 3-28-2006) Penalty, see § 96.99