(A)   Each identified wrecking contractor must have a wrecking licensee as a full time employee.
   (B)   All licensed vehicles used in the operation of a wrecking contractor are to be properly identified and such identification shall be visible on the outside of the vehicle at all times. The licensed vehicle shall bear the name of the company and identification number. All such identification shall be in letters not smaller than three inches high and must be kept legible at all times.
   (C)   There shall be two types of wrecking contractors.
      (1)   Type “A” identification shall be for contractors wrecking structures less than 35 feet in height, or two stories, and/or less than 3,000 square feet.
      (2)   Type “B” identification shall be for contractors wrecking structures that do not meet the requirements of type “A” listed above.
   (D)   Each identified wrecking contractor shall provide a bond as follows:
      (1)   Any person, firm, partnership or corporation applying for a type “A” wrecking contractor identification shall, before being granted an identification number, execute and deliver to the Director a bond in the minimum sum of $10,000 payable to Louisville Metro Government; such bond should be made for work performed where said wrecking contractor furnishes any materials or performs any service against loss or damage which may arise by reason of the work done or material furnished in violation of the requirements of any law of the State of Kentucky or any ordinance of the Louisville Metro Government controlling such work. Such bond shall be executed by each applicant with any recognized and responsible surety company authorized to do business in the Commonwealth of Kentucky as surety thereon using the form available from the Department, which requires that if any work is performed in violation of the provisions of the code the principal and surety upon such bonds are jointly and severally liable to Louisville Metro Government for the amount necessary to correct such work to conform fully with the provisions of the code. Provided, however, such surety company may cancel said bond upon giving 30 days written notice to the Department.
      (2)   Any person, firm, partnership or corporation applying for a type “B” wrecking contractor identification shall, before being granted an identification number, execute and deliver to the Director a bond in the minimum sum of $25,000 payable to Louisville Metro Government; such bond should be made for work performed where said wrecking contractor furnishes any materials or performs any service against loss or damage which may arise by reason of the work done or material furnished in violation of the requirements of any law of the Commonwealth of Kentucky or any ordinance of the Louisville Metro Government controlling such work. Such bond shall be executed by each applicant with any recognized and responsible surety company authorized to do business in the Commonwealth of Kentucky as surety thereon using the form available from the Department, which requires that if any work is performed in violation of the provisions of this code the principal and surety upon such bonds are jointly and severally liable to Louisville Metro Government for the amount necessary to correct such work to conform fully with the provisions of the code. Provided, however, such surety company may cancel said bond upon giving 30 days written notice to the Department.
   (E)   The identified wrecking contractor shall also file with the Department a certificate of insurance verifying that the identified contractor has currently in force a comprehensive general liability and property damage insurance policy naming the identified contractor and Louisville Metro Government as the insured, and providing for the payment of any liability imposed by law on such identified contractor and/or Louisville Metro Government to the following minimum requirements:
      (1)   Type “A” identified contractors shall be insured for not less than $300,000 for any one occurrence and $600,000 aggregate for bodily injury and property damage including completed operations coverage, due to the wrecking of buildings or other structures. Such policy shall not contain a ball and chain or similar exclusion.
      (2)   Type “B” identified contractors shall be insured for not less than $1,000,000 for any one occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate for bodily injury and property damage, including completed operations coverage, due to the wrecking of buildings and other structures. Such policy shall not contain a ball and chain and similar exclusion.
   (F)   Identification shall be from May 1 to April 30.
   (G)   The Director shall require each wrecking licensee to pass a written examination establishing in a manner satisfactory to the Director that the wrecking licensee has the necessary knowledge of the ordinance provisions relating to wrecking, the principles and practices of wrecking operations, and the obligations of a wrecking licensee.
   (H)   The Director shall refuse to issue the license if he or she finds the wrecking licensee is not fit or qualified or is not suitable to engage in wrecking operation.
   (I)   The wrecking licensee may be only affiliated with one identified contractor.
   (J)   The wrecking licensee must submit a duly notarized application wherein all pertinent information and experience shall be included, and satisfactory proof that the applicant has been engaged in the business of wrecking buildings or structures for a period of one year in a supervisory capacity.
   (K)   Licensing shall be from May 1 to April 30.
(1994 Jeff. Code, § 150.093) (Jeff. Ord. 10-1991, adopted and effective 4-25-91; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 267-2007, approved 12-10-2007) Penalty, see § 150.999