For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BLOCK FACE. One side of the street between two consecutive intersections, from curb to curb.
   DWELLING. A building or portion thereof designed and used exclusively for residential occupancy.
   DWELLING UNIT. Either a single room or two or more connected rooms used exclusively as a single unit and intended for occupancy for no less than 30 consecutive days or more by one family, and providing complete, independent living facilities (which at a minimum includes permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation which are accessed independently). This term does not include hotel or motel rooms, extended stay lodging facilities, nursing home rooms, or assisted living residence units.
   LOUISVILLE. The location within the geographical boundaries of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government within the Urban Services District.
   LOUISVILLE. The location within the geographical boundaries of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government.
   METRO GOVERNMENT. The political entity, Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government.
   NEIGHBORHOOD ADVOCATE. The person or persons that originally petition PARC for an RPPP as provided in § 72.203(B).
   PARC. The Parking Authority of River City, Inc.
   PARKING MANAGEMENT PLAN. The plan developed by PARC to establish and set guidelines for a Residential Parking Zone.
   PERMIT. The permission granted by PARC, represented by a decal, window hanger, electronic tracking identification or marker, allowing the holder to park within an RPZ.
   PROPERTY OWNER. The owner of record of a piece of property within the proposed RPPP area, as listed on the records of the Jefferson County Property Valuation Administrator.
   RPZ. A Residential Parking Zone with a list of streets and sections of streets designated in this subchapter, for restricted parking by residential parking permit only at designated times.
   RPPP. The Residential Permit Parking Program.
   VERIFIABLE REQUEST. A document containing a list of the property owners within the Residential Parking Zone, obtained from the Property Valuation Administrator, with the address of the property in the Residential Parking Zone, the mailing address of the property owner, and the printed name, signature, and phone number of the property owner that has voted.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 201-2004, approved 12-28-2004; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 64-2005, approved 5-17-2005; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 106-2005, approved 8-2-2005; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 116-2020, approved 9-24-2020)