   Each person becoming a member on the date of establishment shall be entitled to full credit for all service rendered prior to that date. Each person becoming a member after the date of establishment shall be entitled to credit after that date, provided contributions are made for all such subsequent service. Total service shall include prior service and membership service. The following types of service shall be eligible for service credit:
   (A)   Service as a full-time member of the Police Department of the Metro Government;
   (B)   Service as a full-time member of the special park police prior to their transfer into the regular police force of the Metro Government;
   (C)   Service in a civilian or other capacity in the service of the city, county, state, or the federal government, while on an approved leave of absence from the Police Department;
   (D)   Service in any branch of the armed forces of the United States during a period of national emergency while on leave of absence from the Police Department, provided that no more than one year of such service shall be granted for each four years of service in the Police Department, and that the member reenters the service of the Police Department within a period of 90 days following the date of honorable discharge from such service;
   (E)   All service rendered in a civilian capacity prior to June 1, 1949, or rendered as a member of the pension system established by Ordinance No. 90, Series 1949, as amended, or rendered as a member of this plan;
   (F)   In determining the amount of any annuity or other benefit payable pursuant to §§ 32.118, 32.120 or 32.122, a member shall have added to his or her service time credit for accumulated unused sick leave at the rate of one month service for each ten days of accumulated unused sick leave. Such unused accumulation shall be included only for calculating benefits and shall not be included in determining eligibility for benefits of any sort hereunder.
   (G)   Any member of this plan or a predecessor plan who had terminated employment and was subsequently rehired prior to July 1, 1973, shall receive credit for such prior period or periods of service provided that before January 1, 1974, he or she returns to the Fund all previously refunded contributions, without interest. Any member who is reemployed on or after July 1, 1973, shall receive credit for such prior period or periods of service provided that, within one year after reemployment, he or she returns to the Fund all previously refunded contributions, with interest at 6% per annum compounded annually from the date of payment of such refund by the Fund to the date the member refunds such amount. If any refund is payable hereunder by a member, and such refund is not made, he or she shall not receive credit for such prior period or periods of service. If the terminating member has received no refunds, he or she shall be automatically credited with his or her prior service at time of reemployment.
(1999 Lou. Code, § 36.104) (Lou. Ord. No. 91-1973, approved 6-29-1973; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 64-2004, approved 6-3-2004)
   (A)   Any member who was first hired by the Police Department prior to April 1, 1985, may, at his or her option, retire on a service retirement annuity provided he or she has completed at least 20 years of total service.
   (B)   Any member who was first hired by the Police Department on or after April 1, 1985, may, at his or her option, retire on a service retirement annuity provided he or she has completed at least 25 years of total service.
(1999 Lou. Code, § 36.105) (Lou. Ord. No. 91-1973, approved 6-29-1973; Lou. Am. Ord. No. 140-1984, approved 6-15-1984; Lou. Am. Ord. No. 169-1985, approved 7-12-1985; Lou. Am. Ord. No. 77-1986, approved 2-27-1986; Lou. Am. Ord. No. 80-1988, approved 4-15-1988; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 64-2004, approved 6-3-2004)
   (A)   All retired members, surviving spouses, or dependents who, upon the effective date of this section, are receiving a monthly annuity, shall continue to receive the annuity in the dollar amount being paid, subject to the termination provisions set forth in other sections of this subchapter; provided, however, that nothing contained in this subchapter shall prohibit or restrict the Metro Government from increasing the benefits payable to those eligible to receive an annuity.
   (B)   The increased costs associated with any increased benefits shall be paid by the Metro Government and the amount of liabilities associated therewith shall be amortized over a 30-year period as indicated in § 32.129.
   (C)   Effective July 1, 2005, any member, or any surviving spouse or dependent of a member, who retires thereafter, and who is eligible to receive an annuity, shall receive a minimum annaul benefit of $9,600 ($800 monthly). In addition, all members, surviving spouses, or dependents, shall receive a graduated increase in their annual benefits, pursuant to the following schedule:
Annual Pension Benefit Prior to Increase
Increased Annual Benefit
Less than $9,600
Greater of $9,600 or current benefit plus $800
$9,600 but less than $20,000
Current benefit plus $800
$20,000 but less than $30,000
Greater of $20,800 or current benefit plus $600
$30,000 or more
Greater of $30,600 or current benefit plus $400
   (D)   If death benefits are being paid to more than one individual due to the death of a member or a retired member, the total amounts being paid due to the death of that member or retired member shall be combined for purposes of determining the amount of the annuity. Any increases in the annuity shall be allocated on a pro rata basis among all such beneficiaries of that member or retired member.
(1999 Lou. Code, § 36.106) (Lou. Ord. No. 91-1973 approved 6-29-1973; Lou. Am. Ord. No. 169-1985, approved 7-12-1985; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 64-2004, approved 6-3-2004; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 127-2005, approved 8-29-2005)
   All annuities payable hereunder, except where specifically provided to the contrary elsewhere in this subchapter, shall be equal to the percentage listed in the following tables, multiplied by the member's average salary:
Table No. 1: To be used for all members who were first hired by the Police Department prior to April 1, 1985.
Years of Total Service
Percentage of Average Salary
Years of Total Service
Percentage of Average Salary
For each full year of service less than 20 years
20 full years of service, but less than 21
21 full years of service, but less than 22
22 full years of service, but less than 23
23 full years of service, but less than 24
24 full years of service, but less than 25
25 full years of service, but less than 26
26 full years of service, but less than 27
27 full years of service, but less than 28
28 full years of service, but less than 28 years, 4 months
28 years and 4 months or more
If a retiring member who was first hired by the Police Department prior to April, 1985 has total service that is greater than 28 years and four months and such member is entitled to credit for accumulated unused sick leave pursuant to § 32.115(F) the credit for such accumulated sick leave in excess of 28 years and four months shall result in a one-sixth of 1% increase in the annuity multiple for each month beyond 28 years and four months credited pursuant to § 32.115(F). Except for credit granted for accumulated sick leave, the pension percentage shall not exceed 75% regardless of total service.
Table No. 2: To be used for all members who were first hired by the Police Department on or after April 1, 1985.
Years of Total Service
Percentage of Average Salary
Years of Total Service
Percentage of Average Salary
For each full year of service less than 25 years
25 full years of service, but less than 26
26 full years of service, but less than 27
27 full years of service, but less than 28
28 full years of service, but less than 29
29 full years of service, but less than 30
30 full years of service, but less than 31
31 full years of service, but less than 32
32 full years or more
If a retiring member who was first hired by the Police Department on or after April 1, 1985 has total service that is greater than 32 years and such member is entitled to credit for accumulated unused sick leave pursuant to § 32.115(F) the credit for such accumulated sick leave in excess of 32 years shall result in a one-sixth of 1% increase in the annuity multiple for each month beyond 32 years credited pursuant to § 32.115(F). Except for credit granted for accumulated sick leave, the pension percentage shall not exceed 75% regardless of total service.
(1999 Lou. Code, § 36.107) (Lou. Ord. No. 91-1973, approved 6-29-1973; Lou. Am. Ord. No. 4-1979, approved 1-12-1979; Lou. Am. Ord. No. 53-1980, approved 4-28-1980; Lou. Am. Ord. No. 120-1982, approved 6-30-1982; Lou. Am. Ord. No. 137-1983, approved 6-22-1983; Lou. Am. Ord. No. 81-1984, approved 3-30-1984; Lou. Am. Ord. No. 169-1985, approved 7-12-1985; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 64-2004, approved 6-3-2004; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 91-2006, approved 6-12-2006)
   (A)   On death of a member resulting directly from injuries which would have qualified him or her for occupational disability, his or her surviving spouse shall be entitled to an annuity equal to 50% of the member's final rate of base salary, payable for the spouse's lifetime, but terminating if he or she remarries. If children under age 18 also survive the member, an additional 10% of such base salary shall be payable on account of each such child until the child attains the age of 18, marries, or dies, whichever occurs first. The combined payments to a spouse and children shall, in no event, exceed 75% of the member's final rate of base salary.
   (B)   On remarriage of a spouse, the annuity shall immediately terminate, and the termination shall apply for all time regardless of any future changes that may occur in marital status of the spouse. However, the annuities on account of children shall be continued until their termination as above provided, and after remarriage of the spouse the annuities to children shall be at the rate of 15% of the member's final rate of base salary, for each minor child, subject to a maximum payment on the combined annuities to all minor children equal to 50% of such final rate of base salary, and further subject to the cessation of such payments under subsection (A) above.
   (C)   If the deceased member is not survived by a spouse but is survived by one or more children, the annuities shall be at the rate of 15% of the member's final rate of base salary for each minor child, subject to a maximum payment on the combined annuities to all minor children equal to 50% of the final rate of base salary, and further subject to the cessation of such payments under subsection (A) above.
   (D)   If, at the time benefits are initially calculated under this section, larger benefits would be payable under § 32.129, the provisions of that section shall be applied. No recomputation shall be made after the date payments hereunder, for the purpose of comparison only, to reflect subsequent adjustments pursuant to this section.
   (E)   For purposes of this section, the death of a retired disabled member shall not be deemed an occupational death unless:
      (1)   He or she was retired under the provisions of § 32.122 for an occupational disability due to duty-related injuries;
      (2)   Except in the case of death causally related to the injuries for which disability retirement occurred, he or she had been retired less than 24 months at the time of his or her death; and
      (3)   He or she was married to his or her spouse at the time of the injury which resulted in the occupational disability.
   (F)   All benefits payable under this section are specifically subject to the provisions of § 32.127, and no benefits will be payable hereunder unless the provisions of that section are followed.
(1999 Lou. Code, § 36.108) (Lou. Ord. No. 91-1973, approved 6-29-1973; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 64-2004, approved 6-3-2004)
   (A)   On death due to any cause other than occupational disability occurring while a member is in active service or on a retirement annuity (whether for service or disability, except as provided in § 32.119(E)), if the member has rendered at least five years of total service, his or her surviving spouse shall be entitled to a spouse's annuity equal to 100% of the benefit payable immediately prior to the death of the member, subject to the following conditions:
      (1)   The spouse shall have been married to the member at least one year prior to the member's retirement or death, whichever is earlier.
      (2)   The spouse's annuity shall terminate if the spouse remarries.
   (B)   The minimum spouse's annuity shall, in any case, be 20% of the member's final rate of base salary.
   (C)   If minor children under age 18 also survive the member, the spouse's annuity, if the children are in his or her care, shall be increased one-third on account of each such minor child, provided that the maximum payment for a spouse and children shall not exceed 75% of the member's final rate of base salary. Allowances on account of minor children shall terminate on their attainment of age 18, death, or marriage, whichever first occurs. In the event a spouse remarries, the rates of payment on account of minor children shall be increased to twice the amounts previously payable on account of such children, subject to a combined payment for all such children of 50% of the final rate of base salary of the member.
   (D)   If the deceased member is not survived by a spouse but is survived by one or more minor children, the annuity to each child shall be equal to two-thirds of the annuity that would have been paid to the widow (had there been a widow, but no children), subject to a maximum combined payment for all such children of 50% of the final rate of base salary of the member, and further subject to the cessation of such payments under subsection (C) above.
(1999 Lou. Code, § 36.109) (Lou. Ord. No. 91-1973, approved 6-29-1973; Lou. Am. Ord. No. 169-1985, approved 7-12-1985; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 64-2004, approved 6-3-2004; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 46-2005, approved 4-27-2005)
   Minor children shall include children of the blood and adopted children provided the legal court proceedings for adoption have been initiated at least one year prior to the date of death of the member.
(1999 Lou. Code, § 36.110) (Lou. Ord. No. 91-1973, approved 6-29-1973; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 64-2004, approved 6-3-2004)
   (A)   On total and permanent disability occurring while in the performance of an act or acts of police duty as a member of the Police Department, a member shall be entitled to receive an annuity equal to 75 % of his or her final rate of base salary, payable until termination of disability, or death, whichever occurs first. On his or her death due to such disability, the benefits provided under § 32.119 shall be payable subject to the provisions thereof; otherwise § 32.120 shall be applicable.
   (B)   Any annuity for occupational disability shall begin to accrue as of the date of disability of the members. However, if he or she receives salary or other form of compensation from the city for absence on account of the disability, commencement of the annuity shall be deferred until payment of the salary or compensation ceases.
   (C)   In the event any member in receipt of occupational disability recovers from the disability and desires to reenter active service, the member must meet the civil service physical requirements in order to be able to return to the police force. In the event the member does reenter active service, he or she shall enter with the same seniority that he or she had attained at the time that he or she left the force due to the occupational disability.
   (D)   If, at the time benefits are initially calculated under this section larger benefits would be payable under the provisions of § 32.118(A), the provisions of that section shall be applied. No recalculations will be made after payments under this section commence in order to reflect the provisions of § 32.118(B).
   (E)   All disability annuities under this section are subject to the provisions of § 32.127, and no annuities hereunder shall be payable unless the provisions of that section are followed.
   (F)   In addition to the requirement that the disability occur while in the performance of an act or acts of police duty as a member of the Police Department, for any member to qualify for an occupational disability annuity such disability must be deemed total and permanent. A “total and permanent disability” for the purposes hereof is one which results from some impairment of mind or body that substantially precludes a person from performing with reasonable regularity the substantial and material parts of any gainful work or occupation that he or she would be competent to perform were it not for the fact that the impairment is founded on conditions which render it reasonably certain it will continue indefinitely. A member shall be considered totally and permanently disabled after the Board has received written certification by at least two licensed and practicing physicians selected by the Board that the member is totally and likely to be permanently disabled for the further performance of the duties of any assigned position in the service of the Police Department. If on consideration of the report of the physicians and such other evidence as shall have been presented to it by the member or others interested herein the Board finds the member to be totally and permanently disabled, it shall grant him or her an occupational disability retirement annuity, provided the requirements of subsection (A) above, are met. To assist the physicians in making this decision the Board may make copies of the definitions contained herein available to the physicians.
   (G)   Pursuant to KRS 79.080, any member who has completed five years or more of service as a member of the Police Department, but who is unable to perform his or her duties by reason of heart disease or any disease of the lungs or respiratory tract, is presumed to have contracted the disease while on active duty as a result of strain or the inhalation of noxious fumes, poison, or gases and shall be eligible for disability retirement under this section if he or she passed an entrance physical examination and was found to be in good health as required. However, this presumption may be rebutted and the Board of Trustees may find on the evidence presented to and heard by it that the disease was not contracted while on active duty or, notwithstanding the existence of the disease, that the member is able to perform his or her duties as a member of the Police Department. Any such member denied retirement under this section may nevertheless be eligible for retirement under § 32.123.
(1999 Lou. Code, § 36.111) (Lou. Ord. No. 91-1973, approved 6-29-1973; Lou. Am. Ord. No. 102-1977, approved 10-5-1977; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 64-2004, approved 6-3-2004)