The Mayor, in consultation with the Council, as authorized by KRS 75.031, has determined that the appointments by the Mayor to a fire protection district or volunteer fire department district shall require the approval of the Council. Trustees appointed by the Mayor to serve in volunteer fire prevention districts shall reside within the boundaries of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government. Incumbent members shall continue to serve until the expiration of their current term of office.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 59-2003, approved 4-10-2003)
For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
The Louisville Metro Domestic Violence Prevention Coordinating Council.
As defined in KRS 403.720.
(Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 154-2003, approved 9-16-2003)
There is hereby created Louisville Metro Domestic Violence Prevention Coordinating Council whose general purpose shall be:
(A) To improve interagency cooperation and communication in the area of domestic violence and abuse;
(B) To promote effective prevention, intervention and treatment techniques which will be developed based upon research and data collection; and
(C) To improve the response to domestic violence and abuse so as to reduce incidents thereof.
(Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 154-2003, approved 9-16-2003)
(A) Membership includes the following, who shall serve by virtue of office or position or their designated representative from their respective office:
Mayor, Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government;
President, Louisville Metro Council;
Chief, Louisville Metro Police Department;
Jefferson County Attorney;
Jefferson County Commonwealth’s Attorney;
Jefferson County Circuit Court Clerk;
Jefferson County Sheriff;
Director, Louisville Metro Office for Women;
Director, Louisville Metro Department of Corrections;
Director, Louisville Metro Youth Detention Services;
Director, Office of Probation and Parole for 30th Judicial District;
State Medical Examiner;
Jefferson County Coroner;
Superintendent, Jefferson County School Board;
Chief Judge, Jefferson District Court;
Chief Judge, Jefferson Circuit Court;
Chief Judge, Jefferson Family Court;
Chair, Jefferson County Legislative Delegation;
Metro Public Defender;
Director, Louisville Bar Association;
Director, Greater Louisville Medical Society;
Director, Adult/Child Protective Services, Cabinet for Health & Family Services;
Representative, Batterer Intervention Program;
President, Center for Women and Families;
Representative, Child Service Agency;
Representative, Prominent Minority-Oriented Civic Organization;
Representative, Prominent Local Business Organization;
Four Citizens from the Community At-Large; and
Co-Chairs of Standing DVPCC Committees.
(B) Agency representatives and citizen members shall be appointed by the Mayor of Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government subject to the approval of the Metro Council. Two members (who may or may not be one of those listed above) shall be appointed to serve as Co-Chairs of the Council. Each appointed agency representative or citizen member shall serve a three-year term and until his or her successor is appointed. An agency representative or citizen member may be reappointed for one three-year term. Should a vacancy occur, appointment shall be only for the unexpired term.
(Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 154-2003, approved 9-16-2003; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 88-2018, approved 6-29-2018)