(A)   The agency shall administer its programs through an administering board. The administering Board shall have such powers and duties as specified of administering boards of community action agencies by the rules and regulations of the United States Government, the Kentucky State Cabinet for Health and Family Services, and by KRS 273.439.
   (B)   The administering Board shall be broadly representative of the community and shall be composed of not less than 15 members, and shall be constituted in accordance with the requirements of 42 USCA 9910 and KRS 273.437. Public officer members as defined by those statutes shall be appointed by the Mayor in compliance with the requirements of those statutes. For the other types of members, the administering Board may institute through its Bylaws procedures for selection of Board members, provided such procedures comply with the above referenced statutes.
   (C)   Members of the administering Board, other than public officials, shall not serve for more than three consecutive three year terms, except that in emergency situations an administering Board member who has served nine consecutive years may be reappointed by the Board for no longer than six months to serve until a replacement Board member is named.
   (D)   The administering Board shall elect a chairman from among its members who shall serve for a period of one year or until his or her successor is elected and qualified.
   (E)   A quorum of the administering Board shall consist of a simple majority of the current total membership of the Board. The administering Board may adopt such rules of procedure and bylaws as it deems necessary in order to accomplish the purposes set forth hereinabove.
(1999 Lou. Code, § 35.056) (Lou. Ord. No. 109-1975, effective 7-1-1975; Lou. Am. Ord. No. 69-1990, approved 3-15-1990; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 119-2007, approved 7-2-2007; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 10-2021, approved 2-18-2021)