(A) A neighborhood organization applying for official recognition must submit to the Department of Neighborhoods of the city the following information.
(1) The bylaws and articles of incorporation of the neighborhood organization.
(2) A map of the geographical boundaries of the neighborhood or a written description of the geographical boundaries of the neighborhood.
(3) A letter requesting official recognition.
(B) The Department of Neighborhoods shall review the neighborhood's application to determine compliance with subsection (A) above. If it is determined the application is not complete the Department of Neighborhoods will assist the neighborhood in complying with recognition procedures. If any disputes arise over neighborhood boundaries, the area disputed will not be included in either neighborhood. The Department of Neighborhoods after making a final determination of the neighborhood organization to officially represent the neighborhood will request the Metro Council to formally recognize the neighborhood organization by resolution.
(1999 Lou. Code, § 153.36) (Lou. Ord. No. 197-1980, approved 11-26-1980; Lou. Ord. No. 67-1986, approved 2-27-1986; Lou. Am. Ord. No. 126-1999, approved 9-16-1999; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 75-2007, approved 4-30-2007)