(A) The boundaries of the neighborhood must specifically define a geographic area recognizing historical factors, natural boundaries, and community identification. The membership of the neighborhood organization must be involved in the designation of neighborhood boundaries.
(B) The stated purpose of the neighborhood organization must include the conservation and improvement of the neighborhood, and shall not be limited in scope to the performance of one particular project or program.
(C) Membership in the neighborhood organization must be open to all residents of the neighborhood, and may not require prohibitive dues.
(D) Officials of the neighborhood organizations must be elected by the general memberships, and no member in good standing may be excluded from voting.
(E) The annual general membership meeting and board of director meetings of the neighborhood organization shall be listed in the organizational bylaws, and all meetings must be well publicized in advance and open to the general public.
(F) The neighborhood organization must be incorporated and have bylaws which have been adopted by the general membership.
(1999 Lou. Code, § 153.35) (Lou. Ord. No. 197-1980, approved 11-26-1980; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 75-2007, approved 4-30-2007)