The Board shall provide for the District's day-to-day management and administration as it deems appropriate. Expenditures for management and administration should not exceed 15% of the District budget. Management and administrative support services should include:
   (A)   Procurement of security, maintenance and marketing services from vendors, administration of related contracts and supervision related to contract compliance and quality assurance;
   (B)   Training activities to support services delivery;
   (C)   Annual development of an Economic Improvement Plan as required by state statute and the above referenced ordinance, including evaluation of program effectiveness and monitoring level of metropolitan services;
   (D)   Provision of administrative support to the District Board of Directors;
   (E)   Maintenance of all financial and administrative records, and yearly audit of expenses and revenues;
   (F)   Provision of liability insurance as needed to cover all operations;
   (G)   Provision of a conveniently located, fully-equipped office with space for District meetings;
   (H)   Dedicated phone service including answering machine and fax capabilities; and
   (I)   Provision of office supplies, postage and incidentals.
(1999 Lou. Code, § 151.25) (Lou. Res. 231-1991, approved 8-30-1991; Lou. Am. Ord. No. 269-1998, approved 12-21-1998; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 195-2006, approved 10-31-2006)