A tenant shall:
   (A)   Comply with all obligations primarily imposed upon tenants by applicable provisions of building and housing codes materially affecting health and safety;
   (B)   Keep that part of the premises that he occupies and uses as clean and safe as the condition of the premises permit;
   (C)   Dispose from his or her dwelling unit all ashes, garbage, rubbish, and other waste in a clean and safe manner;
   (D)   Keep all plumbing fixtures in the dwelling unit or used by the tenant as clean as their condition permits;
   (E)   Use in a reasonable manner all electrical, plumbing, sanitary, heating, ventilating, air conditioning and other facilities and appliances including elevators in the premises;
   (F)   Not deliberately or negligently destroy, deface, damage, impair or remove any part of the premises or knowingly permit any person to do so; and
   (G)   Conduct himself or herself and require other persons on the premises with his or her consent to conduct themselves in a manner that will not disturb his or her neighbors' peaceful enjoyment of the premises.
(1994 Jeff. Code, § 151.31) (Jeff. Ord. 22-1984, adopted and effective 7-24-1984; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 134-2006, approved 8-23-2006)