(A)   A rental agreement may not provide that the tenant:
      (1)   Agrees to waive or forego rights or remedies under this chapter;
      (2)   Authorizes any person to confess judgment on a claim arising out of the rental agreement;
      (3)   Agrees to pay the landlord's attorney's fees; or
      (4)   Agrees to the exculpation or limitation of any liability of the landlord arising under law or to indemnify the landlord for that liability or the costs connected therewith.
   (B)   A provision prohibited by subsection (A) of this section in a rental agreement is unenforceable.
(1994 Jeff. Code, § 151.24) (Jeff. Ord. 22-1984, adopted and effective 7-24-1984; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 134-2006, approved 8-23-2006)