(A) Unless otherwise permitted by Kentucky law or on a properly zoned and licensed firing range, no person in Louisville Metro shall discharge a firearm:
(1) Within 300 feet of a public roadway or public alley; or
(2) In the direction of a structure capable of being occupied that is within 300 feet of the person discharging the firearm.
(B) The Louisville Metro Police Department shall report information associated with the enforcement of this section upon request by Metro Council.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 35-2022, approved 4-14-2022)
(A) Definition of deadly weapon. A weapon which is readily capable of producing death or other serious physical injury, including but not limited to: a knife, nightstick, billy club, blackjack, slapjack, nunchaku karate sticks, shuriken star, artificial knuckles or a destructive device intended to cause death or serious physical injury through the release, dissemination, or impact of toxic or poisonous chemicals, disease organisms, or radiation. Such definition does not include "firearm" as defined under KRS 527.010(4).
(B) It shall be unlawful for any merchant or dealer in Jefferson County to sell, lend, rent, give, or otherwise transfer to any person under the age of 18 years any deadly weapon, any air gun, sword, cane sword, umbrella sword, switch-blade, dart, stiletto, gravity knife, or any knife other than an ordinary pocket knife. It shall be the duty of any merchant or dealer in Jefferson County to demand a picture identification sufficient to show proof of age of any customer seeking to purchase or rent any item listed above, if the customer appears to the merchant to be less than 22 years of age, and the sale of any said item by the dealer or merchant to any customer who is unable or unwilling to present proper identification shall be a violation hereunder.
(C) It shall be unlawful for any person to give, lend, or otherwise transfer to any person under the age of 18 years any deadly weapon, air gun, sword, cane sword, umbrella sword, switch-blade, dart, stiletto, gravity knife, or any knife other than an ordinary pocket knife except where the relationship of parent and child, guardian and ward or adult with the permission of parent or guardian and whenever any such person does transfer any such weapon to person under the age of 18 years the adult shall take all reasonable precautions to assure that the child does not harm the person or property of another by the malicious, negligent, or otherwise tortuous use of the weapon.
(D) It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of 18 years of age to carry any deadly weapon, air gun, sword, cane sword, umbrella sword, switch-blade, dart, stiletto, gravity knife, or any knife other than an ordinary pocket knife or any other instrument that could be used for cutting or stabbing in any of the streets, alleys, parks, boulevards, or other public property or schools in Jefferson County or in any dance hall, theater, amusement park, shopping mall, or other private property open to the public except that persons under the age of 18 years may be in possession of an air gun, sword, cane sword, umbrella sword, switch-blade, dart, stiletto, gravity knife, or any knife other than an ordinary pocket knife which are used or carried with the permission of the child's parent or adult guardian as a tool of honest work, trade, or business or sport or recreation when used or carried as equipment for such work, sport, or recreation when actively engaged therein or when traveling to or returning from such work, sport or recreation.
(E) Nothing in this section shall be construed as permitting minors to possess handguns or use weapons of mass destruction in violation of KRS 527.100, 527.110, 527.200, 527.205, or 527.210.
(1999 Lou. Code, § 135.04) (Lou. Ord. No. 210-1993, approved 10-1-1993; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 109-2007, approved 6-15-2007; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. 5-2013, approved 2-12-2013) Penalty, see § 135.99
(A) No person, including employees of the Metro Government, shall carry a concealed deadly weapon into or on any building or portion of a building owned, leased or controlled by the Metro Government, except as otherwise provided in this section.
(B) Exemptions mandated by state law.
(1) This section shall not apply to buildings or portions of buildings owned, leased or controlled by Metro Government which are used for public housing by private persons, highway rest areas, firing ranges, and private dwellings.
(2) This section shall not apply to sworn officers of the Louisville Metro Police Department, and other law enforcement officers authorized to carry concealed deadly weapons pursuant to KRS 527.020.
(C) The Director of the Department of Public Works shall post signs at the entrances of all Metro Government-owned, leased or controlled building or portions of buildings which shall read as follows:
(D) Violation of this section may result in denial of entry to the building or portion of the building, or an order to leave the building or portion of the building, or, if an employee of the Metro Government, disciplinary measures up to and including dismissal from employment.
(E) Nothing in this section shall be construed as permitting the carrying of a concealed deadly weapon in violation of KRS 527.020.
(1999 Lou. Code, § 135.06) (Lou. Ord. No. 86-1996, approved 05-16-1996; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 109-2007, approved 6-15-2007)
It is the express intent of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government that in the event that any part of this chapter be deemed by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, the remaining portions shall continue unaffected to be enforced.
(1999 Lou. Code, § 135.509) (Lou. Ord. No. 193-1993, passed 9-16-1993; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 109-2007, approved 6-15-2007)
(A) Any person found to have violated the provisions of § 135.03 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by an amount not to exceed $500 or imprisonment not to exceed 12 months, or both, for each offense.
(B) Any person found to have violated the provisions of § 135.04 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by an amount not to exceed $500 or imprisonment not to exceed 90 days, or both, for each offense.
(1999 Lou. Code, § 135.99) (Lou. Am. Ord. No. 210-1993, approved 10-1-1993; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 40-2004, approved 4-8-2004; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 109-2007, approved 6-15-2007; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. 26-2013, approved 3-19-2013; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 7-2020, approved 2-21-2020, eff. 5-21-2020; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 35-2022, approved 4-14-2022)