(A)   The following activities with respect to an individual landmark or to any site or structure located within a district shall not constitute an exterior alteration and shall not require the obtaining of a certificate of appropriateness as provided in this subchapter.
      (1)   Ordinary repairs to the exterior of a structure when such work exactly reproduces the existing design and is executed in the existing material;
      (2)   Installing historic plaques, house numbers, mail boxes, small porch lights, kick plates or door knockers;
      (3)   Interior alterations which do not cause any exterior alteration;
      (4)   Painting any material other than masonry and painting any previously painted masonry the same as the existing color or an historically appropriate color in accordance with the guidelines;
      (5)   Landscaping, tree planting, tree trimming or pruning;
      (6)   Rear yard improvements not visible from the street at ground level which do not involve alterations to any structure;
      (7)   Removal of noncontributing signage without replacement;
      (8)   Temporary signage or structures where such signage or structure shall be permanently removed within six months;
      (9)   Emergency repairs ordered by a Building Code Enforcement Officer in order to protect health and safety;
      (10)   Video doorbells, cameras, lighting motion sensors, and similar temporary security items that do not change the permanent historic fabric of the property.
   (B)   Any exterior alteration to any individual landmark or to any site or structure in a district shall not be commenced by any person without obtaining a certificate of appropriateness as provided in this subchapter. Applications for certificates of appropriateness for exterior alterations other than those specified in subsection (C) of this section shall be reviewed by the staff as provided in § 32.257 of this subchapter.
   (C)   Applications for certificates of appropriateness for the following exterior alterations shall be reviewed by the Committee having jurisdiction as provided in § 32.257 of this subchapter.
      (1)   New construction including carriage houses and accessory residential units (except for accessary structures defined in § 32.251 of this subchapter which may be approved by staff);
      (2)   Demolition (except for noncontributing additions to buildings and noncontributing accessory structures);
      (3)   Any exterior alteration, the cost of which shall be greater than 25 % of the assessed value of a non-tax exempt structure or site; or
      (4)   Any other application which is determined by the staff to be inappropriate for staff review.
(1999 Lou. Code, § 32.506) (Lou. Ord. No. 44-1997, approved 3-28-1997; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 119-2007, approved 7-2-2007; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 106-2014, approved 7-30-2014; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 96-2019, approved 8-8-2019) Penalty, see § 32.262