Any person who is required hereby to pay the tax imposed by § 121.01 on rents charged for occupancies of one or more rooms or suites who fails to pay the taxes on or before the date due shall be assessed a penalty of 5% of the unpaid amount of the tax whether or not the required return for the applicable period has been timely filed and, in addition, shall pay simple interest at the rate of 12% per annum calculated on a daily basis from the date the payment was due until the date of payment. In addition, any person who fails to file the monthly return required hereby shall be charged a penalty of 5% per month or fraction of a month of the amount of the unpaid tax which said return, if properly completed and filed, would have shown to be due, provided, however, that the penalty shall not exceed 25% of the amount of the unpaid taxes.
(1994 Jeff. Code, § 121.03) (Jeff. Ord. 4-1992, adopted and effective 4-14-1992; Jeff. Am. Ord. 21-2002, adopted and effective 7-9-2002; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 169-2007, approved 8-27-2007)