(A)   The design, construction, and maintenance of all drainage control, flood control, erosion control, and stormwater quality control facilities within the Village shall be performed in accordance with procedures, criteria and standards formulated by the Director of Planning and Zoning and in accordance with the policies established in this Article.
   (B)   All construction activities within the jurisdiction of the Village shall conform to the requirements of the Article with respect to drainage control, flood control, erosion control and stormwater quality control.
      (1)   Construction, grading or paving on any lot within the Village shall not increase the damage potential to adjacent properties or public facilities. Damages shall be defined as those caused by flooding, erosion, and sedimentation from the 100-year design storm and all smaller storms.
      (2)   Any grading shall provide for erosion control and the safe passages of the ten-year design storm runoff during the construction phase and until the permanent improvements are completed.
      (3)   Grading, cut, fill or importation of material in excess of 500 cubic yards or grading of any area of one acre or more, or any grading which will adversely affect other properties, ditches, watercourses or easements shall conform to drainage control, flood control, erosion control and stormwater quality control policies and to standards, criteria and procedures established by the Village with respect to drainage, flood control, erosion control, and stormwater quality control.
   (C)   The Village may participate with the private sector, other public bodies, and agencies operating within the jurisdiction of this Article in order to accomplish the goals and implement the policies adopted herein. This includes, but shall not be limited to, the development and adoption of master plans, participation in the construction of projects, and exercising control through the planning, platting, zoning, and permitting processes.
   (D)   It shall be the responsibility of the Director of Planning and Zoning to produce, approve, make and retain records of all drainage plans, drainage reports, design analyses, design drawings, as-built drawings, and maintenance schedules related to all drainage control, flood control, erosion control, and stormwater quality control facilities constructed within the Village.
   (E)   Application for all land use changes shall address drainage control, flood control, and erosion control in terms of the interaction of these parameters with other requirements and needs produced by the proposed land use changes, and shall comply with an adopted drainage management plan.
   (F)   Requests for building permits, site plan approval, or the platting of land for the purpose of major or minor subdivision, and for replats, shall be accompanied by appropriate grading, drainage control, flood control, erosion control, and stormwater quality control information.
      (1)   Grading and Drainage plan. Drainage plans are prepared with or on the detailed grading plan and address both on-site and off-site drainage control, flood control and erosion control issues.
      (2)   Drainage report. A drainage report is a comprehensive analysis of the drainage control, flood control, and erosion control constraints on and impacts resulting from a proposed platting, development, or construction project. Drainage reports are required for major subdivisions containing more than five lots or constituting five acres or more, platting or construction within a designated flood hazard area.
      (3)   Erosion control plan. An erosion control plan is usually incorporated into the drainage plan or drainage report. Erosion control plans address all phases of each project from initial grading, through, and including final occupancy. The ten-year design storm shall be used to determine the treatment measures necessary for the prevention of damage due to soil movement for the on-site area of development.
   (G)   All drainage submittals shall be prepared under the direction of and signed by a registered professional engineer competent in surface hydrology and drainage, and shall include a statement that the engineer has personally inspected the land, and a statement as to whether it appears that grading, filling, or excavation has occurred thereon since the existing contour map was prepared.
   (H)   Submitted plans will be checked by the Village designated engineer and the applicant shall bear the cost per Resolution No. 2003-6-2.
   (I)   Drainage control considerations specifically address safety, convenience, and economics for both private property and public facilities.