(a) The operational performance standards established by this chapter shall be subject to exception upon application to the Zoning Inspector and a showing of undue hardship.
(b) Definition, test procedures and equipment to determine whether maximum noise levels of this chapter have been exceeded shall be found in "Handbook of Noise Measurement" by A. P. G. Peterson and E. E. Gross Jr. , General Radio Company.
(c) Any emission of noise from any source in excess of the limitation established in this chapter shall be deemed and is hereby declared to be a public nuisance, and may be subject to abatement procedures. Such abatement may be an addition to the fines and penalties herein provided.
(d) The provisions herein shall not apply to policemen and firemen while in the discharge of their duty, nor to ambulances making emergency runs.
(Ord. 115-86. Passed 10-20-86.)