(a) All hourly paid Village employees, including the hourly paid employees of the Board of Trustees of Public Affairs, are hereby required to make use of the recently installed time clocks.
(b) The following constitute the rules and regulations concerning the use of the time clocks:
(1) Punch “in” at start time and punch “out” at quitting time, only (lunch time excluded).
(2) Each employee is responsible for punching their own time card/job card. Anyone violating this rule will:
A. First offense, receive written reprimand.
B. Second offense, receive one week off without pay.
C. Third offense, receive two weeks off without pay.
D. Fourth offense, immediate termination of employment.
(3) No one is to punch in more than fifteen minutes earlier than required start time, or more than fifteen minutes past required quitting time, unless authorized by the Department Head.
(4) All time cards must be legible or hours will not be paid.
(5) All time cards shall be submitted to the Clerk's office the Monday following the last day of the pay period.
(c) The Clerk is hereby directed to post these rules near each time clock.
(Ord. 55-91. Passed 7-15-91.)