Pursuant to the requirements of Ohio R.C. 731.25, the following locations are established as the posting places in the Village for the posting of ordinances, resolutions, statements, orders, proclamations, notices and reports required by law or ordinance to be published:
(a) Lordstown Administration Building
1455 Salt Springs Road, S.W.
Lordstown, Ohio 44481
(b) Lordstown Branch--Trumbull County Library
1471 Salt Springs Road, S.W.
Lordstown, Ohio 44481
(c) Speed Check
6565 Tod Avenue
Lordstown, Ohio 44481
(d) Cavalier Federal Credit Union
2255 Salt Springs Road
Lordstown, Ohio 44481
(e) Lordstown Diary Queen
6780 Tod Ave., S.W.
Lordstown, Ohio 44481
(Ord. 27-2017. Passed 4-17-17.)