Ord. No. Date Description
39-80 9-2-80 15.7 acres of land in part of Section 56 from Residential One (R-1) to Commercial (B-1).
5-81 2-2-81 Certain property fronting on Salt Springs Road from I-1 to B-1.
56-84 10-1-84 8.405 acres north of Lyntz-Townline Rd. from R-1 to I-1.
71-84 11-19-84 18.692 acres of land in part of Section 37 from Residential One (R-1) to Industrial (I-1).
21-86 3-3-86 28.4785 acres of land in part of Section 78 of the original subdivision of the lands of Lordstown Township from Residential One (R-1) to Highway Business (B-2).
20-87 2-17-87 Certain property fronting State Route 45 at the northerly property line of Mary Falkinberg from R-1 to B-1.
40-87 5-4-87 Certain property fronting State Route 45 from B-2 to R-1.
92-89 12-18-89 Certain property fronting on Lyntz Road and Muth Road from R-1 to I-1.
9-90 2-5-90 Certain property with frontage on Ellsworth-Bailey Road on the east and Wilson East Road on the south from I-1 to B-2.
66-91 9-16-91 Certain property with frontage on the south side of Salt Springs Road and the east side of Highland Avenue from B-1 to R-1.
36-94 10-3-94 Property owned by Imperial Trailer Park from R-1 to B-2.
45-95 7-3-95 Property at the west side of Bailey Road at the northern part of the William Matsouris property from B-2 to I-1.
46-95 7-3-95 Property owned by William Matsouris located on the west side of Bailey Road, north of Industrial Trace from B-2 to I-1.
18-96 4-15-96 Property owned by David and Karen Myers located on the north side of Salt Springs Road from B1 to R1.
29-96 6-3-96 Property owned by Frank and Doris Burrows located on the south side of Salt Springs Road from B-2 to R-1.
13-97 3-17-97 Property owned by Myron Nadler and Bert Udell located on the south side of Salt Springs Road from I-1 to R-1.
43-98 7-6-98 Property owned by Charles Tyree and Dominic Percurato located on the south side of Salt Springs Road from R-1 to R-2.
44-98 7-6-98 Property owned by Randy Durig and James Adams located on the south side of Salt Springs Road from R-1 to R-2.
78-99 11-1-99 Property owned by Ronald Henn located on the east side of Tod Ave. from R-1 to I-1.
33-01 5-21-01 Reclassifies 17 acres owned by Village from B-1 to R-1.
34-01 5-21-01 Reclassifies 27.5 acres on State Route 45 owned by the Village from R-1 to B-1.
39-01 7-10-01 Reclassifies 17.87 acres located at 6540 and 6424 Tod Ave. and owned by the Lordstown Board of Education from R-1 to B-1.
37-02 8-5-02 Reclassifies 1.89 acres owned by Dennis Wilson Jr., located at 6236 Tod Ave. S.W. from R-1 to B-2.
94-10 11-1-10 Reclassifies 39.817 acres located at the corner of Salt Springs and Muth Roads from R-1 to I-1.
11-2014 2-3-14 Reclassifies a portion of the ten (10) acres of real proeprty owned by Andrea C. Hospodor situated at 1229 Salt Springs Road, Lordstown, Ohio, Parcel No. 45-007979 from B-2 (Highway Business) to R-1 (Residential).
84-2017 12-28-17 A portion of the 63.053 acres of real property owned by Lordstown Local Board of Education situated at 1824 Salt Springs Road, Lordstown, Ohio, Parcel No. 45-003501 from B-1 (General Business) to R-1 (Residential).
36-2018 6-21-18 121.003 acres of real property owned by Harvey and Dolly Lutz, being Parcel No. 45-117512 from R-1 (Residential) to I-1 (Industrial).
37-2018 6-21-18 52.5 acres of real property owned by DBR of Ohio, LLC, being Parcel No. 45-117511 from R-1 (Residential) to I-1 (Industrial).
33-2018 6-21-18 2.4558 acres of real property owned by Homegoods, Inc., situated at 2527 Hallock-Young Road, Lordstown, Ohio, Parcel No. 45-027550 from R-1 (Residential) to I-1 (Industrial).
39-2018 6-21-18 3.674 acres of real property owned by Homegoods, Inc., situated at 2547 Hallock-Young Road, Lordstown, Ohio, Parcel No. 45- 048950 from R-1 (Residential) to I-1 (Industrial).
40-2018 6-21-18 Three (3) acres of real property owned by Ronald E. and Cynthia S. Radtka Situated at 3640 Ellsworth-Bailey Road, Lordstown, Ohio, Parcel No. 45-904644 from R-1 (Residential) to I-1 (Industrial).
41-2018 6-21-18 104.46 acres of real property owned by DBR of Ohio, LLC, being Parcel No. 45-003359 from R-1 (Residential) to I-1 (Industrial).
42-2018 6-21-18 13.13 acres of real property owned by DBR of Ohio, LLC, being Parcel No. 45-003357 from R-1 (Residential ) to I-1 (Industrial).
67-2018 12-17-18 116.865 acres of real property owned by Mala Properties Limited, being Parcel No. 45-196400 from Residential (R-1) to Planned Unit Development District (PUD).
19-2020 6-15-20 Repeals Ord. 67-2018.
20-2020 6-15-20 65.339 acres of real property owned by Alan R. Tura, being Parcel No. 45-904662 from Residential (R-1) to General Business (B-1).
21-2020 6-15-20 1.5893 acres of real property owned by Harvest Point Church, and formerly owned by Local Union 1112 Building Corporation, (Parcel Identification Number 45-905506), from Industrial (I-1) to General Business (B-1).
23-2021 4-19-2021 An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 94-2010 which amended the Lordstown Village Zoning Map to reclassify certain real property (approximately 39.817 acres, and further known as Parcel "B"), formerly owned by Wendell Orr, Carolyn A. Fray (James R. Goetz, spouse), James J. Orr (Irene Orr, spouse) and Malcolm Orr (deceased), and currently owned by Robert L. Orr, et al., located at the corner of Salt Springs and Muth Roads, Lordstown, Ohio, from R-1 (Residential) to I-1 (Industrial).