(a)   Any incident involving damage to Village-owned vehicles or property shall be reported to the Supervisor of that Department immediately and a report SHALL be made and submitted to the Mayor and the Clerk of the Village. The Employee(s) involved shall be sent for a drug/alcohol test within one hour of the incident. A failure to report the incident will result in disciplinary action pursuant to the Collective Bargaining Agreement for Police personnel or Master Benefits Ordinance for other employees of the Village.
   (b)   Incidents occurring within the Village (except those involving police personnel/vehicles) will be investigated by the Lordstown Police Department. Any incident involving police personnel/vehicles will be investigated by an outside law enforcement agency recommended by the Chief of Police and approved by the Mayor. Any incident occurring outside of the Village of Lordstown will be investigated by the law enforcement authorities of that jurisdiction.
   (c)   Incidents involving third parties within or outside of the Village shall also be reported to the Village insurance carrier.
(Ord. 15-2017. Passed 3-6-17.)