(a)    No person, firm, company, including Trumbull County, or corporation shall engage in the business of contracting for services to be rendered, in part or in full, for any work in connection with any excavation in the public right of way of any street, avenue, road, drive, lane or any other public grounds for the purposes of installing, repairing, replacing or cleaning of any sanitary sewer, storm sewer, sanitary lateral, storm connection, underground low voltage cable, water line, water connection, gas line, gas connection, underground electric line and/or service and the installation, repair and replacement of sidewalk, driveway, curbing and any other type of excavation without first obtaining a permit.
   (b)    Public utility companies are exempt from the provisions of this section except for: new or replacement underground construction. Two (2) sets of plans of any proposed new or replacement underground construction must be submitted to the Village for approval by the Engineer prior to installation. Submitted plans shall be drawn to scale and show at a minimum the right of way, street or curb line, existing underground utilities, depth of installation, street name, north arrow, the submitter's name, address and telephone number
and all existing topography, such as driveways, sidewalk, hydrants, trees, etc.
   (c)    Permits may be issued to single family property owners, occupying the home where the work is to commence, without being registered, desiring to install downspout drains or ditch/drainage pipes between the right of way line, edge of pavement, curb or road ditch, provided that no connection is made in the storm sewer. Before a permit shall be issued, the property owner shall sign a waiver, as approved by the Village, stating the property owner is actually doing the work and holding the Village harmless from all suits and claims arising from such work or installation.
   (d)    All existing gas lines, waterlines, sanitary sewer lines or storm sewers to be replaced shall, once the new installation is complete, be completely removed and disposed of by the Contractor. No existing facilities shall be permitted to be abandoned and remain within any public right-of-way of any street, avenue, road, drive, lane or any other public grounds in the Village of Lordstown.
(Ord. 62-2008. Passed 7-16-08.)