The Planning Commission has the authority to approve the final PUD plan only if the final PUD plan is in conformance with the preliminary PUD plan approved by Council. Additional factors to be considered by the Commission shall include:
(a) That the proposed detailed final PUD plan for the individual section of the overall PUD District is in conformance with the approved preliminary PUD plan.
(b) That each individual stage of the planned unit development can exist as an independent planned unit development which is capable of creating an environment of sustained desirability and stability, or that adequate assurance will be provided that such objective can be obtained.
(c) That any part of the planned unit development not used for structures, parking and loading areas or streets, shall be landscaped or otherwise improved, or if approved by the Planning Commission, left in it’s natural state.
(d) That any exception from the standard requirements of this Zoning Ordinance is warranted by the design and amenities incorporated in the detailed final PUD plan, in accordance with the adopted policy of the Planning Commission and Council.
(e) That the internal private streets proposed comply with class "A" streets defined in the Village subdivision regulations.
(f) That the detailed final PUD plan is consistent with the intent and purpose of this Zoning Ordinance to promote public health, safety and general welfare of the residents of the Municipality.
(Ord. 10-2007. Passed 2-5-07.)