(a)    The position of Maintenance Person is hereby established. He shall receive the same fringe benefits and cost of living allowance as is presently in force for the department heads and office staff.
   He shall be hired by the Buildings and Grounds Supervisor and shall be responsible to the Buildings and Grounds Supervisor.
   (b)    He shall perform the duties and responsibilities as follows:
(1)    Take inventory of supplies once a month;
(2)    Take inventory once a year of kitchen (dishes, silverware, pots, pans, etc.);
(3)    Count tables and chairs in storage rooms (follow inventory sheet);
(4)    Clean windows and frames as needed on all floors;
(5)    Floors - buff or burnish weekly, strip floors when needed;
(6)    Dust any areas not covered by custodial firm;
(7)    Clean drinking fountains every day;
(8)    Clean restrooms as needed;
(9)    Kitchens - clean inside cupboards when needed;
(10)    Wash all dishes and silverware at time of inventory;
(11)    Keep dishes clean by covering with plastic sheets.
(12)    Clean top of stoves and ovens as needed;
(13)   Clean refrigerators inside and outside as needed;
(14)    Clean and shine all stainless steel including carts;
(15)    Keep counter tops and sinks clean;
(16)    Clean exhaust over stove as needed;
(17)    Council Chambers - set up for Council;
(18)    Clean tables and chairs, empty ash trays;
(19)    Sweep carpets and clean stairs;
(20)    Dust ceilings, walls, and coat racks;
      (21)   Empty trash as needed;
      (22)   Set up tables and chairs for rental of hall. If party is catered, remove silverware, coffee urns, utensils from drawers in utility tables, pots and pans, etc.;
      (23)   Scrub floors when needed;
      (24)   Wash all trash cans inside and out when needed. Keep plastic liners in all trash cans;
      (25)   Replace all light bulbs when needed;
      (26)   Keep metal chairs and tables repaired;
      (27)   Open and close building when requested to do so;
      (28)   Open clogged drains;
      (29)   Relight pilot lights for hot water heater, furnace and trash burner;
      (30)   Replace light switches and plugs;
      (31)   Replace ceiling tile;
      (32)   Clean and replace air filters in heaters in air conditioner units;
      (33)   Handle rental of tables and chairs at Fire Station;
      (34)   Keep shrubs trimmed around all buildings;
      (35)   Cut grass immediately around all buildings;
      (36)   Keep parking lots clean and clear of snow and ice;
      (37)   Wash all outside windows as needed;
      (38)   Make building repairs as needed;
      (39)   Water all plaints weekly; and
      (40)   All other duties as assigned by Buildings and Grounds Supervisor.
         (Ord. 47-86. Passed 5-5-86.)