(a) Council has determined for security purposes all equipment owned by the Village including hand tools but excepting expendable items should be clearly marked with a permanent identification number to prevent theft if such equipment does not bear a manufacturer's serial number upon it. All accessories to equipment can be sticker taped as per agreement of the department head and committee chairman in writing, to prevent theft if such equipment does not bear a manufacturer's serial number upon it. Equipment, tools, etc., will be properly engraved first, and when unable or impracticable to do so such equipment may be taped.
(b) The Mayor is hereby authorized to instruct all department heads within the Village to clearly mark all equipment owned and purchased by the Village with an identification number if such equipment does not possess a manufacturer serial number upon it. Such equipment shall be marked within forty-eight hours of its possession by the Village with a proper identification number.
(c) An inventory of all Village equipment shall be conducted annually as required by the Ohio Revised Code by the department heads of the Village, and such department heads shall be accountable for any discrepancies between the master list of equipment and the inventory for their departments.
(Ord. 69-89. Passed 11-6-89.)