(a)    The following is a schedule of off-street parking and loading requirements for the Village.
  Uses                           Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces Required
Churches, community building, social halls or other places of public assembly

One for every three seats.
Family dwellings
Two for each dwelling unit.
One for each 50 sq. ft. of floor area or for each two seats, whichever results in the greatest number.
Retail stores
One for every 100 sq. ft. ground floor space of building, plus one for each employee and one for 200 sq. ft. for establishments having more than 2,000 sq. ft. of floor area.
One for every 200 sq. ft. of floor space, plus one for every employee.
One for every 200 sq. ft. but not less than two spaces for each individual office area.
Automobile service stations
One for every employee, plus two for each service stall, with a minimum of six.
Public schools   
Two per classroom in an elementary and junior high school and four per classroom in senior high school, plus one for each four seats for auditorium or gymnasium, whichever has the larger capacity.
Customary home occupation

Four for each dwelling unit.
Nursing and retirement homes
Two for each three beds, plus one for each employee.
Wholesale establishments
One for each 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area.
Industrial and research establishments
One for each 500 sq. ft. of gross floor area.
Clubhouses and permanent meeting places of veterans, business, civic, fraternal, labor and other similar organizations.
One for each 500 sq. ft. of gross floor area.
Nursery schools/ kindergartens
Two per classroom plus one per employee.
Medical buildings
Two spaces for each examining room, plus    one for each medical professional and one for each employee.
         (Ord. 90-00. Passed 12-18-00.)