A single-family structure may be constructed on any lot in the R-1 Residential District if the lot is less than the minimum area required for building lots in the Residential District in which it is located, provided the following conditions exist or are met:
(a) Availability of Adjacent Vacant Land. No structure shall be erected on any nonconforming lot if the owner of such lot owns any adjoining vacant land which could be combined with the lot deficient in area.
(b) Side Yards. No structure shall be constructed on a nonconforming lot unless it shall have a minimum side yard of five feet, or a minimum side yard of ten feet where adjacent to any street.
(c) Front and Rear Yards. No structure shall be constructed on a nonconforming lot unless it shall have front and rear yards conforming to the minimums required for the residential district in which the lot is located.
(Ord. 90-00. Passed 12-18-00.)