(a) No use shall be permitted or authorized to be established which, when conducted in compliance with the provisions of these regulations, and any additional conditions and requirements prescribed, is or may become hazardous, noxious or offensive due to the emission of odor, dust, smoke, cinders, gas, fumes, noise, vibration, electrical interference, refuse matter or water-carried wastes.
(b) The following uses are examples of prohibited uses applicable to any district and shall not be permitted in any district:
(1) Amusement parks, drag strips or race tracks;
(2) Zoos and zoological parks;
(3) Manufacture or storage of explosives, gun powders or fireworks;
(4) Dumping, storing, burying, reducing, disposing of, or burning garbage, refuse, rubbish, offal or dead animals unless done at a place provided and approved for such purposes by Council and only during such hours that shall be specified. This section shall not pertain to the normal care of individual lawns or gardens or pursuits incidental to agricultural purposes;
(5) Bulk petroleum plants with tanks aboveground, distilling or cracking plants, or plants used in the refining of gasoline and oil products;
(6) Distilling of bones, fat or glue, glue or gelatin manufacturing;
(7) Junk yards, automotive graveyards, or places for the collection or sale of scrap metal, paper, rags, glass, rubber, salvage or junk for salvage or storage purposes, except where this use is an integral part of the manufacturing process;
(8) Chemical plants;
(9) Cellar homes;
(10) Taverns;
(11) Keeping of wild animals;
(12) Hazardous waste incinerators and/or medical waste incinerators;
(13) Hazardous waste disposal sites;
(14) Wooden basements.
(15) Massage Parlors/Establishments. [Defined as a place where a customer can receive a massage and/or a place where a customer can receive a non-medical massage, not for medical purposes or pain relief; EXCEPT hospitals, nursing homes or other health care facilities licensed by the State, a person licensed by the State Medical Board, a licensed cosmetologist, barber, chiropractor, therapist, nurse, or home health care professional while performing their professional or vocation, or a person working under the direction of a person listed above.]
(Ord. 80-12. Passed 9-17-12.)