(a)   Pre-Construction Meeting. Prior to commencement of construction and installation of required improvements in a proposed subdivision, the developer shall notify the Soil and Water Conservation District Office in addition to the Village Road Commissioner, the Planning Administrator, the Board of Public Affairs, the Village Engineer and/or the County Sanitary Engineer to arrange for a preconstruction meeting. At this meeting, the proposed subdivision shall be discussed with regard to procedure, construction methods, plans, materials and inspections. In addition, the subdivider shall submit to the Road Commissioner, Planning Administrator, the Board of Public Affairs and County Sanitary Engineer a construction schedule which shall show commencement and completion dates for each phase of construction work, including dates for completion of all required improvements in the proposed subdivision.
   (b)   Subdivider's Agreement and Inspection Fee. Inspection of all improvements including streets, storm sewers, drainage control, sanitary sewers and water lines shall be performed where applicable by the Village Road Commissioner, the Board of Public Affairs, the Village Engineer and/or the Trumbull County Sanitary Engineer. Before any subdivision plat or construction plan is given final approval, and prior to commencement of any construction, the developer shall have executed a Subdivider's Agreement with the Village of Lordstown Council and the Sanitary Engineer, for the review of construction drawings and construction inspections. The agreement is in effect only to cover the review and inspection fees associated with the particular subdivision. All fees must be paid in full prior to the approval or recording of the final plat.
(Ord. 28-2013. Passed 4-1-13.)