Landscaping shall be provided as part of the site plan and subdivision design for planned unit developments and for commercial, industrial, and medium and high-density residential subdivisions. Landscaping may include plant materials such as trees, shrubs, and ground covers, perennials, and annuals, and other materials such as rocks, water, sculpture, art, walls, fences, paving materials and street furniture.
(a) Landscape Plan. A landscape plan shall be submitted with each site plan application for planned developments, commercial, industrial, and/or high-density residential subdivisions, unless an exception is granted by the Planning Commission pursuant to these Regulations. The landscape plan shall identify existing and proposed trees, shrubs, and ground covers; natural features such as rock outcroppings; and other landscaping elements. Where existing plants are to be retained, the applicant shall include in the plans proposed methods of protecting them during construction.
(b) Slope Plantings. Landscaping of all cuts and fills and/or terraces shall be sufficient to prevent erosion, and all roadway slopes steeper than one foot vertically to three feet horizontally shall be planted with ground cover appropriate for the purpose and for soil conditions, water availability, and environment.
(c) Planting Specifications. Deciduous trees shall have at least a two-inch caliper at planting. Size of evergreens and shrubs shall be allowed to vary depending on setting and type of shrub. All trees, shrubs, and ground covers shall be planted according to accepted horticultural standards. The developer shall replace dead and dying plants during the following planting season.
(d) Plant Species. The plant species selected shall be hardy for the climate and appropriate in terms of function and size.
(e) Shade Trees . Shade trees shall be installed in accordance with the approved landscape plan. When trees are planted at predetermined intervals along streets, spacing shall depend on tree size (at maturity), as follows:
Table 14: Spacing Between Shade Trees | |
Growth Diameter (feet) | Planting Interval (feet) |
Large Trees (40 +) | 50 - 70 |
Medium Trees (30 - 40) | 40 -50 |
Small Trees (to 30) | 30 - 40 |
When the spacing interval exceeds 40 feet, small ornamental trees can be placed between the larger trees. If a street canopy effect is desired, trees may be planted close together, following the recommendations of a registered landscape architect. The planting of trees shall be coordinated with utilities, roadways, sidewalks, sight easements, or streetlights.
(f) Maintenance. Plantings shall be watered regularly and in a manner appropriate for the specific plant species through the first growing season, and the applicant shall replace dead and dying plants during the next planting season. No building structure, storage or materials, or parking shall be permitted within any buffer area. Buffer areas shall be maintained and kept free of all debris, rubbish, weeds, and tall grass.
(g) Additional Landscaping. Additional plantings or landscaping elements may be required throughout the subdivision where necessary for climate control, privacy, or other reasons in accordance with the landscape plan approved by the Planning Commission taking cost constraints into consideration. In nonresidential developments, all areas of the site not occupied by buildings and required improvements shall be landscaped by the planting of grass or other ground cover, shrubs, and trees as part of the landscape plan approved by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 56-2005. Passed 10-3-05.)
(Ord. 56-2005. Passed 10-3-05.)