(a)   Topsoil Preservation. Topsoil shall be temporarily stored and later redistributed on all regarded surfaces so as to provide at least four inches of even cover to all disturbed areas of the development and shall be stabilized by seeding or planting.
   (b)   Removal of Debris. All stumps and other tree parts, litter, brush, weeds, excess or scrap building materials or other debris shall be removed from the site and disposed of in accordance with the law. No tree stumps or portions of tree trunks or limbs shall be buried anywhere in the development. If trees and limbs are reduced to chips, they may be used as mulch in landscaped areas subject to approval by the Planning Commission.
   (c)   Protection of Existing Plantings. No material or temporary soil deposits shall be placed within four feet of shrubs or ten feet of trees designated on the landscape plan to be retained. Protective barriers or tree wells shall be installed around each plant and/or group of plants that are to remain on the site. The plants they are protecting, but shall be self-supporting, shall not support barriers. They shall be a minimum of four feet high and constructed of a durable material that will last until construction is completed. Snow fences and silt fences are examples of acceptable barriers.
   (d)   Protection of Natural Features. The Planning Commission may reserve the right to deny approval to a subdivision if such subdivision disregards the preservation of natural features such as wooded areas, water courses, areas of natural or historical significance and similar irreplaceable assets which add value to residential development and the community.
(Ord. 56-2005. Passed 10-3-05.)