A subdivision shall be subject to major subdivision procedures for approval involving a sketch plan, preliminary plan, and final plat if the proposed division conforms to any of the following conditions:
(a) The division of more than five (5) lots, any one of which is less than five (5) acres.
(b) The division or allocation of land for the creation, opening, widening, or extension of any street or access easement.
(c) The division or allocation of land as easements for the extension and maintenance of public sewer, water, storm drainage, or other public facilities.
(d) The division or allocation of land as open spaces for common use by owners, occupants, or lease holders.
(e) Subdividing platted land to create additional building lots in a recorded subdivision.
(f) The improvement of a previously recorded platted subdivision requiring the extension of any road, water line or sanitary sewer.
(Ord. 56-2005. Passed 10-3-05.)