Upon the submission of a proposed division of property and an application therefore to the Planning Administrator or authorized representative, the Administrator or authorized representative shall classify the proposed division as a major subdivision (five or more splits), a minor subdivision (also known as lot split), or a subdivision that is exempt by definition pursuant to Section 711.001 (B) of the Ohio Revised Code, and shall follow the procedure for review and approval as required by these Regulations and Chapter 711 of the Ohio Revised Code.
The Village Road Commissioner or the County Sanitary Engineer shall require a subdivision determination from the County Planning Commission upon the submission of construction plans for any improvement to lands within the Village of Lordstown. If the Planning Commission determines that the improvements satisfy the definition of a subdivision as defined in Section 711.001 of the Ohio Revised Code, the developer shall adhere to the procedures and requirements of a major subdivision as specified in these Regulations.
(Ord. 56-2005. Passed 10-3-05.)