(a)   The subdivider shall pay a fee to the Village of Lordstown Planning Commission at the time of application for subdivision plat review and processing. The fee shall be paid in cash or by check or money order made payable to the Village of Lordstown and deposited in the general fund. The review and processing fee shall be in addition to any fees required by any other Village or County Agency including the Village Engineer and the County Sanitary Engineering Department for review, inspection and other related costs.
Subdivision Plat Review Major Subdivision (Pursuant to Article 3, Section 301.10)
Preliminary Plan
$50.00 Plan Review plus $10.00/lot
Revised Preliminary Plan
Final Plat and Replat
$50.00 Plat Review plus $10.00/lot
Re-submittal fee
Street opening and curb cut permit
Zoning Permits
Residential (R-1, R-2, and R-3)
.05 cents per square foot or $15.00 minimum
Business & Commercial (B-1 & B-2)
.7 ½ cents per square foot or $15.00 minimum
Industrial (I-1)
.10 cents per square foot or $15.00 minimum
Sign Permits
Up to 10 square feet
$15.00 per sign face
Over 10 square feet but less than 20 square feet
$20.00 per sign face
20 square feet but less than 26 square feet
$25.00 per sign face
26 square feet or more
$1.00 per square foot per sign face not to exceed $200.00 per sign face
Board of Zoning Appeals Deposits for Zoning appeals and Petitions for Zone Change Fee is for desired change
Residential (R-1, R-2 and R-3)
Business & Commercial (B-1 & B-2)
Industrial (I-1)
Communications Towers
Construction of new tower
Replacement of equipment on existing towers
Home Occupation Permits
Site Plan Review. Village Engineer plan review fee is determined by the Engineer and time spent during the plan review.
Flood Plain Development Permit Application Fee
Temporary Trailer Permit
PUD Plan Review
$50.00 plus $10.00 for each dwelling unit in entire PUD
Pipeline undercrossing deposit
Gas well drilling permit
Salt brine injection well permit fee
Minimum bond to protect roads
   (b)   All fees must be paid upon submittal.
   (c)   No fee will be refunded once a receipt has been issued.
   (d)   Any application that has been disapproved by the Planning Commission, or withdrawn, may be resubmitted within one year from the original date of submission with a resubmittal fee of fifty dollars ($50.00).
(Ord. 18-2020. Passed 6-15-20.)