These Regulations are adopted as minimum requirements for the regulation and control of land subdivision within the incorporated areas of the Village of Lordstown. It is intended that the provisions of these Subdivision Regulations shall be applied to secure and provide the following objectives:
(a) To provide the equitable handling, preparation and recording of all subdivision plats by establishing uniform procedures and development standards of design, construction, material specifications and performance guarantees for all improvements on the land as herein required.
(b) To provide for the proper arrangement of streets and highways in relation to those existing or planned, to produce a convenient and efficient traffic circulation pattern.
(c) To require streets and highways to be of such width, grade, construction, and location as to accommodate the prospective traffic generated and to facilitate access by police, safety, and fire fighting apparatus.
(d) To provide adequate water supply, storm water management, erosion and sediment control, sewage disposal, public utilities, and other public improvements and services.
(e) To ensure that appropriate public facilities are available and will have sufficient capacity to service the orderly extension of public improvements and services at minimum cost and maximum convenience and to prevent subdivisions of land that would place a disproportionate burden on public funds for such extension.
(f) To improve the quality of life through the protection and preservation of the environment, its resources, natural features, topography, wetlands, water courses, vegetation and water table by preventing surface water and subsurface water pollution, air, noise, light and visual pollution.
(g) To preserve and protect the geological, archeological, cultural, and historic areas of significance.
(h) To regulate development in areas of geological concern, flood plains, and in vicinities of previous mining activities.
(i) To avoid overcrowding of the land, population congestion, and to promote security and safety from fire, flood, and other dangers.
(j) To encourage orderly and beneficial development in the Village and provide adequate and convenient open space for traffic, utilities, access of fire fighting apparatus, recreation, light and air.
(k) To protect the character, social and economic stability of the Village, to conserve and enhance the value of the land and the value of buildings and other improvements by providing the most beneficial relationship between uses of land, buildings, traffic circulation and pedestrian movements.
(l) To require accurate surveying and monumentation for the preparation of legal descriptions and subdivision plats, and to necessitate engineering design and construction of improvements on the land as herein required.
(Ord. 56-2005. Passed 10-3-05.)