The operation of a RUSV in the City of Lorain upon the RUSV-Approved Routes shall be subject to the following additional requirements;
   (a)   While operating a RUSV on the streets within the City of Lorain any owner or operator shall comply with any and all laws pertaining to motor vehicles including, without limitation, safety requirements and insurance requirements.
   (b)   The operator (driver) of the RUSV must be at least twenty-one (21) years old and have a valid Ohio Driver's License.
   (c)   The operator (driver) must maintain the RUSV within two (2) feet of the right side- curb giving right of way to passing passenger vehicles.
   (d)   Except as otherwise stated in this section, no RUSV shall be operated upon any street in the City where the posted speed limit is greater than thirty-five (35) MPH.
   (e)   A RUSV shall display the Inspection Certificate in a prominent place on the vehicle.
   (f)   Each passenger seat must have a lap safety belt that must be in use whenever the RUSV is in motion.
   (g)   Each passenger seat must have a handrail bolted securely to the vehicle where each passenger can easily grab on to it.
   (h)   No RUSV passenger shall be under twenty-one (21) years of age to consume alcohol.
   (i)   RUSV accessories shall not consist of glass bottles, glasses or other breakable items.
   (j)   RUSV shall consist of safety requirement lighting and shall not have any bright flashing entertainment lighting.
   (k)   No RUSV shall be operated on any sidewalk except to cross the sidewalk as may be necessary from time to time.
      (Ord. 111-22. Passed 7-18-22.)