(a)   The Chief Building Official (CBO) shall issue a Vacant Commercial Building Certificate of Registration upon his/her determination that the Vacant Commercial Building registration application is complete; the requisite application fee has been paid and conditions of the Vacant Commercial Building are in compliance with this Code and all other applicable laws.
   (b)   The CBO may request inspection of the Vacant Commercial Building prior to issuance of a Vacant Commercial Building registration. An inspection shall be conducted upon the consent of the owner or his/her designated agent.
   (c)   When an inspection of a Vacant Commercial Building is requested and the owner or his/her designated agent does not consent to an inspection of the Vacant Commercial Building which is the subject of the Vacant Commercial Building Registration, the CBO may seek the issuance of a search warrant in order to inspect the Vacant Commercial Building when the CBO has reasonable cause to believe that the condition of the Vacant Commercial Building does not comply with applicable property maintenance laws of the City of Lorain and State of Ohio.
   (d)   Refusal of an owner or his/her designated agent to permit an inspection of the Vacant Commercial Building which is the subject of a Vacant Commercial Building Registration application shall not be cause for the CBO to deny issuance of a Vacant Commercial Building registration.
   (e)   When the CBO determines that the condition of a Vacant Commercial Building which is the subject of a Vacant Commercial Building Registration application is in violation of the applicable City property maintenance code provisions or other applicable laws, the CBO shall issue written notice of the property maintenance code violation(s) to the owner. If the owner corrects the violations as determined, within thirty (30) days of the issuance of notice of the violations by the City to the owner, the CBO shall issue the Vacant Commercial Building Registration Certificate to the owner.
(Ord. 186-21. Passed 10-18-21.)