The owner of a Vacant Commercial Building who does not reside in the City of Lorain shall designate an agent who, in addition to the owner, shall be responsible for operation of the vacant commercial building and who may accept service of process and official notices on behalf of the owner. An official notice or service of process issued to a designated agent shall be deemed as served or delivered upon the owner of a Vacant Commercial Building. Failure to maintain a Vacant Commercial Building Certificate of Registration or to maintain any requirements regarding registration shall be grounds for revocation of an existing Vacant Commercial Building Certificate of Registration or denial of issuance of a Vacant Commercial Building Certificate of Registration. A designated agent shall be an individual person who resides in the City of Lorain, who shall provide a valid residence address within the City and who shall promptly notify the Chief Building Official of any change in address or other change in status.
(Ord. 186-21. Passed 10-18-21.)