All fill materials used for land filling must comply with the list below. All fill placed on a site shall be leveled and have a final cover of topsoil, six (6) inches minimum depth, and must be seeded in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 1529 of the Lorain Codified Ordinances. Intermediate leveling and cover shall be required at intervals not to exceed ten (10) days for filling operations. In areas where fill is being placed to control erosion, the city engineer may at his discretion substitute an alternate cover that is resistant to erosion for the requirement to cover fill with topsoil.
   (a)   In areas zoned for commercial or industrial use (excluding ROW or easement):
      (1)   Clean soil, clay, shale, gravel, sands, rocks;
   (b)   In areas zoned for residential developments (excluding ROW or easement):
      (1)   Clean soil, clay, shale, gravel or sands.      
   (c)   In areas for erosion control: Gravel, rocks, stones and bricks or broken concrete pavement, provided all protruding reinforcing steel is removed.
      (Ord. 98-18. Passed 7-16-18.)