All construction activity within the City with less than one (1) acre in size of disturbed area shall be required to maintain compliance with the following minimum standards:
(a) Construction Entrance: A construction entrance installed and maintained to the standards of the current Ohio Department of Natural Resources' Rainwater and Land Development Manual is required at all access points used by vehicular traffic or construction equipment.
(b) Inlet Protection: City approved inlet protection is required on all existing or proposed storm sewer inlets in the vicinity of the construction site that may receive site runoff.
(c) Site Stabilization: Temporary and permanent stabilization must be implemented on all sites per the standards in the current Storm Water Discharges from Small and Large Construction Activities- Ohio General NPDES Permit.
(d) Spill Prevention/Containment: All sites shall implement measures for preventing, controlling, or containing spills of fuel, lubricants, temporary sanitary toilets, or other pollutants and protecting potential pollutants from contact with precipitation or runoff.
(e) Staging Area and Concrete Washout: All sites must have a containment area designated for trash disposal, vehicle maintenance, material storage, and concrete washout. Should the use of a predefined bermed containment area or approved washout device be technically infeasible due to the project size, the disposal method and/or location must be pre-approved by the City Engineer or his/her designee.
(f) Street Sweeping: All paved surfaces affected by the construction site must be swept, at a minimum, at the end of each work day, and during the day as needed, when sediment and other materials are tracked or discharged onto them. Street washing shall be allowed only after shoveling or sweeping has removed most of the sediment and approved storm sewer inlet protection is properly installed unless end of sewer sediment ponds exist and are properly functioning.
(g) Perimeter Control: Perimeter control must be installed and maintained along the edge of the construction site to prevent or filter surface runoff leaving the construction site. The type of perimeter control used shall be determined based on site and location. (Ord. 241-13. Passed 12-16-13.)