(a) No person shall occupy as owner, or let to another for occupancy, any dwelling or dwelling unit for the purpose of living, sleeping, cooking or eating therein, which does not comply with the following requirements:
(1) Every dwelling unit shall contain a kitchen sink in good working condition, and properly connected to a water and sewer system; shall contain a room which affords privacy and which is equipped with a flush water closet and a lavatory basin in good working condition, and properly connected to a water and sewer system; shall contain, within a room which affords privacy, a bathtub or shower in good working condition, and properly connected to a water and sewer system; every kitchen sink, lavatory basin and bathtub or shower required under this chapter shall be properly connected with both hot and cold water lines.
(2) Every dwelling shall have water heating facilities which are properly installed, are maintained in a safe and good working condition, are properly connected with the required hot water lines and meet other requirements of the Building Code, and are capable of heating water to such a temperature as to permit an adequate amount of water to be drawn at every required kitchen sink, lavatory basin, bathtub or shower at a temperature not less than 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
(3) Every dwelling unit shall have adequate garbage disposal facilities or garbage containers and adequate rubbish disposal facilities or rubbish containers.
(4) All sanitary work shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the Ohio Basic Building Code; 4101:2-51 and all other State and City statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations relating thereto.
(5) All plumbing shall be properly installed and maintained in good sanitary working condition, free from defects, leaks and obstructions.
(6) Every water closet compartment floor surface and bathroom floor surface shall be constructed as required by the Building Code and maintained so as to be reasonably impervious to water and so as to permit such floor to be easily kept in a clean and sanitary condition.
(7) No dwelling or dwelling unit containing two or more sleeping rooms shall have such room arrangements that access to a bathroom or water closet compartment intended for use by occupants of more than one sleeping room can be had only by going through another sleeping room, nor shall room arrangements be such that access to a sleeping room can be had only by going through another sleeping room or a bathroom or water closet compartment. (Ord. 6-90. Passed 2-5-90.)