(a)    The following shall be the rules, regulations, rates and amounts of reimbursements to all employees of the City of Lorain for expenses pertaining to municipal related business:
      (1)    Prior to departing for City of Lorain related business, estimate of expenses shall be presented and approved by the Appointing Authority and presented to the Auditor for certification that funds are appropriated and available. If the employee complies with above, they will then be permitted to depart at the expense of the City.
      (2)    In all instances, a person attending a convention, conference or seminar should obtain original receipts covering expenses and present them to the appointing authority and thereafter to the Auditor who shall be the custodian of the original receipts.
      (3)    In all cases, a maximum reimbursement for all travel expenses will be paid upon presentation of receipt from the lodging place of convention or conference. If lodging occurs other than on the actual site of the convention or conference, the maximum reimbursement shall be limited to the amount charged at United States General Service Administration per diem rates for Hotels of the City in which the travel has been requested.
      (4)    In all cases, receipts must be furnished for ledger expenses.
      (5)    In cases where a person is required to drive their personal car, an allowance will be paid to and from the site of the convention or conference. The mileage rate will be based on current IRS rate. The point of origin in all cases shall be 200 West Erie Avenue, Lorain or employee residence, whichever is closest. Mileage verification will be based upon a method selected by the appointing authority, and the documentation must be attached. Bus or cab fare will only be reimbursed for travel to and from the airport, hotel and conference sites.
      (6)    In cases where a person is required to fly, airfares shall be approved by appointing authority, not to exceed the value of travel of a single coach rate.
         A.    Requirements for reward pooling: It is hereby declared that frequent flyer travel rewards points accumulated on two or less round trips per year is de minimus and no action need be taken by the employee. In the event that an employee travels more than two (2) round trips where they would acquire frequent traveler rewards points, they will arrange for central pooling of those points if it is possible to do so. If such central pooling cannot be accomplished, the employee is directed not to identify a frequent reward program on that travel reservation so as to personally accumulate such points.
      (7)    When traveling and travel requires an overnight stay all reimbursements for meals and incidental expenses will be in accordance with United States General Service Administration per diem rates inclusive of gratuities, a person may be reimbursed only for meal expenses incurred outside their county of headquarters and more than forty (40) miles from both their headquarters and their residence. Meal reimbursement for a full calendar day does not require an allocation for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
         A.   When a person is on overnight travel status for a full calendar day (that is, travel both preceded and followed by an overnight stay), their actual meal expenses may be reimbursed up to the United States General Service Administration (USGSA) per diem rate for the city of travel.
         B.    A prorated reimbursement schedule shall be as determined by the appointing authority. Only seventy-five percent (75%) shall be paid for the first and last day of travel for meals and incidental expenses in accordance with USGSA per diem rates.
      (8)   Parking and registration fees in connection with attending a convention, conference or seminar will be honored upon presentation of paid receipts.
   (b)    Personal telephone calls, entertainment, and alcoholic beverages and other expenses not outlined in subsection (a) hereof are not considered valid travel expenditures and
will not be reimbursed. (Ord. 115-13. Passed 5-6-13.)